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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. Yeah Texaco thought the same...
  2. 1. We feel at home. Calgary is such a bunch of good people I want to see them (and by proxy me) thrive. 2. Everything is possible. After a rocky start it looks like the scales are tipped back in our favour again. 3. I have already acted on it (which reminds me I need to claim it as well). 4. I do not know. I feel that every team is capped out and just to shuffle depth player around does seem a waste of energy. 5. Is that even a question? It is known that the only way to do it is over. 6. Pouring rain (with intermittent hail) with considerable side gales on the German Autobahn. The swipers could not keep up with the water coming down.
  3. Dear VHLers, You probably ask yourself: 'What does he mean with that title? We can look up the HOF and check on the S62 cup winning Wranglers team and see for ourselves.' This is undeniable true, but please humour me on this one. I will attempt a completely subjective comparison on the roles/impact the S87 cup winners had and what their equivalent was in the S62 Wranglers. To that purpose I will only look at the playoff performance, as this is when champions are being made. This is also why Karl Pedersen @JeffD is only a honobra mention in this article, as CGY S62 did not have a human backup goalie (but then again Pedersen is a superhuman backup...). Sorry, bro. I still appreciate your contribution to our title, despite not being able to find your S62 'soulmate'. Let's start with Lindbergh @Doomsday the S87 Daisouke Kanou winner. The easy choice would be to say, that it is of course HOF netminder Norris Stopko @Bushito (who won the Kanou in S63). Alas a case can be made that Keaton Louth @Beaviss as the S62 Playoff-MVP is the equivalent to Lindy. But I will stick with the low-hanging fruit with Stopko and look forward for you banging on me for going for the easy kill. Next up, Phil Strasmore @Phil. I will go with HOFer Mats Johnsson @Quik. Both players showed grit as well as a scoring touch in the post season and are valued for their leadership skills. Lloyd Braun's @Toast equivalent would be Cayden Saint @Symmetrik, both being low scoring rookie defenders. AirRig GoodBrandSun @Rhynex Entertainment is paired with Jesper Stromberg @Tim. Both being the second highest scoring defender. Although this is where the similarities end, as Stromberg has retired with a mere 199 TPE to his name. A fate that we confidently deny for AG. Marcel Janser @Morcar80 by the rule of exclusion would be Peter Quill @OrbitingDeath . Both are low scoring defenders, both with very good +/- rating going for them. And both would not dress for Calgary after their respective cup win. Quill retired at the pinnacle of his career, Marcel moved on to Helsinki (Vancouver/London). Landon Wolanin @jacobcarson877 as the playoff top-scorer is matched up with Keaton Louth. Both exceptional scorer (Wolanin with a bit more balanced g/a ration), both leaders on and off the ice. Leandro Gonçalves @leandrofg is matched with Niko Bodganovic @TurnDaddy. Both forwards provided crucial secondary scoring outside of the first line, and hence contributed heavily to the respective cup win. Sax Justice @Eso, the reliable grinder in the second formation finds his opposite number in Evan R. Lawson @diamond_ace. Both rather on the light side in the goal scoring department but reliable, steady energy player who know how to shut down the opposition. Larry Abbas Jr. @RileyL is reflected in Oyorra Arroyo @omgitshim. This may appear far fetched, as the latter is a HOF player and Abbas has still some ways to go to reach that level. But both were winger in the top formation and that is reason enough for me. Vincent Laroche-Gagnier @vincentlg2007 is the S87 equivalent of Johannes Vihjalmsson, both adding some level of scoring to the squad. Vince was in his rookie season and the Iceland native was in his sophomore year.Alas, VLG has already double the TPE that Vihjalmsson retired with. Daniel Janser is then by exclusion the equivalent of Jasper Canmore @Bushito. Both leading the first line and providing a one-two punch with their respective wingers. Canmore is a hall of famer and Janser is 50 career points short in overtaking Jasper in the Calgary all time scoring list. So this is my absolutely biased RETROspective. I matched up as good as I could based on the stats only, as I was not nowhere near the VHL in S62. If veteran members have different opinions, I am open for input and would genuinely love to hear different point of views (affirmative action is of course equally welcome). Live long and prosper
  4. Yeah I think EA fell flat on their noses with their 'random loot box purchases' (I think EA named it 'surprise mechanics') in some of their games, as kids bought loot boxes and you do not know what is in them (which the courts apparently considered gambling).
