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  1. Very Nice
    twists reacted to FrostBeard in NSFW Topics including both Drugs and Alcohol.   
    As a Latvian alcoholic - I find this incredibly offensive. 
  2. Haha
    twists reacted to ke1vi in Houston GM Punishment   
    this thread reminds me of a parent melting down at their kid in front of everyone at McDonald's playplace
  3. Haha
    twists reacted to Dom in Houston GM Punishment   
    pls be our next financier
  4. Haha
    twists got a reaction from Dom in Houston GM Punishment   
    well i don't know how to count ok
  5. Fire
    twists got a reaction from rory in Gustav's Collection of Questionable Discord Screenshots   
  6. Like
    twists reacted to diacope 2 in Houston GM Punishment   
    Achilles was treated unfairly, he was a beloved member of the VHL
  7. Like
    twists reacted to AJW in Houston GM Punishment   
    Sorry to anyone this may have hurt. I had no bad intentions bringing Achilles back, they were great as Dack and Houston had no problems with them while they were here. 
  8. Like
    twists got a reaction from Rayzor_7 in Houston GM Punishment   
    Tbf Fong isn't asking anything that isn't totally valid. It's what I was thinking while I read the entire thread. We have mods/blues/etc in power for a reason. They're the ones who are allowed to make decisions about allowing people back into the community. Why did you think you had that power in this case?  
    It's a hard and uncomfortable question, but does deserve an answer. 
    Fong has a tendency to come off very strong/aggressive when questioning people, so I don't blame you for your reaction to his line of questioning. However, I'd also like to hear your answer to that question.
    edit: I said question like 82 times in this post
  9. Fire
    twists reacted to KzooJohn in Extension [S88](S85) LW - Johnny Kalamazoo   
    I am happy to announce my continuation with the Stockholm Vikings organization. 
  10. Haha
    twists reacted to Banackock in Houston GM Punishment   
    That’s not very VHL of you.. 😘
  11. Haha
    twists got a reaction from Gaming Ringleader in Houston GM Punishment   
    well i don't know how to count ok
  12. Very Nice
    twists reacted to frescoelmo in Houston GM Punishment   
    @twists REKT
  13. Fire
    twists reacted to Baozi in Houston GM Punishment   
    You know this isn't even the second chance? Howmany chances would you like? Do you know how recent his last infractions were elsewhere? SHL recently banned banned him in January. His twitter was filled with hate speech in December. Did you even do your due diligence when dealing with Achillies? There have been 4 (5th including this one) incidents regarding him, I'd show you what he DMed some of the staff in december, but I don't feel the need to rehash any or want to post those messages. He has not ever shown any remorse for his actions at all. If you notice this convertsation, you see that he "blames it on" external factors and doesn't even take into consideration his own actions.
    Or its really simple, he was just conning you so that you would help him get back into these communities. How do you know anything he said you was even true?
  14. Fire
    twists reacted to Spartan in Houston GM Punishment   
    I'm happy to consider second chances as well, and I would hope the mods would be as well. But when there's a clear disregard to following a ban appeal process and breaking another rule regarding ban evasions, it doesn't show that much has been learned. Breaking rules is not being reformed.
  15. Like
    twists got a reaction from Thunder in Gaming With Twists ep. 2   
    The boys do some gaming, and talk about all things VHL. PART TWO.
    Special guests: @Spartan , @STZ, @asteria and @a_Ferk
    STZ and I can claim for 3 weeks.
  16. Like
    twists got a reaction from Viper in Extension [S88](S85) C - Gavin Rozzdale   
    The Stockholm Vikings offer a 1-Year Extension to Gavin Rozzdale @Jbeezy76, please reply to this topic if you accept.
  17. Hmmm
    twists reacted to Ricer13 in VHL MOD Team Hiring (Open Inventory)   
    The ideal individual should posses the following traits:
    1) Online availability throughout the day to be checking into the forums and discord and respond to staff pings promptly. (Please note in application your most active hours) and how often you are on forums/discord.
    My availability is from 7am to 11 pm MST. I response fairly quickly to any pings throughout the day and my activity on both of the discord and forum are quite high.
    2) Be able to respond to discord pings and be verified via 2fa.
    Responding to pings is no issue. I am often very quick to respond throughout the hours posted above. Being verified is no issue.
    3) Older than 20 years (or demonstration of maturity and judgement) 
    I am 34 years old. For the most part I am mature and have good judgment but am by no means a perfect person.
    4) Not hold other league jobs or associations (GMing) that may pose a conflict of interest (exceptions apply) 
    I do hold a couple jobs in the league but would likely step back from one of them if given this opportunity. They wouldn’t affect my attentiveness to this job regardless.
