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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. 1. We passed Malmo and Moscow and are now one point out of Davos' playoff spot. CAN WE DO IT? Maybe, even if I'm selling. but things aren't good for now. 2. Warsaw currently holds the league lead. Who do you see winning the cup? They actually could win it. Their offense is on another planet. 3. Is there anyone else thinking that @RedSus might break the all time TPE record? Not a lot of chances. We have a bit lesser TPE to get from compared to S60's. 4. If I eat myself will I become twice as big or just disappear?(hedge asked for a science question, well here it is) the fat belly is the only thing that will remain from you. 5. Do babies poop in the womb? too lazy to come up with an answer tbh. 6. Would you rather own a horse the size of a cat or a cat the size of a mouse? mouse sized cat
  2. damage control szn welcome to Riga @kentakira! but sad stuff, trading such an active locker room member like @MattyIce sucks for real. good luck in Helsinki!
  3. you sold me Kendrick's goalie for a first which turned to be useless anyways. also I remember when you were doing a lotto first for three lower first round picks trades. I guess we can say you were so ahead of your time, nowadays this type of trade would be a very good for anyone who does that.
  4. the guy who kickstarted my gm career by one single trade.
  5. ofc this imbecile ass sim engine is doing absolutely horrible job. just get hacked already and get lost
  6. fuck off. useless season this is some people like me are losing any interest to a whole season
  7. I was one game away from calling this sim a decent. We need to erase that nonsense game against NY. @youloser1337 can have a hat trick tnough.
  8. 1. We're finally stringing some Ws together! Is it time to climb the standings? Last two sims were EEEKKK. this sim can stop doing some dumb stuff and give us what we deserve. 2. What the heck, the LA Stars are winning? Is this a fluke? Not really? Roque Davis stimulus. 3. Is there any certain Reigner you could see having a really hot second half? Uhmm.....Harvey. 4. What is something popular that annoys you? I'm only annoyed by sths and it's not popular. 5. If you could invite 3 people to dinner, living or dead, who would they be? have no idea honestly. 6. What is the weirdest smell you have ever smelled? spoiled milk with a choco cereal
  9. I know I shouldn't worry much about the future. but right now I'm pissed about this abomination of sims. I didn't make trades and convincing Matt to sign with us for THAT kind of performance.
  10. Maybe this pathetic cocksucking fuckup can do something besides giving us 2 losses against Moscow in 2 days. This sim needs to be thrown out to the trash for the crap it's pulling on us so far.
  11. where's my vomit bag? garbage ass game
  12. imagine if this post was made back in the days when portal didn't exist yet and gm's had to post trades by themselves.
  13. oh wow we're scroing goals. good morning simon. Zod with the 6 assist sim and McLaren with DaMoose giving Seattle a headache. finally a sim I can be happy with.
  14. 1. Yes, um, sims happened. Thoughts? no comments. 2. There have been some crazy up and downs in the standings recently. Who do you think comes out on top? tbh I don't even watch the standings, that's how shit this sths is. 3. Who will lead Riga in scoring this season? Zod currently has the lead seems like any of defensmans is gonna continue to try. 4. Who has the best profile pic on the team? Can be forum or discord Loser's discord avy is interesting. 5. Do you eat or drink soup? eat. 6. What came first; the chicken or the egg? The Big Bang.
  15. too polite thread. that piece of crap simon deserves more harsh words
  16. Hard to pest about it cause we all know sim is a fucked bitch.
  17. It was nice 24 seasons of GM'ing, but I don't wanna deal with this stupidity from this broken ass engine.
  18. simon can choke on my nuts for this negative abomination of a sim
  19. If only he would put the results to a public eye smh
  20. 1. trades and FA is cool in the offseason. the rest of that is boring 2. sleeping. isn't it obvious? 3. Lots of good teams. Some stacked teams like Chicago or Warsaw. Well rounded teams like ours. Flashy offense like Helsinki. 4. whole English language vocabulary. 5. Matt Thunder by telling him he had a 7 point game. Evil prankster out there, I know. 6. I'll mute you out of the AGM spot. kidding
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