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About Megster

  • Birthday 12/21/1994

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    Oskar Ingolfsson
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  1. Did @Spade18 have a stroke?
  2. Megster

    OTT / OSL

  3. I hate you for necro-ing this thread, you are the worst kind of internet user
  4. Damn sniped me didn't even get a chance
  5. All of the feels right here, all of them. I'm from Maryland so I have been a caps fan since I discovered hockey and May is honestly the worst month in the history of months they should just get rid of it. I literally cried this time when the caps lost it hurt so bad </3 Coming to visit me? I have great news about DC though, their bars are open until 3 am woop woop
  6. Holy shoot did I miss the whole season happening or something?
  7. MEDIA SPOT MEDIA SPOT Does this include Oslo's addition of Ko Kane?
  8. Oslo offers 1 million. We have some holes in our top 6 we are looking to fill, you could fit right in.
  9. I'm Oslo
  10. Oslo offers $1 million but Corco is where that money is at
  11. Oslo Storm offers 1 million
  12. Me too
  13. I should have known with you
  14. Oslo offers 1 million. I'm a caps fan but I would make room on my team for even the most obnoxious pens fan and you certainly don't seem to be obnoxious so come join Oslo.
  15. Where in the D.C. Area I'm from Maryland myself.
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