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Posts posted by Advantage

  1. Mexico City Kings Press Conference 

    *Answer all six questions for 2 Capped TPE*


    1. Have you been following NHL these Playoffs? If so, who is your team?

    2. Thoughts on the recent VHLE announcement?

    3. Management is going to have the site LR up in the next couple of days.  Will you use it?

    4. PC, Xbox, PS or Nintendo?

    5. You get to create a franchise in the VHL, what is their name?

    6. Best moment from your Hockey career so far?



    @duckberg32 @Darth Kaprizov @ThatsGreissy @Spade18 @Suzuki14 @Mattylive3k @Thunfish @iyog @GoldGear88

  2. 1 hour ago, McWolf said:


    Are we adding two Swedish franchises on top of Malmo?

    Yeah I'm not as big on that either.  




    1. Cologne

    2. Vasteras

    3. Bratislava

    4. Kolari (need logo tho)

    5. Bern

    6. Rome/Paris/St Petersburg 

  3. 2 hours ago, scoop said:

    This is very likely true.

    Yeah with the amount of Welfare+PF for 6 TPE a week out there...it definitely will take a little time for some.


    Those who hit the 12/12 every week won't spend much (or potentially any) time there though.

  4. 1 hour ago, bigAL said:

    Can I do a bit of "how did we get here?" with the E League, using quotes from the forum (with professional discretion ofc)? I just don't want to step out of my lane when pulling back the curtain of Area 51.

    I dont see that being invasive.  Honestly man there were never really any rules.  I sorta used my own judgment and just generally left people's names out of quotes for most ideas (which I'm not even sure I had to).  I just didn't want someone having an idea outed to the league and then have people jump all over them for It.


    The response has been pretty positive so I think you are all good there.

  5. Hey I just wanted to be open about this.  I haven't had a lot of motivation for these articles lately (feels more like a chore).  I'd love to see someone continue on with the idea if people want it but I think I have to switch it up to get some of that media spot motivation back.



  6. 7 hours ago, Fire Vigneault said:


    FWIW, this is another reason to announce it now, since there are GMs in here. Either that or we do what we did with expansion and tell only GMs and they're not allowed to tell under penalty of having to play on Davos or NY.

    I already suffer that pain :(

  7. Mexico City Kings Press Conference 

    *Answer all six questions for 2 Capped TPE*


    1. Thoughts on the team going into the season?

    2. What kind of goals have you set out for this year?

    3. What are your expectations for yourself in your career?

    4. Who will be our biggest rival this season?

    5. Who should be team captain?

    6. Is everything going okay mentally from the pandemic?



    @duckberg32 @ThatsGreissy @Darth Kaprizov @Spade18 @iyog @Thunfish @GoldGear88 @masher @Mattylive3k @Suzuki14

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