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  1. Hmmm
    twists reacted to WildfireMicro in What if the VHL had Trading Cards?   
    Hey guys and gals and everything in between WildfireMicro here with an idea that just popped into my head while I was looking at Discord: What If The VHL Had Trading Cards? Basically, this media spot will go over some ideas for a potential VHL trading card series and how I personally think it could work. Now obviously these are nothing more than suggestions however I think that pondering on what could be can be good for us all. I will be going over what each trading card can look like, how users will get packs of them, and how each user will get their player on a card. So without any further ado, let's begin!
     So first of all, let's go over how each card will look like. Basically the cards will most likely each be graphics of the players render inside a card. So no these will not be physical cards, nor will they be bought with actual real money (we don't want to bring an NFT issue into here). They will just be renders of the VHL players that we can collect and trade around. Now one thing that might make it easier on the creators of the cards is that I think only players who have played in the VHL and not in the lower leagues should get cards.
     There are probably some arguments for getting VHLE or even VHLM cards, however for the purposes of this media it will be VHL only. So with that being said, how would a user be able to attain a pack? Honestly, this is a big tricky part for me, and it can go a number of different ways. I personally believe that a user should be able to get a pack a day for free at the very least, and maybe later down the line find some way to figure out how users can be able to earn extra packs. Someone smarter then me can figure out how a user would earn those extra packs, but regardless one free pack a day I feel is pretty fair in the end. 
     Also I believe that each card should have a tier based on how much TPE the player has. However, this can have the unfortunate side effect of putting extra strain on those making the cards so just having each card have a single tier and only adding a new card for a player should be done when a player switches teams. Maybe also eventually having special cards like Hall of Fame or Awards cards can be something cool we can do. Now obviously we would not have anybody male those cards for nothing, so maybe having job pay can be good for those doing it. This does have an unfortunate effect of maybe being too taxing of a job for the reward, but like I said someone smarter than me can figure it out.
     While this is not so much of a proposal as it is just thinking of the possibilities, I still hope that you enjoyed the idea that I brought up. This isn't a big task that needs to be done right now, and I understand if we have bigger fish to fry at the moment. Regardless, I hope you enjoyed this and I hope to see you all on the ice!
  2. Fire
    twists reacted to BOOM in Eric Queefson House Reveal   
  3. Haha
    twists got a reaction from Fradin99 in Eric Queefson House Reveal   
    Eric Queefson House Reveal

    Philadelphia, PA - Eric Queefson has recently bought a new house in the Philadelphia area. He's been wanting to do a house reveal, and WXYZ news got a first look. Upon entering, Queefson showcased the 20 square feet at his disposal, slaps roof of mud hut "you can fit so many activities in it" said Queefson. When asked why he had no door he responded, "I have an open door policy around Philly. That way the criminals don't have to go through the trouble of breaking down my door". It is well known in Philadelphia that this property is one of the most expensive, coveted, and beautiful properties. When asked what he thought about the city, Queefson responded, "Some people think Philadelphia is a third world country, but I would dare them to consider that it is actually a fourth world country". The interview was then interrupted by an Eagles fan covered in grease trying to climb the nearby lamppost. He kept screaming, "YOU DON'T WANT NUN UF THIS".
  4. Confused
    twists got a reaction from Viper in Mississauga AGM Opening   
  5. Thanks
    twists got a reaction from Pifferfish in Eric Queefson House Reveal   
    Eric Queefson House Reveal

    Philadelphia, PA - Eric Queefson has recently bought a new house in the Philadelphia area. He's been wanting to do a house reveal, and WXYZ news got a first look. Upon entering, Queefson showcased the 20 square feet at his disposal, slaps roof of mud hut "you can fit so many activities in it" said Queefson. When asked why he had no door he responded, "I have an open door policy around Philly. That way the criminals don't have to go through the trouble of breaking down my door". It is well known in Philadelphia that this property is one of the most expensive, coveted, and beautiful properties. When asked what he thought about the city, Queefson responded, "Some people think Philadelphia is a third world country, but I would dare them to consider that it is actually a fourth world country". The interview was then interrupted by an Eagles fan covered in grease trying to climb the nearby lamppost. He kept screaming, "YOU DON'T WANT NUN UF THIS".
