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Everything posted by BOOM

  1. Titans fucked now.
  2. Helsinki in shambles.
  3. Signs with whoever gives him a fire sig. Jk, all the best in Vancouver.
  4. Not even a sig will save the Titans this time.
  5. Sad that you'll be going, but it's for a very important reason. Congratulations and best wishes to all of you and thanks for the things you did for the VHL in your various roles.
  6. @rory told me that the new picks were terrible, so I came to check it out.
  7. Just follow the river from Trois-Rivières
  8. Someone will see this before deletion. Good luck all applicants.
  9. We are the world We are the children We are the ones who make a brighter day, so let's start giving There's a choice we're making We're saving our own lives It's true we'll make a better day, just you and me.
  10. Yayyyy...especially @der meister
  11. You shouldn't talk to strangers. Especially ones emerging from the forest.
  12. There once was a man from Nantucket...
  13. What? For 60 seasons I've assumed that it was Total Potatoes Eaten. My world is rocked.
  14. At least the Cup won't have to travel that far next season.
  15. 1. Well, we lost to Warsaw in 7. What's your emotions like after the final game? Well at least we lost to the eventual Champs! Not much consolation, but let's look on the bright side eh? 2. Anything you would have done differently in the final games to win the series? Besides benching Voss? No, no other changes would have made a difference. 3. How do you feel about your own personal playoff performance this season? Do you actually require me to respond to this and not swear like a sailor? He's garbage, just that simple. 4. Warsaw went on to beat Moscow to head to the finals. Does that make losing easier, knowing how tough a team they are, or more difficult knowing Helsinki could have had a shot? See response #1. While it's nice to see the team confident, this season was never destined to be a Helsinki title. 5. Taking the season as a whole, should this be considered a success for Helsinki? I suppose so. I'm not entirely sure how to view this season. The fans will let us know, I'm sure. 6. Any parting thoughts to our teammates who are retiring and leaving us this off-season? Thank you for your service and I'm sorry that you are not leaving with a title.
  16. You fucked my predictions, but congratulations Warsaw.
  17. Is he digging up a body?
  18. This is quite nice.
  19. This is a classy post.
  20. Unfortunately this kind of evil post is a violation of the CoC and has been reported. I'm truly disappointed that a veteran user has felt it necessary to belittle another member of the league in this terrible way. The VHL used to be a place of fun and entertainment but now it's turning into a virtual battleground of abuse and denigration.
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