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Everything posted by Shindigs

  1. I mean he wrote enough in this thread alone to last him this entire season. So that should work out.
  2. Today is my 1st VHL Anniversary. Time flies.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rory


      fruit flies like banana 👍

    3. mediocrepony
    4. samx


      @Beketovhas been here for like 15 you got some catching up to do.

  3. Yeah, I really don't know how I missed out on talking about wanting to get the biggest DI-CK possible for Bo. Like c'mon it's right there dammit!
  4. This assumes some things that aren't entirely true anymore though. It ignores the case you reach at some point as a max earner where BC becomes the (by far) cheapest source of DF. So the actual relevant comparison here isn't if no CK + no DI is better than CK+DI. It's if BC+PO, allowing you to get significantly more DF. Is better than just peaking lower and getting neither DF, CK or DI. Since you can't just redistribute that TPE elsewhere, as doing so would yeet your depreciation plan. So the relevant comparison is this: Is 11xx TPA peak with no CK and less DF better than 13xx TPA peak with off-setting CK/DI? Which the answer might very well be the former, but that depends on just how useful that extra DF ends up being. Hence trying it out. Also this completely ignores the LD part of Poise, which is no small part in why I'm getting it. Since I'm wanting to try if now that we don't all have 99s in all the good attributes. Maybe LD actually becomes the "least bad" attribute to work on at these TPE levels. Since Bo adding TPE at this point doesn't actually change his cap bracket at all. But even assuming a worst case scenario where LD is so shit Bo getting 99 of it as the captain will only add +1 attribute to teammates. That's still "free" attributes from a cap perspective. Meaning that together with Experience it's one of only 2 ways to get "free" power without paying a cap hit for it. Something that will hopefully have a fair bit of value in this cap hell era.
  5. So can I add the discussion this article caused as added word count. Rebrand this as a MS and claim it for the next 2 years, or no?
  6. Now that makes a whole lot more sense. I assumed that since most people who take DI do so "accidentally" it would often be on players that just spread attributes in everything and thus had CK too. Seems I was correct in that assumption.
  7. I think looking at the DI-CK difference would probably give more useful data. Since if you have players in there with both CK and DI (assuming they do cancel at least somewhat) then that will throw it off a lot.
  8. There was a test done by, I think it was Eno and Nyko back in the day on strictly just adding DI on a no CK player and up to around 70 DI the returns were decent. I'm more surprised that Bo is hitting as much as a equal CK player with no DI, when he has basically CK = DI. Which is not at all in line with how everyone has said it works.
  9. Sometimes it be like that, this is one of those times.
  10. 1. I watched Juan Ceson highlight reels (It's mostly just tape of him in the Penalty Box) 2. No, not really. International play tends to be pretty lukewarm. 3. The team that wins against the, probably. 4. No. But I can post some Burger King gifs throughout the season to help the morale. 5. The team that scores the most goals in the finals, most likely. 6. I'm not that big on soups and tend to have horrible appetite when I'm feeling ill. So none, but I usually like mushroom soups when I do have soup.
  11. So there's a pretty common trend among people who step down from GMing, especially in the VHLM. Of going either full clicker or basically IA. And having now stepped down as VHLM GM, I certainly can see why that happens. First of all, doing VHLM GMing well is kind of a passion project. You put a lot into it and you get very invested in it. So when you step down from that, it's probably because you're burned out (or close to it). Meaning that really you're stepping down because you need a break, and with how much of your weekly pay (especially now with the 4 a week pay) comes from the job. You suddenly need to do quite a bit more work ever week to max cap. When you're in a situation where you stepped down to do less work. Which to be fair 2 PTs vs. being a VHLM GM isn't even comparable. It's more like you're not likely to want to take on new stuff, when you just stepped down to take on less. The other part is that when you become GM you start caring a lot less about your player, sure it's nice if it does well. But your primary concern is your team, and it doing well. I think just about every GM would tell you that they'd trade away every single award/HOF recognition/etc. on their player to win a single cup as GM. Because it's just that much more important to you. So how do you "un-flip" that switch when you're no longer GM and go back to caring only about your player (and by extension your player's team)? That is a tough one, and I don't think there's any one answer to it. I'm still fully max earning like I always am, but I can't deny that I no longer care anywhere near as much about doing so as I did before I had Vegas. At this point I'm kind of flirting with the idea of if I'm even going to recreate after Bo or not. I see pro's and con's to both doing it and not doing it. So that will be a later decision. But it's no longer as given what it will be as it used to. Considering I already have the whole career of my next player planned out with depreciation plan and everything.
