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Posts posted by Advantage

  1. 9 minutes ago, Acydburn said:

     So that's something I'm on the fence about. I was going to put it, but every GM is in the discussion unlike BOG. I don't want folks to be upset or flame if there is a discussion about it and they're mentioned/not etc. So I've been going back and forth. If you guys want it we can.

    That's fair I guess.  I just look at it like if we all are adults about it we should be able to separate who was best.  I think we already saw some good discussion in the main thread.  I'd try it and I guess if people can't be adults, you do that award privately next year?

  2. It would be hard to ignore Berlins votes..




    Bank it.  3/3 split of new and old


    And if someone says Stockholm over Bratislava..it makes more sense vote wise but having the league be 4/6 Swedish and German is kinda weird.

  3. 1. What kind of noise do you see us making in the playoffs?

    2. Predict Round 1 vs Yukon

    3. Who needs to be the MVP of the series for us to beat Yukon?

    4. Who was our MVP during the season?

    5. Best highlight of the season for yourself?

    6. The Kings have a ton of draft picks this offseason...Who would you like to see management bring in?


    Answer all of these for 2 TPE!!



    @Pengu @duckberg32  @JCV  @Suzuki14  @iyog  @Mattylive3k  @Patty  @DeeGoat  @ThatsGreissy  @GoldGear88  @Thunfish  @Spade18

  4. 2 hours ago, Victor said:

    I know there's an updated version of Vasteras and of the Red Wolves (which will be being used for Istanbul). I don't want to ask for any others yet before the 6 teams are finalised but would agree that updates will be welcome.


  5. 5 hours ago, Victor said:

    Apologies for being unresponsive to this, not been around much this weekend.


    Suspect like Bek said that Berlin Steel fell through the cracks by virtue of not being as openly bad as Berlin Blitz, but also annoying that the criticism came at the poll stage and not the logo making stage - which was very public.


    Regardless, @Acydburn and I had a chat and have decided to take Berlin off the final poll entirely - so I'll also give a quick official response to the situation when I post that up. In purely practical terms it comes down to there not being a Berlin concept anyone seems to love entirely (which isnt offensive) and Germany already being represented with Cologne. It's a shame but this seems to be a recurring thing with German teams - I know it was quite a difficult process coming up with a good name for Rayz' planned expansion team which ended up being Warsaw.

    Sadly a lot of German culture that we know is not positive sadly outside of some of the current options that may not fit a team name.


    Hell I said to @Deviseand Jericho I half expect someone to complain about the Express since it's a train and the victims of the Holocaust were often transported by train.  I hope no one goes there but I wouldn't even be surprised at this point.


    Any idea if we want to freshen up some of the older logos...I figure we probably would have already if these teams stayed in the league all along.

  6. 2 hours ago, Pengu said:

    @Advantage @Alex_J32 @InstantRockstar Going to be honest, I don't plan max earning as hard as possible but I'll probably earn slowly, and some times will collect welfare! If thats okay let me know

    That is okay my man!!


    Everyone earns at their own rate and Mexico City is filled with a mix of 12 tpe a week guys and welfare guys.  All can be successful and I like to provide guidance regardless 


    You'll also go into the draft at the end of the season anyway.  Just an opportunity to get you in some games!

  7. 2 hours ago, MattyIce said:

    Switzerland and France have many options.


    I personally like going for smaller markets.


    Lausanne - Switzerland

    Chamonix - France


    Richer hockey histories.


    Maybe Mannheim instead of Cologne?  Keeping the Express name surely

    I dont see Cologne changing but the others are possibilities for sure.

  8. Wouldn't hate another Finnish team to bring that rivalry.  Turku, Lahti, etc.


    Cologne - Germany

    Vasteras - Sweden

    Bratislava - Slovakia

    Turku/Lahti - Finland

    Bern - Switzerland

    Paris - France


    Would be my 6 I think.

  9. 12 minutes ago, GustavMattias said:

    Yeah, adding onto this...


    Do I think the tank logo was drawn up or voted for because our community supports Nazi Germany? Absolutely not. Do I think the logo was meant to represent Nazi Germany? Also no. Obviously, if you voted for it because you think it does, fuck off. But I would like to agree with the point that we shouldn't be representing Germany and mid-20th-century military technology with the same logo. The connection doesn't take a big leap of logic to make, even if it's unintentional.


    We changed the Mexico City logo because it wasn't meant to be insensitive, but it could certainly be interpreted as such. This is certainly the case here and I don't want to see it in the running anymore now that these points have been raised and I agree with them (and I should hope the league as a whole is able to reconsider the way the vote has gone here, as I have. I think I voted for Steel originally because I didn't like Foxes but never mind about that one). 

    Yeah this is a better way to say what I was trying to say.

  10. Any concerns with some of the reactions regarding the Berlin Steel and the history of Germany?


    I hadn't really thought of it until I read some people voicing displeasure, but I can see why they'd like to see that not end up a team name.

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