  6. Sad
    twists got a reaction from vincentlg2007 in Mississauga GM Hiring (Again!)   
    Whos this Vincent lame?
    jk luv u
  7. Fire
    twists reacted to Baby Boomer in How the standings will look like at the end of the season in the VHLE   
    Welcome everyone,
    I know that the season is already well underway, but I still wanted to make my own prediction of what the VHLE’s standings will look like at the end of the season. In this media spot, I will look at each team and predict where they will end the season.
    Stockholm Vikings  @twists
    Current: 1st
    Projected: 1st
    If you look at the Vikings roster, they certainly don’t have the best one. However, on the ice they play like the best team in the league and their record of 16 wins in 22 games shows just that. They are carried by their first line composed of Don Aven @Novanod, John Richards @John Cimarno and Logan Foley @WildfireMicro that respectively have 31, 30 and 22 points. Aven and Richards are both leading the league for the number of points. Even if on paper Stockholm’s defense looks a little weak, they can count on one of the best goalies in the league since the start of the season in Travis Clark @ClarkClanT. Clark leads the league in the save percentage (0.944) and is third for the GAA (2.07).
    Rome Gladiators  @Baby Boomer
    Current: 3rd
    Projected: 2nd (not biased at all)
    The Rome Gladiators are not having the start to the season they expected and are sitting in 3rd place in the standings. On paper, the Gladiators are probably the best team in the league and now they only need to show it on the ice. Their forwards core led by the captain BjorkaBjorn BjornaBjorkson @JardyB10 and his assistants Hannibal Barca @DreMin15 and Francesco Mancini @GioSivo is one of the best if not the best in the league. The only weakness we can notice on the team is probably the lack of depth defenseman that can help Bobby Bob in their own zone. In the net the team has Matthew McCagg @Jack kidd who is currently doing a really good job.
    Cologne Express  @leandrofg
    Current: 4th
    Projected: 3rd
    The defending champion of the Renaissance Cup lost a couple of players who moved up in the VHL, but their roster is still looking really good, especially their defenseman core that is probably the best in the league led by Harkat Mulds @hylands, Michael Shotter @TacocaT9 and Justin Lion @Emperor_Fun in the net. The group of forwards is not exceptional, but they still have players that won the Cup with the team last season that are back like Damian Steele @73MPL4R and Lorenzo Cobberson @Hendrix Cobberson. There is also Al Land @Big Dee who was on the team two seasons ago when they broke the record for the best regular season in the history of the VHLE.
    Geneva Rush  @MexicanCow123
    Current: 2nd
    Projected: 4th
    When you look at Geneva’s roster, it does not look like the second-best team in the league, but when you addition the performances of some players on the team, you have yourself a very competitive team. Indeed, the first line composed of Jasper Davis @Josh, Maxwell Mathias @Underclass_Hero and Kobe Johnson @Vkobe-v is the best line in the league now. In the net, they have the rookie Merome Dilson @MexicanCow123 who is showing great thing since the start of the season. If he continues like that, he will certainly be in the talks for the Orian D H Chiester IX Trophy awarded to the best goalie of the regular season.
    Istanbul Red Wolves  @Masu Chan
    Current: 6th
    Projected: 5th
    On paper, the Istanbul Red Wolves have one of the best rosters in league, but they are clearly not showing that on the ice. Indeed, the Red Wolves are currently sitting in 6th place in the standings, and nothing is showing that they will improve after their seventh losses in the last eight games. However, Istanbul has the second-best defensive group in the league and two good goalies that can help them turn this season around fight for a place in the playoffs. Indeed, Mark Calaway @Beketov is leading the defenseman for the number of points and is fourth in the league in the same category.
    Oslo Storm  @JB123
    Current: 5th
    Projected: 6th
    After taking part in the last three Renaissance Cup finals, the best days of the Oslo Storm are behind them. However, the team accustomed us to have teams that are not the best on paper and during the regular season, but also that surprise us when the playoffs come. Oslo is probably a little bit below the middle of the league in all the positions, but they can still count on great players in offense like Keno Akara @Keno and in defense like Admir Bala @Tyler. They also claimed George Sanderson @SpicyGecko as a free agent, a new defenseman that will come help solidified the team in their own zone.
