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Posts posted by Advantage

  1. 1 hour ago, MMFLEX said:

    Pretty confident the CL sent Ricer to me since I was transported and had no real reason to me. My guess was they thought Doom was gonna shoot me and wanted it to hit someone else.


    Also no Vet kill when hatty said he was going on Advantage?


    Lynch me today and I'll haunt Advantage.

    He only said he'd go on me if Sens was CL, which he wasn't.

  2. image0.png.944b31ce63323ff6133aca13e0bdf484.png


    As the General Manager of the Mexico City Kings, I want to let you know how much I would love to see you play for our team.  Just last year, Tui Sova had an amazing year after putting the same faith in me.  We have been waiting for a defenseman to come our way that could play on the top pairing for our team, and you have now come before us with this opportunity.


    With the way our season has shaped up, I have the ability to offer you #1 Pairing Minutes with an abundance of PP and PK time.  You would be set up for success as my anchor on the backend, and I believe being a member of the Kings will give you the best chance for a standout season. We have a great goalie and a young but talented offense but have been struggling on defense with only one really solid defenseman back there.  We believe you joining our team will shore up that weakness while giving you the best chance to play an incredible amount of minutes.


    If you are interested, let me know by quoting this with #KingsoftheWorld.  

  3. 52 minutes ago, WentzKneeFan036 said:

    Getting jester vibes from him atm


    I am going to Vote Advantage


    to push him for a role, lefty and hatter are next

    Okay so now that I'm done work (gotta drive home so won't be around for next hour till I do to respond).


    I've been laying low to not make myself a target but I am the Veteran.  I'll probably have to protect myself tonight just to be sure Mafia/Coven (I still don't get this part) don't attack me.


    Hope this helps and clears my name.



  4. 4 minutes ago, WentzKneeFan036 said:

    Getting jester vibes from him atm


    I am going to Vote Advantage


    to push him for a role, lefty and hatter are next

    I'll be on shortly.  Just at work until 5 pm est so haven't been able to post.

  5. Just now, Devise said:

    Also for those wondering, actual game role reveals here.


    Jericho is the Jailor (J for Jailor, remember it)

    Chris is the Crusader 

    Advantage is the Arsonist

    Devise is the Duplicator

    @WentzKneeFan036 is the Jailor 



    Easiest way to know I'm not a Crusader is I haven't killed any fellow Townies yet.

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