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Everything posted by BOOM

  1. @animal74
  2. Don't be modest. You deserved it just as much as Idaho. Congratulations.
  3. 1. What was your best drop the mic moment of your career so far, tell us about it? There's probably been a couple but the most recent was my own criticism and contemplation of early retirement for Odinsson. After three years of being useless, he comes out and wins a cup and several individual awards. What an idiot. 2. Name something that is very nostalgic for you, do you collect or surround yourself with things that evoke the feeling? I'm not really into nostalgia. I retain the memories of past events, both good and bad, but I rarely think about things after they've happened. Probably doesn't help that I'm so old and have early onset dementia. 3. What’s the biggest doubt you have about our competitiveness this season? If you mean this season(S81) then I guess it's seeing if the assembled roster can defeat the evil meta-ness of the Wolves. It's a true good vs evil test. 4. What professional athlete has completely lost your respect and what did they do that caused them to drop in you esteem? Ben Simmons. His attitude and way he has handled his situation remind me of something I've probably done in the past here in the VHL. What a turd. 5. What movie do you wish life was more like? The Purge. The list of complete assholes in this world grows exponentially by the day. 6. Who or what is your greatest nemesis? Probably myself to be honest. I place incredibly high expectations on myself and when I fail to meet those expectations, I get pretty down about it. That needs to improve.
  4. Yes by all means, please introduce yourself....
  5. After reviewing STZ, you are my next review victim. This is beautiful. It's a simpler BG then some recent ones but it does a good job drawing the eye to the render itself. Great coloring, logo swap and render work. The clarity of his face is very nice. I like that you took the time to replace the NHL logo as well. 9/10
  6. BOOM


    I need 1 TPE, sorry. Really nice use of coloring and render/BG integration. Drawn straight to the render and having done a couple of face swaps it can be tricky. This is really good tbh. I like the text overlapping the render at that larger size and also good lighting on this piece. 9/10 because you should have used the current Russell Crowe head...
  7. Let's please leave questionable posts in the archive where they belong.
  8. F- Brendan Telker @animal74
  9. What does the intro need to say?
  10. Well this will save some time. Bravo!
  11. I pick me. F-Gunnar Odinsson @Spartan
  12. Apparently it's a Yes!
  13. BOOM

    HSK/SEA; S81

  14. BOOM

    HSK/SEA; S81

  15. Any chance you can make your Fantasy pick?
  16. Thank you for your service.
  17. Just to clarify, my refusal to play for Vancouver has nothing to do with meta builds. I've refused to play for the Wolves for 20+ seasons. I rerolled to help fight regression and have 88 tpe plus whatever I earn this season. That has to go somewhere as I hate wasted tpe!
  18. I'm picking based on users tbh. D - Scotty Kaberle @Greg_Di
  19. If it's any less boring @v.2, it's to see who I don't want to be on a roster with. Sorry to be boring.
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