    Vasteras Iron Eagles  @Lemorse7
    Current: 8th
    Projected: 7th
    The only thing I can say about the start to the season of the Vasteras Iron Eagles is very disappointing. Indeed, the roster of the Iron Eagles really does not look bad, and they certainly do not have one of a team who is last in the league. Even if it is not the best in the league, the offense of the team is still composed of good players such as Sebastien Dokis @Sebastien, Keita Kourou @woog and Vinny Lecavalier @Spartakiller2. However, the problem of this team is their defense and their goalie. When you only have three defenseman and none of them can be on the top pair of a winning team, you have a problem.
    Bratislava Watchmen  @UnknownMinion
    Current: 7th
    Projected: 8th
    I don’t think there is much to say here. After being a consistent good team for the past seasons, the Bratislava Watchmen entered a rebuild last season and they are still in the middle of it. They have a lot of players on their roster that they claimed at the end of the free agent period, so they are not going to be as bad as the Gladiators last year, but they will not be good. The Watchmen will certainly surprise some teams this season, but I don’t think that can do much more than that with the roster they have.
    Thanks everyone for reading all of this. This is my opinion and as you can see, I am clearly biased, so you don’t have to agree lol, but that is the only thing you can do about it sorry.
    1025 words
  8. Sad
    twists got a reaction from Grape in Drama in the VHL   
    Drama in the VHL

    I love our dog shit drama as much as the next person, but I figured I'd offer some advice to those that get involved with it first hand. First off, this is the VHL. Unless things have drastically changed half the members are probably around 16 years old. So yes, you're probably arguing with a 16 year old. The remaining half of the VHL probably has a mental illness because we spend all day posting things on a forum, or talking in discord instead of experiencing actual real life. To summarize, if you get into an argument its either with a 16 year old, or someone who literally doesn't know how to communicate with people IRL. Just let that sink in for a minute. In general, the internet acts no where near how people act in real life. In fact, people are more likely to go to extremes on the internet because there are literally no repercussions and you have a cloak of anonymity on. If you're an older member, just stop for a second and realize that the person you're about to get into an argument with doesn't represent how people act in real life. Thank god for that. This isn't just true in the VHL, it's also true on Reddit, Twitter, honestly just about any form of social media. If you're one of our younger members, in time you'll realize that things that happen online, in different countries, in your government, etc. have no affect on you whatsoever. Regardless of what you want to believe, most things just do not matter. At most they'll cause a slight inconvenience for you moving forward. Another fun realization you'll have is that nobody actually cares about what your opinion is on X. You can yell, scream and shout, but it won't matter. Life goes on around you. 
    Suffice to say, I'm not telling you to just accept things you don't like. You always have the option to leave. The VHL isn't going to suddenly decide to allow bigotry, so if your name starts with an Achilles you may want to throw the towel in. If you aren't having fun and just feeling frustrated, leave. Don't fall into the trap of "I used to like this thing, but now its different so even though I hate it, I'll force myself to stick around". That's called the sunk cost fallacy. 
    Finally, if it feels like drama follows you around everywhere....well you're the reason. If you're constantly getting into arguments and you think the world is out to get you...well maybe its because your opinions fucking suck. We all tend to always believe our opinions and thoughts are the right ones, but that is almost never true. Be willing to see other peoples' sides of things, even if you do completely disagree with it. Being understanding has never hurt anyone and normally helps you change your beliefs, or maybe reinforce your current ones. Just don't automatically assume someone is wrong because their opinion is different. 
    Thats it, that's my old man yelling at clouds rant. Try not to fight amongst each other because its never worth it. Well, it's worth it for those of us who get to view it independently, but thats not the point.
    546 words
  9. Cheers
    twists got a reaction from Pifferfish in Philadelphia Reapers Press Conference   
    1. Doing pretty good, Hoping Eric Queefson kills it this year in Philly.
    2. Lots of Easter shenanigans with the family, then had a lady over Sunday night
    3. I have two hockey games this week and yoga in between them. My weekdays are pretty hectic. Monday is my only nothing day.
    4. I have high hopes, but I gotta start putting more pucks in the net.
    5. My goal is to bet the best D-man in the M this year, but I don't know how possible that will be
    6. I like to knock my tasks out on Mondays, so thats the best day for me.
  10. Fire
    twists got a reaction from WildfireMicro in Stockholm Vikings Hot Start   
    Everyone has been awesome this year!
