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VHL Santa

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Status Replies posted by VHL Santa

  1. OMG santa is flying across the top of the forum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. BREAKING: bigAL NOT BIG. Scientifically proven by @dasbooton the BootCast. Check it out on VSN this week!

    1. VHL Santa

      VHL Santa

      It's ok big guy, I'll let you in on a secret... I'm not really Santa

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. Wait. Is Santa essential? 


    1. VHL Santa

      VHL Santa

      @Doomsday put it in a to go bag, but replace the milk with stout and cookies with wings. Someone's been telling lies about what Santa likes

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  4. Wait. Is Santa essential? 


    1. VHL Santa

      VHL Santa

      @GustavMattias COVID isn't the only thing Santa's gonna be spreading this Christmas!



      Cheer, I'll be spreading cheer! And I think we can all agree a little COVID is worth that?

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  5. Last day of the VHL Scavenger Hunt. Make sure to read the rules, because Santa is only checking this list once, and that's tomorrow!

  6. If you sent a link to today's image and are worried about me not responding, check to see if I have read it. If I have and haven't responded, that means you got it!

  7. Ho! Ho! Ho!


    Forget the milk and cookies, let's get that money for those less fortunate. Today is the last day to bid in the VHL Holiday Charity Auction. If none of those suit your fancy, a donation in our Holiday Charity Drive might be more to your liking!


    Remember, all proceeds through the VHL PayPal get split evenly among Food Banks Canada and Feeding America, so if you can spare it, every little bit counts!


    PS - Rudolph says hi!

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