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Everything posted by Doomsday

  1. I'm just here to hit people and be a menace.
  2. Holy shit Flyers, this does not do my heart good.
  3. Best joke in this thread TBH.
  4. Politics in general is just bad news.
  5. That one's on you Martin, sorry.
  6. The Great Wall of Brookside strikes again!
  7. Still not used to those names being on the other team. :-(
  8. I really liked the one on the last site.
  9. Really can't bring myself to vote for ones that couldn't do a jersey change to put VHL players on it.
  10. Encarnacion's added flair is taking it the extra mile.
  11. Congrats buddy, Osborne has certainly done it all now.
  12. The first in a series of great games to come between these two teams.
  13. Already wrote mine for next week, but I could absolutely do that. Would be sweet to not have to worry about coming up with a topic for two weeks.
  14. What if we change the strict 175 cap to something along the lines that a player cannot have 175 or more TPE added to their player while in the VHLM (TPE can continue to be earned, but no more than 174 points can be allocated to any player's attributes in the VHLM) But they can pass the 175 mark by banking TPE, preventing players from having to burn TPE if they wish to stay down one more year. Can only be done once during a career.
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