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Posts posted by Advantage

  1. 6 minutes ago, bigAL said:

    I’m sorry whoever this ends up being, I know life gets in the way, but the jailor is bad. They exist but I’ll keep my thoughts as to why they’re missing in action til after. 

    Jailor we NEEEED a kill today. Barzal is a good one. If Jericho is bad, Devise is a good one. Maybe even keeping Gus from spreading whatever venereal disease he’s got would be good. 

     leia organa GIF by Star Wars

    I'd lean to Barzal or Devise myself.  I'm not convinced either are town.


    In fact..no chance Devise is..imo.


    But yea don't think he can kill now.

  2. 14 minutes ago, Goliathus said:

    Okay good, then the jailor needs to get some evils into the jail and shoot. We miss a hang on day 2 and evils are running rampant out there. 1 hang a day isn't enough if there's PB or vampire or whatever kind of "faction spreading" evil.

    Can he even execute anymore after he took out Rory N2?


     If you execute a Townie, a message ("You have slain a town member so you can't attack again.") will be shown to you every time you jail a person. You will lose your remaining executions as well.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Jericho said:

    But not on night 1.


    I never said we didn't have a jailor, in fact I claimed to be jailed twice 

    Yeah at the end of the day tho, you still seem incredibly guilty and haven't really given us reason to think otherwise.

  4. 36 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:

    We've got plenty of time to change a vote. Change yours. You know Jericho is the more pressing vote.

    I dont think we do tbh.


    Barzal - 6 (Berocka, Advantage, BigAL, Jericho, Gustav, Devise)
    Devise - 1 (NSG)
    Jericho - 2 (Ptyrell, Barzal)


    Jericho won't vote himself and Devise says he's innocent so he won't vote him.  That means even if everyone else converted from Barzal to Jericho, we'd only be at 5.


    I think we need to just go full in on Barzal or we won't be hanging someone and we can't have that.

  5. 18 minutes ago, KaleebtheMighty said:

    Thank you all for this amazing award!! It certainly made my night, and I am incredibly honored to be a part of that exclusive membership of Frederik Elmebeck trophy winners!

    As someone who 100% voted for you (idc if it's public) you were incredibly deserving and are an incredible asset to our community.

  6. 11 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:

    Can someone make a list of who hasn't voted for Doom, as well as the last few who voted?

    Conveniently, Mr. Big Brain Jericho (who was in this thread a lot today) never voted for anyone.  Could be an innocent slip..or well ya kno..I believe this is two straight for him where he hasn't.

  7. 33 minutes ago, bigAL said:

    Literally only bad things. 

    Very possible. 

    I think we’re dealing with Vampires and/or Plaguebearer. We done fucked up by not lynching anyone yesterday. Who do we start with today? We’ve got votes on Dooms but is he the most dangerous here? I fucking hate vampires. 

    I say we go Doom today and can look to others tomorrow.


    Any idea where we wanna put TP?



  8. 8 minutes ago, Jericho said:

    Yo jailor, you should jail Big Al again since nothing happened last night, assuming he was telling the truth about being jailed. If nothing happens two nights in a row that would make an easy lynch

    This could be true.  This also sounds like it's coming from someone else's words.

  9. 24 minutes ago, Ricer13 said:

    Jericho also lying about being jailed….

    He did claim N1 to be jailed.  Did he claim any others?  I guess if he didn't get his trap off, he must be claiming it.


    I'm at the point where I think we have a few suspects.  Doom and Jericho stand out.  I'd like to hear from some others I tagged last night.

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