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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. Callum has reached the end of his stint in not-so-rural Saskatchewan and is north bound to the Yukon Territory, where he will be joining the Yukon Rush for the Junior Showcase Tournament. His dad assured him that said gathering of promising prospects is a good opportunity to attract the attention of VHLE and VHL GMs in search of new talent to bolster their roster. Cal-Gary has made his mind up and will hone his skills in Europe for one season before giving it a swing at the big show. After all, this recipe was a success for his old man, who had his Jersey retired by the Wranglers and is a potential first ballot HOFer. What was good enough for his pops will serve him just well. So he will pack his stuff, put it on his truck and drive to Yukon. After the JST, he will drive down to Vancouver, where Kurt will be taking him and Eilidh, his trusty '56 Ford F1 on board the 'Chancer' to make the passage to Europe. He does not have any favourites. His uncle and his dad played for Vasteras, Oslo and the now defunct Red Wolves. Cologne would be convenient as he knows the city already from his studies in Hamburg. Rome is also appealing as his granny is half-Italian. Bratislava and Stockholm also have a good reputation. So he is open to any of them, so long as they show interest and at least talk to him before acquiring his rights in the pending draft.
  2. I was already drafted by Saskatoon prior this season, (2nd Overall) but thanks for the vote of confidence
  3. Ricer has in the past organized a Chess tournament to while away the time. But if you feel like doing any activity and invite your VHL friends, no one will throw a spanner in the works
  4. 1. I think I bet on Davos so I am going to say 'Ronto (so Phil and Leandro have at least some Toronto success in their life times). 2. Of course. Stealing the odd game and providing a better than bot backup is essential. 3. Luckily that is not my decision to make, but having witnessed the excruciating rebuilds of Toronto and Helsinki, I tend to a more 'rip the band aid off' attitude. Besides allegedly Boga and The Frenchman are testing FA. Maybe we can have it both? 4. That is Heresy. 5. I would say Doomsday, Jacob and Leandro, but they hang around enough to not be missed overly (and I mean that in the best possible way) 6. I never understood why people would evacuate a perfectly airworthy airplane or jump from bridges just to be yoinked fractions of seconds before impact. If you want your joints blasted, do it the old fashioned way and play hockey. So neither.
  5. And already @jRuutu has source material for his investigative journalism again
  6. I refuse to accept a reality where nutella pizzas are a thing...
  7. I did not even know nutella can be an option... savages...
  8. 1. Still in the competition. But playing the WJC one more time and developing some offensive skills. 2. Certainly to be better than this year. 3. I have not really paid attention but davos looks solid. 4. Anand and tuomainen both look interesting. 5. I always like prosciutto funghi but also spinach, egg and bacon. 6. As my mother's side is from Italy, pineapple is a crime.
  9. Callum just walked out of the SaskTel Centre after a briefing for the oncoming playoffs. Headphones on, pondering whether he wants to go to the Brevoort Park for a jog. He was just unlocking his car, when he saw a middle-aged man, snatching a hundred dollar bill out of the tiny hands of a six year old, and running away. The kid was clearly shocked and started crying, the accompanying parent was frozen on the spot, more concerned about the youngsters well being than the loss of the money. Unfortunately for the aspiring felon, he was paying more attention to potential pursuers than what was going on in front of him. He was running towards Cal. As avid followers of the VHLM may know, the Swiss defender has an iron fist in a chainmail glove. He did not even think about it, but hip-checked the fugitive against his sturdy, solid steel pick-up. The thief then rebounded from the Ford and directly collided with Callum's outstretched lower arm. It felt like running into an anchor cable. The wanna-be thug dropped to the floor like a sack of potatoes. The Calgary native then, turned the suspect belly-down and secured them with some zip-ties he had on the bed of his truck. All while calling the police. In the meantime a crowd has assembled, including parent and child, who could not thank Callum enough for his deed. Apparently, the youngster got up early in the morning all summer to do the odd job in the neighbourhood to earn the money for the first hockey stick. The family was struggling already financially and could not afford the coveted equipment otherwise. Callum told them that unfortunately the bill in question would be considered evidence and will not immediately be returned to their rightful Owner. So he opened his wallet and gave the kid two hundred dollars of his own money. Parent and kid alike protested, saying that they only had a hundred dollar to start with. But Cal-Gary would have none of it, and told the kid: 'You know if you come to our practice tomorrow morning, you will need a bucket and some skates as well.' The small family were over the moon and couldn't believe what the Saskatoon player just insinuated. 'I am sure, the other team members will want to meet a kid with so much dedication for icehockey.' And with that (and after giving his statement to the cops) he drove home. dramatic re-enactment of the event by professional athletes