  5. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) Calgary is at the moment showing the longest win streak in the league and sit at fourth seed in the NA conference with one point trailing behind LA. London is also sitting on fourth in the European conference, three points behind Moscow but with two games in hand. We picked one game for each brother to break them down. 3-2 (OT) In the match we chose to showcase for Marcel, London took the overtime win in a fairly even match. The first period ended in a goalless tie, not for lack of trying, though as both teams registered eleven attempts to break the spell. In the second frame TBGCOS scored on a power play to put Chicago ahead. It was in the third period when London finally woke up. Former Calgary prospect Rage scored on even strength. Less than two minutes later, Vidot put the Phoenix ahead again. Shortly after that, Monkey equalized the score and sent the game to overtime. It took the Brits three and a half minutes as well as three shots, before Monkey with his second of the night, put the final nail in Chicago's coffin. Him (2g/0a), Rage (1g/0) and TBGCOS (1g/0a) were named the three stars of the game. Teno (.942) had Minion's (.909) number all night. London's power play was anemic (0/3) while the penalty killing was decent (5/6). Marcel left the ice with a 0g, 0a, +1, 2 PIM (Roughing, no effect on the score), 5 hits and 2sb 1-5 Our featured match for Calgary, is a 5-1 win over the perennial bottom feeder in the NA conference, the Toronto Legion. Interestingly, the Ontario outfit would only need 35 seconds into the game to score their first (and only) goal. Atlas found the crease on the map and was able to put his colours ahead. The Wranglers mimicked the Legion in the second period, when they also took less than a minute after the face off. The Captain took things into his own hand to tie the game. Dan wins an offensive draw against Atlas and passes to Abbas who shoots but is off target. Braun then digs out the orphaned disc and gives it a go, but sees his attempt blocked by Clark. Wolanin gains possession and misses the net. The Swiss Center finds the lose puck and beats Castle on the near post. A little more than two minutes later, Wolanin puts Calgary in front with a power play marker. In the third frame, Justice and VLG scored within fourteen seconds of each other to increase the Wranglers' lead. The Rotkreuz native scored his second of the match to make it 5-1. This time, Dan won the face off in his own end and passes to Larry on the wing. Abbas ignites the afterburner and rushes into Toronto's zone. A nice pass back to AG, who one-times it to Janser. The veteran forward has nothing but net in front of him, as the netminder was out of position, and converts this opportunity in cold blood. The places of honour went to Janser (2g/0a), Gonçalves (0g/2a) and VLG (1g/1a). Lindbergh (.938) clearly dominated Castle (.878) in the battle between the pipes. Calgary's power play was mediocre (1/5), their box play immaculate (4/4). Daniel was credited with 2g, 0a, +1, 2 hits, FO%61.11 and a first star distinction Here are the brothers' stats in the aggregate: Marcel: 33gp, 2g, 10a, 12pts, +13, 32 PIM, 47 hits, 50sb, 1gwg, 1 First Star nomination Daniel: 32gp, 16g, 26a, 42pts, +7, 30 PIM, 63 hits, 24sb, 1gwg, FO% 57.48, 4 First Star nominations We will revert with news on our compatriots endeavours in due course. Stay tuned and do not miss out on our earlier articles. https://vhlforum.com/topic/134942-a-tale-of-two-brothers-tervetuloa-marcel-janser/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/135154-a-tale-of-two-brothers-how-the-turn-tables/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/135228-a-tale-of-two-brothers-i-am-a-wanderer/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/135358-a-tale-of-two-brothers-the-hurt-does-go-on/ 1/2 claims (week ending 23rd April 2023)
