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Posts posted by Advantage

  1. image0.thumb.jpg.06c83903df58d919f9eb639d7b4474e2.jpg


    Hey @jRuutu, hope all is well!


    As the General Manager of the Mexico City Kings, I want to let you know how much I would love to see you play for our team.  Just last year, Tui Sova had an amazing year after putting the same faith in me.


    With the way our draft shaped up, I have the ability to offer you Top Pairing Minutes with an abundance of PP and PK time.  You would be set up for success as my anchor on the backend, and I believe being a member of the Kings will give you the best chance for a standout season.  We have an elite goalie and a great forward group.  We just need that backend to come together, and I think you are one of the missing pieces!


    If you are interested, let me know by quoting this with #KingsoftheWorld.  

  2. image0.thumb.jpg.23f9d455c29b3c026c1d656d5bd7c5d6.jpg


    Hey @masherwelcome to the VHL!  Awesome to see you and your bother venturing into our league.


    I have been in the VHL for over 50 season and are currently the GM of the Mexico City Kings of the VHLM.  We have an excellent goaltender and some really talented forwards, but could use another piece to our core.  I think that could be you and I'm willing to offer Top Six Minutes with PP Opportunities.


    I feel this offer will set you up strongly for a great season while we try to compete for a Founder's Cup.


    If you have interest, please reply to this article with #KingsoftheWorld.


    If you have any questions or concerns please let me know, but otherwise I hope you pick us.

  3. image0.thumb.jpg.6c28d8751cec9879b8e4200c8e235a78.jpg


    Hey @MexicanCow123


    I know you probably have a few potential favorites in the VHLM, but I'd love to see you in Mexico City.


    We have an elite goalie and a solid forward group already that would only benefit from having you.  I can offer top line minutes with PP/PK and maybe some extra stuff on the side.


    #MEXICANKINGS if interested.  

  4. image0.thumb.jpg.0082b285ee2d11e707e5c0b7164554c4.jpg


    Hey @Mattylive3k (fellow SBA member here)


    wanted to send this message in hopes that you will sign with the Mexico City Kings this year.  I am looking for another defenseman for our team this year and can even offer Top Pairing Minutes with PP and PK time. 


    I believe you would be set up for success here as we have an outstanding goalie and some great forwards around you as well.  


    Hope you consider us, and if you are Interested please reply to this post with #KingsoftheWorld.

  5. image0.thumb.jpg.137f0b22e603a5d26606b609bb07a5f1.jpg


    Hello @Suzuki14 (my fellow Habs fan I can only assume)


    I wanted to send this message in hopes that you will sign with the Mexico City Kings this year.  I am looking for another forward to complete our young core and I think you could be it.  At this time I can offer you a Top 6 Role with PP time guaranteed!  With consistent play I could see you being a piece on our top line in no time just like a few of our recruits did last season.


    I believe you would be set up for success here as we have an outstanding goalie and some great forwards around you as well.


    Hope you consider us, and if you are Interested please reply to this post with #KingsoftheWorld.

  6. image0.thumb.jpg.7b25cfcc75f03d03faf32ecf65334ce4.jpg


    Hello @Lilith_Lunar


    As the General Manager of the Mexico City Kings, I want to let you know how much I would love to see you play for our team.  Just last year, Tui Sova had an amazing year after putting the same faith in me.


    With the way our draft shaped up, I have the ability to offer you #1 D Minutes with an abundance of PP and PK time.  You would be set up for success as my anchor on the backend, and I believe being a member of the Kings will give you the best chance for a standout season.  We have an elite goalie and a great forward group.  We just need that backend to come together, and I think you are the major missing piece.


    If you are interested, let me know by quoting this with #KingsoftheWorld.  

  7. On 5/11/2021 at 6:51 PM, Berocka said:

    1. What is your players nickname when on the ice?

    2. If your player wasn't playing ice hockey what sport would they be playing?

    3. Did your player have a back up career if the VHL didn't work out?

    4. If the VHL brought in injuries as a possibility what do you think is the longest someone should be able to be injured for?

    5. Who do you think should captain the squad this season?

    6. We had two newbies come up to the big leagues what is the Davos hazing ritual?

    @Big Dee@Advantage @Grape @Berocka@Kmatt @jimmyallen93 @Brrbisbrr @WebberP@Duddy @Azlan @Ricer13@efiug

    1. Texas Ranger

    2. Probably football.  He played LB in High School.

    3. Not really.  Always lived life on the edge.

    4. 10 games maybe.  I wouldn't

    really support the idea as a whole though.