  11. Like
    twists reacted to WildfireMicro in Another Logan Foley quick story   
    (I have no idea what to title this I am sorry)
     Logan Foley was in high spirits. Despite still being in the VHLE, his team in the Stockholm Vikings were still seemingly quite good and they were riding a win streak of a few games and he had just managed to get back to his condo in Stockholm Sweden. As he walked in, he saw his fiance Izumi playing a game called Twisted Metal Head-On on his old PS2 he bought used from a pawn shop.
     "Hey I did not know that you were into those kinds of games" he says as he sits down next to her
     "Oh yeah I used to play car combat games when I was younger, though a lot of the Japanese versions were censored unfortunately" she smiles "by the way I have to ask you for a favor, and I do already know that I still owe you a favor from the last time..."
     "Hey you don't owe me a thing don't worry about it" Logan smiles "so anyways, what do you need?"
     "Well my boss is getting on my case as he usually does, but now he wants me to somehow get a story where I get interviews with some of the members of the Stockholm Vikings. Whilevi know that you would be ok with me asking you questions, I just don't know if your teammates would be ok with that..."
     "Oh I understand don't worry I'll try to ask them about it tomorrow" Logan says "also I will have to ask the GM and coaches if this is ok, but maybe I can get you into the locker room to interview the players personally"
     "Oh that would be fantastic Logan" Izumi smiles excitedly"I know that as a member of the press I should be able to get into locker rooms, but I've always been so nervous going into them. It's weird, but it just makes me feel like I do not belong in them, so maybe having you there with me will help." 
     "Yeah I can see why you would be nervous, I still get nervous when I enter a new locker as a new player. You should have seen how nervous I was when I went into my VHLM team's locker room, I was stuttering and everything!"
     "I cannot imagine you stuttering Logan" Izumi giggles "however that would be fantastic if you could help me. Also I know that you asked for it when we eventually move to Malmo, but I do not know how we will be able to construct an ice rink in the back of the house, that just seems to be quite the undertaking."
     "Yeah however I think I know a few construction guys who might be able to help with that, the only issue is maintenance with it. We would definitely not want it to melt. Maybe we should just keep one inside instead of the backyard or anything like that. Like a pool in summer and a rink in winter. I don't know, I am just throwing out ideas here!"
     "I know you are Logan, and I do love you for how frequently you speak your mind." She kisses him, then picks the controller back up "anyways I gotta unpause this, the level will not play itself!"
  12. Fire
    twists reacted to WildfireMicro in Stockholm Vikings Hot Start   
    Sup everyone WildfireMicro here and my VHLE team the Stockholm Vikings have gotten off to quite the hot start. 11 wins with only 1 loss and 22 points total, while the next teams closest to us are tied with 7-4-1 records in the Istanbul Red Wolves and the Geneva Rush, who also both have 15 points each. Don Aven of the Vikings is currently leading the VHLE in points with 21, while his teammate John Richards is third in points with 19. Jorgen Von Strangle is 9th with 14. John Richards is tied for first in the league in terms of goals with 9, and Don Aven and my player Logan Foley are tied for 7th place with 6 goals each.
     Don Aven gets most of his points from assists however, as he is second in the the league in them with 15, only one assist below Maxwell Mathias of the Geneva Rush who has 16. Jorgen Von Strangle is in a three way tie for 6th place with 11 assists. John Richards is tied for 9th with 19 assists. Also worth mentioning is that Logan Foley has 2 game winning goals. Surprisingly though, no Stockholm player has a hat trick yet in the early season, however that does show that not just one player is getting all the goals and that we are sharing the love around to all the players.
  13. Like
    twists got a reaction from Thunder in Gaming With Twists ep. 2   
    The boys do some gaming, and talk about all things VHL. PART TWO.
    Special guests: @Spartan , @STZ, @asteria and @a_Ferk
    STZ and I can claim for 3 weeks.