  6. Skuin gets around in the league...
  7. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) Since last we reported from our intrepid heroes, the Wranglers have steadily crept out of the basement, while has won the two last games. Both teams are fourth of their respective conference with hopes intact to make the playoffs. Daniel has picked up speed in the scoring race, while his younger brother has had a cold streak in that department while still providing veteran presence to a relatively unexperienced (yet talented) team. Our corrspondent Jean-Luc Lieuxperroux (JLL) had the rare chance to catch Bonnie (BJ) after a home game visit with young Cal Gary Janser. He grabbed the opportunity to interview her and get the inside view of the Janser household. JLL: 'Thanks Bonnie for agreeing to have a wee chat. How are you?' BJ: 'I am alright. Callum is a good sleeper and hale so far, and hence I get more sleep than most mothers.' JLL: 'Glad to hear that the little man is well. He is pretty tall already as I can see.' BJ: 'Yeah, he has good appetite and is very observant. When we watch the away games on telly, he is already pointing at the screen and shouting 'dada'.' JLL: 'Aw, that is adorable. Would you say, that he gets more or less time with his dad than kids in a family with a 9-5 breadwinner?' BJ: 'I'd say at the end it is a little more overall. Alas when the team is on a roadtrip, it is of course less, but when they play home, Dan has more time at his disposal than a clerk for example.' JLL: 'Does he pitch in a lot with the daily chores?' BJ: 'Absolutely. He somehow enjoys to bathe the boy and change nappies. He also found recipes and cooks for Callum, fills it in jars so that there is always plenty of food when he is not home.' JLL: 'Does he also sing lullabys to get Callum to sleep?' BJ: 'Funny that you should ask. The wee one falls asleep fastest to Hard and Punk Rock songs. So I play some of my tunes to him on the drums and Dan does the lyrics. It is a pity that Marcel is now in Europe as he used to play the lead guitar in our little 'lullaby band'. But whenever the schedule allows we do a video call and perform together for Callum.' JLL: 'That sounds very wholesome. Does he miss his uncle?' BJ: 'He does, as Marcel was often at our place and entertained him by making faces or reading books to him, including different voices and acting, the whole nine yards. Sometimes, it appears as if he is a little disappointed when 'only' Dan comes back from practice, instead of both brothers.' JLL: 'Do you plan to go to Scotland anytime soon to visit your side of the family?' BJ: 'That is indeed the plan after the season is over. His uncles and his grandparents are already excited to meet him in person. Knowing me Da he will have a kilt ready for the wee 'un.' JLL: 'That sounds awesome. That is all the questions I had. Thanks again for your time and take care.' BJ: 'Anytime and you take care, too.' Here are the brothers' stats for the season in the aggregate: Marcel: 29gp, 2g, 9a, 11pts, +12, 28 PIM, 39 hits, 46sb, 1gwg, 1 First Star nomination Daniel: 28gp, 13g, 22a, 35pts, +4, 28 PIM, 58 hits, 22sb, 0gwg, 4ppg, 58.26FO% and 3 First Star nominations https://vhlforum.com/topic/134672-a-tale-of-two-brothers-the-janser-retirement/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/134942-a-tale-of-two-brothers-tervetuloa-marcel-janser/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/135154-a-tale-of-two-brothers-how-the-turn-tables/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/135228-a-tale-of-two-brothers-i-am-a-wanderer/
  8. to be fair in every purple there is a shade of blue...
  9. No way! Did not think they would have listeners outside Europe. Been to a concert of theirs some years ago. I think their version of 'Umbrella' is better than the original.
  10. That is just so adorable. Props to you to take the time and explain your lil'un how it is done. New recruit due in....?
  11. It is a Hound not a dog... these dogs look old, because of their breed. Hounds were used to track and hunt down big game like deers and boars but also apex predators like wolves, lions and bears (and in a darker era for tracking runaway slaves). Most of them were mastiffs of some description which have these jowls making them look old-ish
  12. 1. I thought the competition was stiff, but always like it if a new name is given a chance. 2. All of them and I hope not. 3. Wolanin or Gonçalves would be my bet (and by saying that I probably gave it to Lindbergh) 4. Standing on his head, of course. 5. Simplistic yet very appealing. 6. Since I did not eat in the morning, technically I only broke my fast on lunch time and this means it was minced beef on a peppersauce with fries, carots and romanesco.
  13. there is a lot of words that come to my mind when I hear 'Geneva', but none of them involves manly, hardworking animal handlers
  14. Fair point, I did not even think of that... there was a historic event called 'l'Escalade de Geneve' which could be used as a starting point to implement the 'Rush' theme... how to convert this artistically is an other question (let alone that few people will get the reference)...
  15. I also think that the logo of the Rush is a bit anemic. My two cents: Switzerland has not as much history with Horse as much as the US or Canada has (even though ironically we were the last European country to abandon the Cavalry as an element of our recon forces in 1973). Geneva's City badge sports an Eagle and the real live Hockey club even has a live eagle as a mascot which they have fly through the arena before any home game. So maybe that would be a more fitting approach. Alas, I take your contribution as it is: A clear upgrade to the existing logo (imho), and the above 'disconnect' from Swiss and Geneva background does not take away from a cool concept.
