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  1. Like
    Advantage reacted to Will in RIG/QUE ; S44 off-season   
    He thinks you for that compliment 
  2. Like
    Advantage reacted to Renomitsu in How Did You Find the VHL?   
    Played in Madden Madness, which I got into because of Advantage (<3)
    Got into VHL briefly, then took a looooooooooong break (3 years? 4 years?), and came back. c:
  3. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from jRuutu in S44 Discussion Thread   
    So some good news is that I am done work for the summer gents.
    That means I can get back to making this the best LR in the league.  I will be working on updating the team's all-time statistics, retire a few numbers this off-season and also updating awards.
    We have a great opportunity this upcoming year and with a bright future, we can afford to take a shot at a cup here before a lot of our rookie contracts become a little more expensive as they become prime ones.
  4. Like
    Advantage reacted to Devise in RIG/COL ; S44 off-season   
    I guess. The way I see it, now only Riga, New York, Davos, Riga, Calgary, Toronto, Cologne, Helsinki, Seattle, get what they want. So everyone is happy.  
  5. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from jRuutu in S44 Discussion Thread   
    It will definitely be a big change.  With Quebec rebuilding, we will undoubtedly be in a race with Calgary to win the NA.
  6. Like
    Advantage reacted to Devise in Global Hockey League   
    Good day!
    Advantage and I (well mostly me) are creating a new GM only hockey league. We were motivated by the re-draft for fun that Boubabi is currently running. We came upon the idea before then when we realized we wanted to do some sort of Be a GM like in NHL but together each controlling different teams. While the GM Connected mode does exist in one older NHL game it wasn't a feature they explored. Plus it was buggy and slow and shit anyways.
    The Global Hockey League is going to be a fantasy league that uses real life NHL players with STHS. STHS has an updated NHL league file that they keep updated roughly once every 3 months or so. There will be 10 teams, each fake teams representing the North American Conference and the Intercontinental Conference. We will be getting our own forum up and running here within the week. 
    Getting players to your team will involve fantasy re-drafts of specific NHL seasons, with the first re-draft spanning the 2000-2005 season. Advantage and myself are customizing the drafts so that there is an even number of players. I'll get a link to the forum when we have rules and all that up there but most of the specifics are all worked out so if you have any questions feel free to PM me.
    Right now I just wanted to know who is interested. Advantage and I are willing to GM two of the teams, which means to start we need 8 more teams. We have plans to allow expansion into the system in the first three seasons so if we get enough interest we will gladly welcome 2 more. So post here if your interested.
    I stress that this is not a point task league. You don't have to do media spots, or any point tasks of any kind. There is no TPE and no way to update your players. This is for those of you who enjoy fantasy drafting and GMing, and a way to creatively do that in a league with players you'd be familiar with and know. But with a twist in determining teams.
    So post away, once we have 8 names who are interested I'll send a PM to you all with the forum link when it's up and we can get started. I look to have this up and running with our first draft completed by the end of August.  
  7. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from jRuutu in S44 Discussion Thread   
    Well that was expected.  We are only getting better though
  8. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from jRuutu in S44 Discussion Thread   
    And it is done.
    Multiple parts (which fucking sucks but...)..
    Mikaelson, Wolf and Wylde will all be New York Americans by deadline next season (Mikaelson will come for start of the season).
  9. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from Phil in HOF Articles   
    I had part of it written up but I'll let Smarch take it.  Not too concerned.  I might pick up another one and actually write it come school time since I'll be less busy.
  10. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from jRuutu in S44 Discussion Thread   
    So with that we miss one year of playoffs during the rebuild.
    I think New York has made the playoffs something like 20 of the last 24 seasons now.
  11. Like
    Advantage reacted to Tagger in Claimed:Ron Dayne III is a Rocket League God and a Snowboarder [Final 6/6]   
    I've been told this is the Atlas Shrugged of slopes. I don't know what that means. 
    As of late people have started to notice that the usually vocal player agent Ron Dayne III, who currently represents the confrontational winger Edwin Reencarnacion, has not been heard from in a while. Some people had suggested that Reencarnacion had “inactivated” Dayne as his agent, but we received confirmation today that this is not the case. In fact, it is simply that Dayne has started to participate in more extra-curricular activities outside of his work with Reencarnacion, meaning that his time is more limited than it previously was. As it turns out, Dayne has become quite the avid snowboarder and has already taken part in ten hours’ worth of lessons just this week alone and he’s expected to spend just as much time on the slopes in the coming weeks. We managed to catch up with Dayne and ask him how his lessons were going:
    “Yeah, it’s actually going really good right now! Y’know over the first couple of hours that I put in on Wednesday, I was getting concerned about how much I was falling on my arse and it made me think for a sec’ that maybe this wasn’t going to be my thing. But then my weekend lessons came along and y’know, I don’t know whether it was the change in instructor or the longer lessons, but everything just seemed to click together. I’m actually now at the point where I’m allowed to go on the big slopes on my own (albeit only half way up) and by the end of next week, I hope to be given permission to start at the top of the big one!”