    5. Whoever the coach thinks.

    6. I feel we have a pretty lax team outside of making them get dinner for the boys.


  8. 35 minutes ago, Acydburn said:

    We can go back to it and try it for another season. There has been turn over in the M since the last time it was done. So it's possible things things have changed and there would be more discussion, not sure. As far as who was left off the ballot. I honestly would like to know who you felt should he on there that wasn't. Most of the awards are pretty straight forward with the exception of two way forward. That I usually look at the hits and shots blocked in comparison to points and +/-.

    Shaggy Tipton had his Mexico City games missed which put him at 98 points and quite a few more hits and sb to put him well above any defensemen and imo a MVP candidate.  The bigger one was Miamis goalie getting missed in Playoff MVP when he towered all other goalies and had numbers that would be the best during regular season as well.

  9. 37 minutes ago, Beketov said:

    I mean would the BOG, which primarily doesn’t pay attention to the M, be much better?

    Probably not.  I'm more or less saying it's too bad the VHLM GMs don't care enough about it to have meaningful discussion.  I thought that was a good course of action when we took it.

  10. 4 hours ago, Devise said:

    Yeah I'm in favor of the alteration Gus mentioned. Adding one inactive slot to account for the potential of life/other things coming into play so as to not unfairly put a team in a harsh position. While also allowing us to do some culling of the limited inactives remaining. Maybe add a rule that the same player can't be on your inactive list for X many seasons in a row as well. Honestly after 2 seasons, you've had your chance to either bring them back or unfortunately something in real life happened and we gave you time to prepare that way too. 

    Also in favour of Gus' suggestion.  I think it helps solve the issue temporarily and doesn't completely cripple someone like Warsaw.

  11. On 5/11/2021 at 1:53 PM, Acydburn said:

    It was only done for one season and most GMs didn't seem to be about it. 


    You would only have 2-3 for the discussion but would still have to do the ballot in the same way. With all the time constraints it didn't seem successful. 

    Thats too bad.  I feel like we miss out on a lot (ie: missed people on ballots and such).



  12. 57 minutes ago, Mike said:

    Dang I gave up on this ever happening.  Honored to be back in the VHL HOF.  I remember how much fun I've had in the VHL over the years being totally dedicated and immersed.  Met some really great people and have interacted with hundreds of VHLers.  I'll never be as dedicated and active as I used to be.  I'm just really happy to see how well the VHL is doing and know that at one point I was a big part toward contributing to where it is today.

    Well deserved old rival.

  13. 2 hours ago, Beketov said:

    Does anyone have any qualms if we move forward with @Quik’s proposal to chill out the space problem as a short term implementation this season? If it does the job on its own we can continue discussing the E league without any real time constraints and if it doesn’t… we’ll then we gotta ramp up the conversation. But no matter what I think it makes sense as a starting off point.

    I think this makes sense as long as we keep discussing the E league as obviously something more will likely be needed soon.


    But I also think rushing the third league could have a negative impact as well.

  14. Mexico City Kings Press Conference 

    *Answer all six questions for 2 Capped TPE*


    1. With the off-season ongoing, are you looking forward to next year?

    2. What kind of goals have you set out for next year?

    3. What was your favourite place to hang out in Mexico City?

    4. Thoughts on the new logo?

    5. Where do you think you'll go in your draft(s) this off-season?

    6. Who is taking the Playoffs?



    @scoop @v.2 @McKelvie @duckberg32 @DrummerBoy15 @ThatsGreissy @Darth Kaprizov @Yolo @Shane Laz @Baby Boomer @Swazy

  15. On 4/28/2021 at 12:51 AM, GustavMattias said:

    For the week ending 5/2:


    1. Now that Davos is out of the playoffs, is there any team in particular that you'd like to see win a championship? Is there a team that you'd like to win any less than the others?

    2. Today I nominated Tyler Walker for the league's most improved award! It was close, but in the end I picked him over my own player, Taro Tsujimoto. Did I make the right choice? Take a look at their stats from last season and this season.

    3. "Flex" (the amount of force required to make a stick bend a certain amount) is an important characteristic of hockey sticks, and one that pro players take seriously. How much flex do you want your stick to have--do you like it to bend easily or not?

    4. What's something you've done that you're proud of?

    5. Tell me an embarrassing story about yourself (real or fake).

    6. What's your favorite "natural" food--something that you could grow or produce yourself without much or any processing?


    @Big Dee@Advantage @Grape @Berocka@Kmatt @jimmyallen93 @Brrbisbrr @WebberP@Duddy @Azlan @Ricer13@efiug

    1. Nah only us.  I hate every other team.

    2. Yes, you made the best possible choice.

    3. 95 for me.  Bit of a hybrid flex.

    4. Made the HOF with 2 players and myself as a builder.

    5. I once had a breakaway in a 4th overtime of a championship hockey game and slipped as I went to shoot and the team came back down and scored.

    6. Potatoes.

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