30. What are your thoughts on Seattle's start to the season?
It's been pretty good, considering where the team was last season. Some good additions and other players developing has really helped.
31. What are your thoughts on this seasons captains?
All good selections and deserving of the honor. Detroit especially, is a madman that I'd follow into battle against anyone.
32. What team is surprising the most this season (good or bad)? Why?
It's probably not a surprise, but DC have been absolutely awful. It's by design, but it's probably more surprising that they are being allowed to completely disregard roster rules, with zero action against them.
33. Justin Lose, @youloser1337, has 23 points in 20 games (11 G, 12 A). What are they putting in his water?
Nothing, he's always been a great player. He was being stifled in Riga so it's nice to see him playing with more talent and excelling.
34. New gal on the block, Venus Thightrap @BladeMaiden, follows behind with 20p in 10gp. Who finishes higher? What are you willing to bet? Make it CRAZY! You're a filthy rich VHL hockey player...
I still think Lose will win this particular battle, but Venus has played really well again this season. I bet Gunnars career on it. If Venus finishes higher, I retire Odinsson.
37. Have you started your Christmas shopping? If you're able to reveal, what are some things you've gotten?
Hell no. The only excitement that I get out of Xmas(I get grinchier every year) is the 24 hour period before the 25th when I do all my shopping in one hit.