    The sport that has overtaken horse racing as "The Sport of Kings"
    It isn’t just snowboarding that’s been taking up more of Dayne’s VHL time though. As of this week, Dayne has also started to compete in Rocket League matches on the Sony Playstation 4 with Chris Miller and Ryan Power (representatives of rookie defensemen Benjamin Dupont and Thaddeus Humbert respectively). Referring to his team’s performance on the pitch, Dayne had nothing but praise for the pair:
    “We’re clicking really well out there at the minute. As you could probably guess I’m the one that does end up getting the most MVP awards at the end of the matches, but both of my teammates have been great in supplying me with the opportunities to put the ball into the back of the net on a regular basis. I’ve been on other teams with other players before and it is infinitely better playing with both Chris and Ryan just through the virtue of their being actual vocal communication between the three of us. We haven’t arranged any more fixtures thus far, but I am looking forward to playing with them again in the near future.”
  12. Like
    Advantage reacted to STZ in Are You Happy With Player Build Options?   
  13. Like
    Advantage reacted to Renomitsu in Giving sim leagues one more shot!   
    Hey all,
    Played in Madden Madness, briefly played in the 15th-ish to the 20th-ish season of VHL.
    Nothing's set in stone yet, but I had fond memories of participating in sim leagues before college, and I feel as though it's time again to give it another shot.
    I've always had a player named Hiro Renomitsu, once as a CB and once as a defenseman. My time is still slightly tighter than it was back in my MM/VHL days, but I'm looking forward to making a positive impact on the community & league as a whole.
  14. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from eaglesfan036 in Calling up Chuck Goody   
    From the Oslo Storm to the New York Americans.
  15. Like
    Advantage reacted to Nike in NYA/CGY ; S44   
    Thanks to Eagles and Advantage for making a move that'll keep me interested in the VHL. I was sick of juniors (no offense to D_A meant) and wanted to get a taste, even in a depth role.

    Happy to be a part of NY.
  16. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from jRuutu in NYA/CGY ; S44   
    To New York:
    D - Chuck Goody (S43)
    To Calgary:
    NYA S46 2nd Round Pick
    NYA S45 3rd Round Pick
    Nike wants to play in the VHL and I have enough cap space for him.  Not too concerned about losing the picks since I have most of my core together.
    I accept
  17. Like
    Advantage reacted to Tagger in Reencarnacion finds his footing on second line   
    After a hideous World Cup performance that saw Season 44 First Overall Selection Edwin Reencarnacion record zero points in 13 games, there was some concern as to whether the  absolutely woeful performances he brought to that tournament would carry over to the start of his VHL career. While he did score two goals in his first professional game, Reencarnacion failed to bring that level of performance on a consistent enough basis and this saw the Dominican rack up only seven points in his first 17 games. Seemingly showing his frustration at how inept Reencarnacion was looking on the ice, Americans GM Chris Miller decided to move him onto the second line with recent free agent acquisition Niklas Kurri and fellow VHL rookie Jorma Ruutu. As it turns out, this move has brought out the absolute best in Reencarnacion as he has gone on to score 25 points in his last 20 games. Should this continue, one would expect that Reencarnacion will make a genuine challenge for the Rookie of the Year award many had expected him to win prior to the start of the season, although he faces stiff competition from his teammate Ruutu along with Helsinki pair Thomas Duddy and Sooryuu Kaminogi.
  18. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from gorlab in Jerrick Poole Left in Limbo   
    Oh a shout out! This is why I have never made a two part trade in my time here and am always hesitant to when it is proposed.
  19. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from eaglesfan036 in VHLM Commissioner Change   
    Congrats Smarch.
    Thanks to Austin who did a lot of the heavy lifting after I got my new job.  Need to take a lesser role.Po
    Potentially more announcements on that front coming.
  20. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from Smarch in VHLM Commissioner Change   
    Congrats Smarch.
    Thanks to Austin who did a lot of the heavy lifting after I got my new job.  Need to take a lesser role.Po
    Potentially more announcements on that front coming.
  21. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from Higgins in VHLM Commissioner Change   
    Congrats Smarch.
    Thanks to Austin who did a lot of the heavy lifting after I got my new job.  Need to take a lesser role.Po
    Potentially more announcements on that front coming.
  22. Like
    Advantage reacted to eaglesfan036 in Contracting the VHLM (again)   
    Contract to 6 teams and make it so you can't trade draft picks. Each team would have 3 picks in first 18 players, so at least 2 to 3 new actives each season combined with waivers + actives from previous season. Four team playoffs, draft is a lottery for all 6 teams each year. No reason teams should tank for picks, ideally all 6 teams comete each year with a good amount of actives. Only negative is it might be less fun for gms
  23. Like
    Advantage reacted to Phil in GM 82: Cologne vs. Quebec   
    I would have called him Tyler Cunt... but it's too late. You missed you glorious chance. No give-sies back-sies.
  24. Like
    Advantage reacted to Higgins in GM 82: Cologne vs. Quebec   
    Live footage from a GoPro on DT head

  25. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from eaglesfan036 in S44 BRM/BRA   
    I got a 1st, 2nd and 3rd for Sullivan back in the day when I GM'd in the VHLM.
    ADV >
    Updated in Trade Tracker.
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