  14. Haha
    twists got a reaction from Grape in Democracy Dies in my Home State   
    This whole thread is cringe
  15. Boring
    twists got a reaction from Gaikoku-hito in Drama in the VHL   
    Drama in the VHL

    I love our dog shit drama as much as the next person, but I figured I'd offer some advice to those that get involved with it first hand. First off, this is the VHL. Unless things have drastically changed half the members are probably around 16 years old. So yes, you're probably arguing with a 16 year old. The remaining half of the VHL probably has a mental illness because we spend all day posting things on a forum, or talking in discord instead of experiencing actual real life. To summarize, if you get into an argument its either with a 16 year old, or someone who literally doesn't know how to communicate with people IRL. Just let that sink in for a minute. In general, the internet acts no where near how people act in real life. In fact, people are more likely to go to extremes on the internet because there are literally no repercussions and you have a cloak of anonymity on. If you're an older member, just stop for a second and realize that the person you're about to get into an argument with doesn't represent how people act in real life. Thank god for that. This isn't just true in the VHL, it's also true on Reddit, Twitter, honestly just about any form of social media. If you're one of our younger members, in time you'll realize that things that happen online, in different countries, in your government, etc. have no affect on you whatsoever. Regardless of what you want to believe, most things just do not matter. At most they'll cause a slight inconvenience for you moving forward. Another fun realization you'll have is that nobody actually cares about what your opinion is on X. You can yell, scream and shout, but it won't matter. Life goes on around you. 
    Suffice to say, I'm not telling you to just accept things you don't like. You always have the option to leave. The VHL isn't going to suddenly decide to allow bigotry, so if your name starts with an Achilles you may want to throw the towel in. If you aren't having fun and just feeling frustrated, leave. Don't fall into the trap of "I used to like this thing, but now its different so even though I hate it, I'll force myself to stick around". That's called the sunk cost fallacy. 
    Finally, if it feels like drama follows you around everywhere....well you're the reason. If you're constantly getting into arguments and you think the world is out to get you...well maybe its because your opinions fucking suck. We all tend to always believe our opinions and thoughts are the right ones, but that is almost never true. Be willing to see other peoples' sides of things, even if you do completely disagree with it. Being understanding has never hurt anyone and normally helps you change your beliefs, or maybe reinforce your current ones. Just don't automatically assume someone is wrong because their opinion is different. 
    Thats it, that's my old man yelling at clouds rant. Try not to fight amongst each other because its never worth it. Well, it's worth it for those of us who get to view it independently, but thats not the point.
    546 words
  16. Like
    twists got a reaction from sadie in Drama in the VHL   
    Drama in the VHL

    I love our dog shit drama as much as the next person, but I figured I'd offer some advice to those that get involved with it first hand. First off, this is the VHL. Unless things have drastically changed half the members are probably around 16 years old. So yes, you're probably arguing with a 16 year old. The remaining half of the VHL probably has a mental illness because we spend all day posting things on a forum, or talking in discord instead of experiencing actual real life. To summarize, if you get into an argument its either with a 16 year old, or someone who literally doesn't know how to communicate with people IRL. Just let that sink in for a minute. In general, the internet acts no where near how people act in real life. In fact, people are more likely to go to extremes on the internet because there are literally no repercussions and you have a cloak of anonymity on. If you're an older member, just stop for a second and realize that the person you're about to get into an argument with doesn't represent how people act in real life. Thank god for that. This isn't just true in the VHL, it's also true on Reddit, Twitter, honestly just about any form of social media. If you're one of our younger members, in time you'll realize that things that happen online, in different countries, in your government, etc. have no affect on you whatsoever. Regardless of what you want to believe, most things just do not matter. At most they'll cause a slight inconvenience for you moving forward. Another fun realization you'll have is that nobody actually cares about what your opinion is on X. You can yell, scream and shout, but it won't matter. Life goes on around you. 
    Suffice to say, I'm not telling you to just accept things you don't like. You always have the option to leave. The VHL isn't going to suddenly decide to allow bigotry, so if your name starts with an Achilles you may want to throw the towel in. If you aren't having fun and just feeling frustrated, leave. Don't fall into the trap of "I used to like this thing, but now its different so even though I hate it, I'll force myself to stick around". That's called the sunk cost fallacy. 
    Finally, if it feels like drama follows you around everywhere....well you're the reason. If you're constantly getting into arguments and you think the world is out to get you...well maybe its because your opinions fucking suck. We all tend to always believe our opinions and thoughts are the right ones, but that is almost never true. Be willing to see other peoples' sides of things, even if you do completely disagree with it. Being understanding has never hurt anyone and normally helps you change your beliefs, or maybe reinforce your current ones. Just don't automatically assume someone is wrong because their opinion is different. 