  16. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) Our local hockey exports have now already a quarter of the season behind them. Helsinki is still on top of their conference with a 15-6-1 while Calgary is barely clinging on to the wild card spot with a 8-10-2 record. On some ground breaking news we learned that Marcel has now been traded together with Riga's 2nd round pick in S89 to Vancouver in exchange for Ryuji Sakamoto. The young Japanese is also a defensive defenseman, albeit younger and with a higher talent ceiling, alas even less offensive tools as the veteran Swiss back. We just got a telex that Marcel had to rebook his flight from Vancouver to London as the English squad traded for him in exchange for defender Branden Skuin and Davos's 2nd round pick in S89. We will see how this trade chain pans out for any of the franchises involved. Simo Ruotsalainen (SR) was able to reach Marcel (MJ) and get his side of the story of this unexpected turn of events. SR: 'Marcel, thanks for your time. We have heard that you were traded first to Vancouver just to be flipped to London a few hours later. What do you think about this chain of events?' MJ: 'Hyvää ilta päivää Simo. It is wild. The trade away from Calgary was not unexpected and it was cool to join Helsinki. Our season started very well and at the beginning I was able to score above my average. Then I hit something of a dry spell but was still able to help the team win matches. Sakamoto is certainly an upgrade on the defensive end of the ice, I am fully aware of that, alas this is also well reflected on their paycheck as well. When the GM Frank Funk called me in his office and broke the news, I was a bit surprised. At the end of the day that is just how this business works and there is not much one can do except to make the best of it and stay professional. If life gives you lemons, open up a bottle of Tequila, is what my dad always says.' SR: 'Shortly after, you were traded back to Europe. Did you have to jump out of the plane?' MJ (laughs): 'Luckily no. I was still packing in my apartment, when London's GM Jacob Carson, called me to tell me I should cancel my flight to Vancouver as I was just traded to them. It would have been bad for my carbon footprint, if I flew half across the planet for nought. It appears I bring some upgrade to their blueline and Skuin has been stagnant for a while now, while I still make some sort of progress in my development, even though being drafted earlier then the Finn.' SR: 'Are you excited to dress for London now?' MJ: 'It is a relatively young team with a lot of potential and I want to help them to make the playoffs this year. Besides I am sucker for history just like my brother and would like to re-visit the Imperial War Museum and the HMS Belfast as well as the Tower. I will finally have the time to go to the RAF Museum in Hendon and to the Tank Museum in Bovington which has the only Tiger tank in working condition. This will be a cool new experience.' SR: 'Okay, that is all the questions I had for now, we will certainly follow your further career.' Here are the stats for the Rotkreuz natives: Marcel: 22gp, 2g, 8a, 10pts, +12, 22 PIM, 27 hits, 39sb, 1gwg, 1 First star nomination Daniel: 20gp, 10g, 13a, 23pts, +2, 18 PIM, 40 hits, 19sb, 57.95FO%, 0gwg, 3ppg, 2 First star nominations https://vhlforum.com/topic/134635-a-tale-of-two-brothers-an-interseason-summary/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/134672-a-tale-of-two-brothers-the-janser-retirement/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/134942-a-tale-of-two-brothers-tervetuloa-marcel-janser/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/135154-a-tale-of-two-brothers-how-the-turn-tables/
  17. but why Shotter as the Third star instead of Davis who scored the only goal?
  18. Played with him in my rookie season in Philly... how time flies...
  19. duh me, I have not even picked that up... cannot agree more @Steve
  20. I mean they were inactive before the position switch (last update at the time the position switch was made, was end of February)... But yeah that is an inherent risk with IA FA in the VHLE...
  21. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) Twelve games are played in the VHL and the tables are turned (for at least the moment), as Calgary is just barely clinging onto a Wild Card spot, while the erstwhile suffering Titans are on top of the European Conference(and only second to a surprisingly strong Bears). One could be forgiven to think that the Wranglers' problems are of a defensive nature, as they had to release Marcel to the free agency due to cap constraint. But, no defensively, Calgary is one of the better teams. Their apparent weakness is on the scoring part, despite still having the offensive Trident Wolanin/Gonçalves/Janser in hand. Alas, Calgary has had slow starts before and it is too early to fret yet.They also lost games where they clearly dominated on the shot clock and where Lindbergh dropped the odd puck (quite literally). Daniel has been confirmed captain of his team once more and will do his level best to get rid of the off-season rust and be a clutch player again. At the moment, he is the team leading forward when it comes to blocking shots and helps out his netminder to keep the puck out of the net. He also is the Wrangler with the most goals to his name, but Wolanin is the highest scoring one. The season is still young and a lot can happen until the playoffs are in sight. And who knows, maybe we will witness a brotherly duel for the ages, rivalled only by the duels between Sandro and Greg Clegane in the final of the Continental Cup. Here are the stats sofar for our intrepid heroes: Marcel: 13gp, 2g, 7a, 9pts, +11, 12 PIM, 19 hits, 23sb, 1gwg, 1 First Star nomination Daniel: 11gp, 7g, 5a, 12pts, -3, 6 PIM, 21 hits, 8sb, 0gwg, 2ppg, 59.06FO%, 1 First Star nomination https://vhlforum.com/topic/133955-a-tale-of-two-brothers-slaying-bears/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/134168-a-tale-of-two-brothers-we-are-the-champions/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/134337-a-tale-of-two-brothers-good-bye-janser/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/134635-a-tale-of-two-brothers-an-interseason-summary/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/134672-a-tale-of-two-brothers-the-janser-retirement/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/134942-a-tale-of-two-brothers-tervetuloa-marcel-janser/
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