The S42 draft was so bad that after like the first 4 picks there was no one. A few things to LOL out, one being @flyersfan1453 ran this draft when he was a commish for 5 seconds. Two, @boubabi's Stockholm Vikings chose the worst draft ever to have 5 1st round picks in, as none of those picks were in the top five, and I don't believe a single one of those 1st rounders actually became a good player. I also want to LOL at Boubabi's "cousin" @Gigga-Bijou. Actually now that I'm looking I believe that Severin Von Karma and Benjamin Zeptembergs at least turned into decent players in the second round. But still, what a horrible draft for the Vikings to have a boatload of picks in. Thank god for the recruiting efforts now and drafts actually being a few rounds deep of solid prospects, the league sucked when drafts were boring and no fun because it was all inactives.