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Posts posted by Advantage

  1. 10 minutes ago, bigAL said:

    Shit no UNVOTE RICER


    Osens had Dooms as evil in two visions, that’s uhhhhhhhhhh not good for him

    It does look weird.


    I also noticed @BarzalGoat looking at the thread for a bit after I tagged everyone to vote but he didn't.. which makes me think he may not have wanted to vote Doomsday in order to keep him from being Lynched. just speculation of course.


    Need to hear from a few others too.  


    Anyone have a claim list?

  2. 2 hours ago, NSG88 said:



    Montgomery, the minor league baseball team I was rooting for, won 7-2. One guy made his Double A debut and his first hit was a grand slam. Good stuff. 

    Are you keeping vote Ricer with Flexs will going against what Doom said?

  3. Changing my vote to DOOM.


    I think Ricer saved himself with that correction and with Flex Will confirming it.


    If any TP can go on me tonight, I would appreciate so I don't have to use self heal so early..cause I could be a target now that I've come out.



  4. 12 minutes ago, GustavMattias said:

    I'm OK with Berocka's claim for now...but check out unknowns and keep us posted. 


    @Advantage what are you? I'd be inclined to vote Ricer based on what you've just said but I think I have to trust you a bit more first.

    That's fine.  I am the Doctor.


    N1 - Heal Ricer

    N2 - Heal Jericho


    I figured N1 @N0HBDYir someone who doesn't trust Ricer in the past may go for him so just in case he is good, I'd Heal him.


    Wasn't sure who to go on N2 outside of some of the more vocal potential Townies.


    So not only did I not visit Doom...I visited the person claiming I did.

  5. 35 minutes ago, Ricer13 said:

    I am the Medium.


    Here is my will:



    Spartan - Jester *claims sheriff and OMG not sus N1*

    MMMFlex - Lookout *ADV Visited Doom on N1*

    Rory - Psychic

    OMG - I was Crusader. Was on Berocka N1 and BigAL N2. I also attacked someone last night (although AL wasn't attacked), but no one died, so either the visitor got healed or they are a non-attacking role with defense

    I did not visit Doom N1 so thats bs.

  6. 1. With our season over, what are your plans for the off-season?

    2. When a team beats you in the playoffs, do you prefer to see them win the cup or fall short the next round?

    3. What are your goals for next season?

    4. What six VHLE cities do you want to see represented?

    5. Tampa Bay Lightning are up 2-0 on Montreal.  Any chance Habs come back?

    6. Describe your season in 3 words.


    @Pengu @duckberg32 @JCV @Suzuki14 @iyog @Mattylive3k @Patty @DeeGoat @ThatsGreissy @GoldGear88 @Spade18 @Thunfish

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