    Thats it, that's my old man yelling at clouds rant. Try not to fight amongst each other because its never worth it. Well, it's worth it for those of us who get to view it independently, but thats not the point.
    546 words
  17. Like
    twists got a reaction from Jason kranz in Drama in the VHL   
    Drama in the VHL

    I love our dog shit drama as much as the next person, but I figured I'd offer some advice to those that get involved with it first hand. First off, this is the VHL. Unless things have drastically changed half the members are probably around 16 years old. So yes, you're probably arguing with a 16 year old. The remaining half of the VHL probably has a mental illness because we spend all day posting things on a forum, or talking in discord instead of experiencing actual real life. To summarize, if you get into an argument its either with a 16 year old, or someone who literally doesn't know how to communicate with people IRL. Just let that sink in for a minute. In general, the internet acts no where near how people act in real life. In fact, people are more likely to go to extremes on the internet because there are literally no repercussions and you have a cloak of anonymity on. If you're an older member, just stop for a second and realize that the person you're about to get into an argument with doesn't represent how people act in real life. Thank god for that. This isn't just true in the VHL, it's also true on Reddit, Twitter, honestly just about any form of social media. If you're one of our younger members, in time you'll realize that things that happen online, in different countries, in your government, etc. have no affect on you whatsoever. Regardless of what you want to believe, most things just do not matter. At most they'll cause a slight inconvenience for you moving forward. Another fun realization you'll have is that nobody actually cares about what your opinion is on X. You can yell, scream and shout, but it won't matter. Life goes on around you. 
    Suffice to say, I'm not telling you to just accept things you don't like. You always have the option to leave. The VHL isn't going to suddenly decide to allow bigotry, so if your name starts with an Achilles you may want to throw the towel in. If you aren't having fun and just feeling frustrated, leave. Don't fall into the trap of "I used to like this thing, but now its different so even though I hate it, I'll force myself to stick around". That's called the sunk cost fallacy. 
    Finally, if it feels like drama follows you around everywhere....well you're the reason. If you're constantly getting into arguments and you think the world is out to get you...well maybe its because your opinions fucking suck. We all tend to always believe our opinions and thoughts are the right ones, but that is almost never true. Be willing to see other peoples' sides of things, even if you do completely disagree with it. Being understanding has never hurt anyone and normally helps you change your beliefs, or maybe reinforce your current ones. Just don't automatically assume someone is wrong because their opinion is different. 
    Thats it, that's my old man yelling at clouds rant. Try not to fight amongst each other because its never worth it. Well, it's worth it for those of us who get to view it independently, but thats not the point.
    546 words
  18. Like
    twists got a reaction from Arce in Drama in the VHL   
    Drama in the VHL

    I love our dog shit drama as much as the next person, but I figured I'd offer some advice to those that get involved with it first hand. First off, this is the VHL. Unless things have drastically changed half the members are probably around 16 years old. So yes, you're probably arguing with a 16 year old. The remaining half of the VHL probably has a mental illness because we spend all day posting things on a forum, or talking in discord instead of experiencing actual real life. To summarize, if you get into an argument its either with a 16 year old, or someone who literally doesn't know how to communicate with people IRL. Just let that sink in for a minute. In general, the internet acts no where near how people act in real life. In fact, people are more likely to go to extremes on the internet because there are literally no repercussions and you have a cloak of anonymity on. If you're an older member, just stop for a second and realize that the person you're about to get into an argument with doesn't represent how people act in real life. Thank god for that. This isn't just true in the VHL, it's also true on Reddit, Twitter, honestly just about any form of social media. If you're one of our younger members, in time you'll realize that things that happen online, in different countries, in your government, etc. have no affect on you whatsoever. Regardless of what you want to believe, most things just do not matter. At most they'll cause a slight inconvenience for you moving forward. Another fun realization you'll have is that nobody actually cares about what your opinion is on X. You can yell, scream and shout, but it won't matter. Life goes on around you. 