  12. With Draft Doubles week over in our evil competitor SHL over, I no longer have to do stuff and things there. So it's back to business as usual in my sim leaguing. Which now includes my science experiment of going Poise and Leadership on Bo to test something. So far the test has been interesting in that I was under the impression DI and CK cancelled out and my 64 DI is supposed to essentially cancel out my 66 CK and make Bo no longer hit/take random penalties for no reason. It would appear this is NOT the case however, as Bo has 22 PIM in 13 games so far. Which for reference is only 6 fewer PIM than he had all season as a rookie with 40 CK. So either something has changed since the testing that said CK and DI cancel was done, or that testing was done poorly and lead to incorrect conclusions, or Bo is just getting absolutely Simon:d. Either way, it's interesting and quite unexpected. In other unexpected news, Chicago are doing great! Despite the fact that our 2nd line and 2nd d pairing has 1 bot each with the one dman on the 2nd pairing having like 300-something TPE. Now I'm not saying this is because of Bo's veteran leadership. But I'm also not saying that it isn't because of that. Who knows, maybe we just inherited B-WAR D from a couple season ago as our bot dman? Anything is possible. Or maybe another possible explanation is that Cole Pearce isn't playing like a bot goalie this season. Though I do doubt we can explain us somewhat consistently outshooting good teams *hard* on his goaltending. Because that would be a pretty silly explanation. Even by Simon standards. Overall though it's nice that we're doing as well as we are with as limited a roster as we have. Brings back memories of S83 all over again, and also takes a lot of pressure off. Since if we keep this up there really is little to no reason to try and fill the roster until TDL where we could get an awful lot more bang for our buck. So it's pretty much smooth sailing. For Bo's personal performance so far, outside of being a PIM machine. He's only just scored his first 2 goals last sim. Before that it was all assists all the way. Since Bo mainly just scored goals on the PP last season and was being double shifted on it (which he isn't this season) that's large part in why he isn't off to as explosive a goal-scoring start. Also our PP being like 15% is likely not helping that either, though on the flip side. The reason our PP% wasn't bad to start last season was because Bo was scoring on the PP at almost twice the rate of the rest of the team. So cause and effect, but for actually winning games. I'd rather we use Bo's 30-31 minutes of IT on him playing more ES, than on stat padding on the PP at the end of the day. The double shifting was a cool experiment, and it did a thing. But just wasn't really worth it in the end as it seems. So is this the season Bo will finally win a Beketov? Unlikely, I see Thunder as the winner (and predicted as such) and Kisslinger is off to an insane start sitting up there with the dmen at the top in assists. Though historically in the hybrid era dmen have dominated the Assists leaderboard, so I doubt he will keep it up. Meaning that as long as Bo and Thunder keep battling it out for the Bek, I've got 1 TPE riding on either horse. So it's a win/win.
  13. @MubbleFubbles this whole plan implies that anyone in the BOG has actually checked the BOG section in the last 3 weeks (hint: they have not). So I think your plan is safe even without my help. For the update part. Someone did once successfully claim 2 job pay for the job "Hockey Player". So I could see it working that way!
  14. Hey Jardy, Poopy did actually set the single game assist record. So that's something he accomplished! Oh and Björk is a surname, not a first name. Björn isn't actually that common. Also "Svensk" is a surname you can have in both Sweden and Finland, and it literally just means "Swedish". So hard to get more Swedish than that. We've had like 2 VHLE lifer goalies btw (Orion D H Chiester IX and Anime Protagonist), and at least one dman (Zeljko Ranogajec). So sadly you won't be the first. And the Goalie Award is named after Orion, so that ship already sailed too. #blamecole #RelocateVästerås Have I ever left comments on a YouTube video? Only hockey ones, mainly TheHockeyGuy since his comment section actually used to have relatively reasonable discussion. (Unless it had to do with Buffalo, as their fans are pretty pepega)
  15. Roster list should be finished and proof-read.
  16. The index has been bugged for rookies for some time sadly. Same in the M and VHL too. You have to check their portal pages (or just know their names by heart) which is a pain.
  17. Ray Withers, Budnik McDangle and Adeline Delle Donne are all VHLE veterans. So the only real choices for VHLE rookie are Vegas alumni Wann Kerr and Jens Lekman.
  18. Remember it's a 2x pick as well @Greg_Di
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