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Everything posted by BOOM

  1. Protagonist already sounds better than Barnstormer. Nice work!
  2. This was an unexpected blast from the past. Good to hear you guys together again.
  3. Nice going
  4. Nice one.
  5. best of luck Helsinki.
  6. It's OK London. Toronto has temporary social club memberships available. Come join us for drinks.
  7. Hehehehehe...pulled off.
  8. @thadthrasher
  9. I would like to apply for the role, based on my past experience with Red Team. I'm available at hours that are more unusual then North American peak time, and therefore able to respond if other mods are offline etc. Ratio of forum to discord is more in favour of forum, but I maintain a presence on both. I hold no other roles within the VHL/VHLM that would cause any conflict, and have demonstrated in the past that I have been a reasonably well respected member that after taking time away, has returned with a renewed sense of appreciation of both the league itself and it's members. I'm probably more available for the forum moderation, although I am on discord more than I used to be. If that counts against me, so be it. I'd just like to contribute back to the VHL. At some point I may like to be a VHLM AGM, but I doubt that occurs anytime soon. If further information is required, I'm available to answer both here and via discord. BOOM™ looks better in red.
  10. You both agreed that I wasn't worth drafting in the top 10....
  11. Who's simming? Kidding.
  12. I've seen "Deadwood". They aren't.
  13. Fair enough.
  14. If sim manipulation WAS proven, would a permaban be the punishment? It would have to be, right? Not referencing this post, just a general question as to the perceived seriousness of the offense.
  15. I'm glad @OrbitingDeath isn't a simmer then. FFS.
  16. Just kidding @.sniffuM I love that you're a whore.
  17. Stop being a react whore.
  18. So you want someone trustworthy to sim? Like me? OK. What's it pay?
  19. 1. The end of an era is quickly approaching... thoughts? Like others said, if this is about Hextall, then yes it's a sad time for the legion right now. I've only had this season with him in net, but he's awesome. 2. Juice and BOOM have a little bit of a bromance going on... let's be honest, what games do you think they're playing when not at the rink? We enjoy "Crisco Twister" 3. Who among the Legion has the best puns? Let's be honest. Everyone except Peace. I have banned him from attempting humor in the LR. 4. What are some of your favorite pranks to play on your teammates? I refuse to prank my teammates, as it can create an atmosphere of negativity and anger. That's not what the Social Club is all about. 5. Who is the easiest target to prank? From my observations, probably myself. 6. On a scale of one to 'hold me tightly'... how was your valentines day? That's a little personal don't you think? I'm not going to reveal what happened, but if you really demand an answer, ask Juice.
  20. How can we help? What about a gofundme?
  21. This is just like my powerball tickets.
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