    Suffice to say, I'm not telling you to just accept things you don't like. You always have the option to leave. The VHL isn't going to suddenly decide to allow bigotry, so if your name starts with an Achilles you may want to throw the towel in. If you aren't having fun and just feeling frustrated, leave. Don't fall into the trap of "I used to like this thing, but now its different so even though I hate it, I'll force myself to stick around". That's called the sunk cost fallacy. 
    Finally, if it feels like drama follows you around everywhere....well you're the reason. If you're constantly getting into arguments and you think the world is out to get you...well maybe its because your opinions fucking suck. We all tend to always believe our opinions and thoughts are the right ones, but that is almost never true. Be willing to see other peoples' sides of things, even if you do completely disagree with it. Being understanding has never hurt anyone and normally helps you change your beliefs, or maybe reinforce your current ones. Just don't automatically assume someone is wrong because their opinion is different. 
    Thats it, that's my old man yelling at clouds rant. Try not to fight amongst each other because its never worth it. Well, it's worth it for those of us who get to view it independently, but thats not the point.
    546 words
  19. Like
    twists got a reaction from Spartan in Drama in the VHL   
    Drama in the VHL

    I love our dog shit drama as much as the next person, but I figured I'd offer some advice to those that get involved with it first hand. First off, this is the VHL. Unless things have drastically changed half the members are probably around 16 years old. So yes, you're probably arguing with a 16 year old. The remaining half of the VHL probably has a mental illness because we spend all day posting things on a forum, or talking in discord instead of experiencing actual real life. To summarize, if you get into an argument its either with a 16 year old, or someone who literally doesn't know how to communicate with people IRL. Just let that sink in for a minute. In general, the internet acts no where near how people act in real life. In fact, people are more likely to go to extremes on the internet because there are literally no repercussions and you have a cloak of anonymity on. If you're an older member, just stop for a second and realize that the person you're about to get into an argument with doesn't represent how people act in real life. Thank god for that. This isn't just true in the VHL, it's also true on Reddit, Twitter, honestly just about any form of social media. If you're one of our younger members, in time you'll realize that things that happen online, in different countries, in your government, etc. have no affect on you whatsoever. Regardless of what you want to believe, most things just do not matter. At most they'll cause a slight inconvenience for you moving forward. Another fun realization you'll have is that nobody actually cares about what your opinion is on X. You can yell, scream and shout, but it won't matter. Life goes on around you. 
    Suffice to say, I'm not telling you to just accept things you don't like. You always have the option to leave. The VHL isn't going to suddenly decide to allow bigotry, so if your name starts with an Achilles you may want to throw the towel in. If you aren't having fun and just feeling frustrated, leave. Don't fall into the trap of "I used to like this thing, but now its different so even though I hate it, I'll force myself to stick around". That's called the sunk cost fallacy. 
    Finally, if it feels like drama follows you around everywhere....well you're the reason. If you're constantly getting into arguments and you think the world is out to get you...well maybe its because your opinions fucking suck. We all tend to always believe our opinions and thoughts are the right ones, but that is almost never true. Be willing to see other peoples' sides of things, even if you do completely disagree with it. Being understanding has never hurt anyone and normally helps you change your beliefs, or maybe reinforce your current ones. Just don't automatically assume someone is wrong because their opinion is different. 
    Thats it, that's my old man yelling at clouds rant. Try not to fight amongst each other because its never worth it. Well, it's worth it for those of us who get to view it independently, but thats not the point.
    546 words
  20. Like
    twists got a reaction from Scurvy in Democracy Dies in my Home State   
    This whole thread is cringe
  21. Like
    twists got a reaction from Thunder in Democracy Dies in my Home State   
    This whole thread is cringe
  22. Like
    twists got a reaction from Subject056 in Gaming With Twists ep. 2   
    The boys do some gaming, and talk about all things VHL. PART TWO.
    Special guests: @Spartan , @STZ, @asteria and @a_Ferk
    STZ and I can claim for 3 weeks.
  23. Like
    twists got a reaction from Masu Chan in WJC Commissioner Resignation/Job Opening   
    Damn, pass.
  24. Haha
    twists got a reaction from Zetterberg in WJC Commissioner Resignation/Job Opening   
    Damn, pass.
  25. Haha
    twists got a reaction from Arce in WJC Commissioner Resignation/Job Opening   
    Damn, pass.
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