  10. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg As the title suggests, the regular season in the VHLM is over and all the points (and statistical awards) are accounted for. To absolutely no-one's surprise Grimgor Ironhide will need a Wyvern to schlepp the mother lode of trophies back into his cave. The Mississauga power forward lead the league for the majority of the seventy-two games in all important stats, from goals, to assists, to points, to shots, to best +/- and ending with longest nose hair and worst body odour. This guy is a force of nature. The jury is still out whether this is a good thing or not. The Saskatoon Wild locked in on the third seed overall, second on their division, behind league leading San Diego. It is safe to say that their above average defence played a big part in that success story. Unfortunately, one half of this very solid back row has been dismissed. Henry Ford decided that his future is in the automotive industry, while Jaja Dingdong Jr moved to his cousin Jar Jar Binks on Naboo (read: alleged 7 foot Aussie Berocka had to release these two due to inactivity). That leaves the important task of screening their net to Kagamine, Janser and a bunch of rookies. We are convinced that the veteran presence of these two players will bolster the newly promoted youngsters' confidence. On the flip side, the Wild's very balanced offense remains as they were and will continue to be threat over all lines. This will help to wear the opponent's defence down like the surf gnawing at the turf until another inch of land is abraded. On this endeavour, the Saskatchewan franchise can rely on their netminder Reed, who is amongst the best of his trade in the VHLM. Jean-Luc Lieuxperroux (JLL) contacted Callum (CGY) for an interview and here it is in all it glory: JLL: 'Callum, are you happy with the regular season campaign for the franchise and you personally?' CGY: 'Hi Jean-Luc. I think with two power houses like the Marlins and the Hounds, we can be content with grabbing the third seed. Especially if we take the rather weak start into consideration. On a personal level I am okay, but I am also fully aware that a long rocky road lies ahead of me if I want to make the VHL. I improved on the scoring, admittedly more due to the quality of my team mates than any progress on my side. I was the gritty player I envisioned to be. I am sure the GM could have done with me spending less time in the sin bin, but I guess that is the price I have to pay for my physical play.' JLL: 'How do see your chances of going beyond the first round in the playoffs?' CGY: 'Well, it certainly does not help that we lost half of our defence core at the very start of the post season. However, this is to be expected in a minor league where the fluctuation is high and other teams had to deal with similar issues and struggle to field a full roster. So, we will give our all and hope that this is enough to overcome the opposition. In the playoffs there are no easy wins anymore.' JLL: 'Thanks for these insights and good luck for the post season campaign.' CGY: 'Thanks, I appreciate it' Callum ended the S90 regular season with the following stats: 72gp, 11g, 37a, 48pts, +27, 96 PIM, 260 hits, 92sb, 1gwg, 3ppg, 4 First Star nominations We will be back in due course, stay tuned for our next edition. https://vhlforum.com/topic/140450-the-cgy-janser-story-part-iii-a-mid-season-summary/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/140531-cgy-the-knight-in-the-shining-armour/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/140500-how-we-snub-not-only-one-player-but-a-whole-class-theme-week/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/140747-cgy-janser-clearing-the-gutter/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/140772-the-cgy-janser-story-part-iv-almost-crunch-time/
  11. I was merely talking about putting a price tag on players... We all know that one can only do so much to be successful the rest is spoiled done by Simon T.
  12. Ironically Starbucks is a company based in... Seattle. Apparently @Spartan learned from the best
  13. You did not have to due to the asskissing you performed earlier JK I just happened to read your interaction with animal where you were praising his former player and read here again that you did something similar with Duncan Idaho... so I spun a story around it
  14. He said the same about Druss Deathwalker... I smell asskissing... or at least currying favour with established members of the league...
  15. Well, I see your point. However if we recall the S82 'Rob Talks Hockey' recruitment success where over a hundred new members joined in a very short time span, the teams would not be able to sign hopeful new members. That would be quite the handicap for retention I dare say. I am aware that this was an outlier, just wanted to bring up the other side of the coin as not only recreates will end up in the waiver system, but also genuine first gens. The latter being the focus of the VHLM if I recall correctly, as they need mentoring the most.
  16. It is still violence, he just seems on the receiving end of it
  17. 1. About goddamn time, you see you next tuesday . On a more serious note, good that the comishes had apparently an experienced, well respected member on speed dial for such an emergency. 2. I do not even know the schedule... but we are a bit in a limbo, where we almost impossibly could fall out of the playoff seeds, and equally needed to witness a SDM collapse of epic proportions if we still wanted the coveted 1st place. 3. Schwarzer, Jigglejawns and Costova seem to be a safe bet, but could also be one of the more talented backs. 4. Second or Third realistically. 5. Hmm that is a big call. I would go with 'Married... with Children' 6. I am not a big anime enjoyer, but I think cartoons (whether Japanese or others) cannot be compared with live action TV. Both have their places and can do what the respective other cannot.
  18. Will be away for the first week October with limited access to internet...
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