    Additional things you may add for consideration:
    -Can be on as late as 2 am on weekends but that’s as late as I can be on. 
    -I care about the well being of this league and the safety of the people in it. I do not have previous moderation experience but am eager to learn. 
    Any other questions for me please let me know.
  18. Haha
    twists reacted to Lemorse7 in VAS/STO; S88   
    Goated trade @twistsyou are really rough to negotiate with XD
  19. Haha
    twists reacted to Arce in Dusty Wilson Deserved Better   
  20. Like
    twists reacted to FrostBeard in Dusty Wilson Deserved Better   
    There are always situations when the best decision for the team might hurt some players and I can understand that approach. 

    However I think it is vital for GMs to understand that we are not dealing with assets - we are dealing with players and people that are here to have the best possible experience. It gives the team correct vibe and also promotes the idea that GMing is not a job to achieve something for yourself but work to give an experience for everyone on the team. 
  21. Like
    twists reacted to CowboyinAmerica in Dusty Wilson Deserved Better   
    There's a balance between letting GMs make moves but still allowing players to have fun, and I think it's too far to one side. Generally, I've seen a lot of players moved because their builds aren't exactly in line what the GM wants. Players are getting cast off in search of whatever the meta is at the time (right now 6 F, 3 D, more TPE in forwards with zero variation) without a second glance. And partially in mine and Dusty's case but I've seen it in others (including not goalies), players spending a large portion of their careers with one franchise only to get abruptly cast aside for cap reasons right as they're reaching the end of their career.
    That all works fine if you're playing a GM simulator, and I think many GMs approach moves like they're playing OOTP or something. But here you're dealing with people - and people who are only here for fun at that, not a paycheck like professional leagues. At least in my opinion, player sims should have more of a communal element baked in, and part of that means letting individual players have fun in the way they want. If you want specifics, to me that means a more forgiving salary structure that allows more players to stay on teams if they wish (even if you don't want to raise the cap, think NBA's Bird Rights), less of a focus on the STHS meta and optimal player builds, and rosters/lines that encourage players to play as much as possible no matter where they are in their careers (with this many goalies, I wouldn't be against the backup limit being raised to 16 or 20).
    But above all else, really I just wish people focused more on what's fun than what's "best" or most "balanced". I've said all along that I'd rather be on a team that's a lot of fun and a 5% chance of winning instead of a team that's cutthroat for a 20% chance of winning. I think the league would be better off if more people thought that way too. That's not the prevailing mindset though.
  22. Sad
    twists reacted to CowboyinAmerica in Dusty Wilson Deserved Better   
    I mean, I'd also argue that I deserved better from Davos which had a ripple effect here. There seems to be a culture of optimization over fun among current VHL GMs that I'm not the biggest fan of, which makes being cutthroat a necessity just to keep up.
  23. Fire
    twists reacted to Doomsday in Dusty Wilson Deserved Better   
    SEATTLE - Puzzling news came out of Seattle on Wednesday at quarter to 1 PM EST when the Bears publicly announced that they had declined the team option of starting goaltender and Season 86 Scotty Campbell Trophy winner Dusty Wilson, suddenly ending his four season tenure with the team. Nine hours later, an absolute bombshell was dropped on the VHL when the Bears acquired veteran goaltender Xavier Booberry in a trade with the HC Davos Dynamo.
    Wilson seemed to have options in free agency, with several teams likely looking to free agency for a goaltender, but those teams will not have the option of Dusty Wilson, who nearly a day later announced his retirement and became the first player to hang up their skates in Season 88. A career with such promise had been wiped out for seemingly no real reason at all.
    "Hopefully can find a home!" Seattle General Manager Blake Campbell stated at the press conference announcing his release. "Great player and better person. Any team would be lucky."
    However, if that was the case, why was Wilson not good enough for Seattle? It's not like their series defeat to the eventual champion Calgary Wranglers was on him, especially not after his strongest postseason to date with a .930 save percentage. Wilson has shown himself capable of dragging the Bears kicking and screaming into the playoffs, and has shown himself to be a loyal teammate capable of elite performances. However, that didn't stop him from being cast aside by Campbell as if he was garbage.
    Dusty Wilson deserved better.
    Jethro Novacek is a writer for the MSFL Times, the premium purveyor of simulation sports news. He enjoys the buzz in the air the VHL Draft season brings, freshly baked pizza, and being a valued member of his team.
  24. Haha
    twists got a reaction from Spartan in MOS/LAS; S88   
    @STZ waiting for the trade where Moscow can draft him
  25. Woah
    twists got a reaction from STZ in MOS/LAS; S88   
    @STZ waiting for the trade where Moscow can draft him
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