Name: Yllawynn Darora
Race: Firbolg
Class: Rogue
Background: Yllawynn Darora grew up in a small community of Firbolg in the woods, about two miles away from the nearby city of Rex-Imm (or at least as she understood it at the time - she would later discover it was spelled Wrexham). Relatively young and inexperienced in the ways of life, Yllawynn and her friends would often dare each other to do silly, often reckless things by way of pranks. One night, Yllawynn's friend Umegalor Carqen dared her to sneak into the city and try to remain there for a day without being spotted. Obviously, a Firbolg isn't exactly something that humans are used to, so she tried to keep to the shadows, eventually taking a nap behind the dumpster of an Italian restaurant. Upon waking up, she was hungry and ate some recently disposed of food, and discovered the greatest culinary invention of humankind that she would have to take back to the Firbolgs. It was something called a Rah-Ve-Ouly, or so she overheard the humans saying. She could make out the taste of cheese and of tomato but could not figure out this smooth grain-like substance where the cheese was held, so she climbed up deeper into the dumpster to investigate and to eat the rest of what was there, except for a single Rah-Ve-Ouly which she would take back to the woods with her. Climbing out of the dumpster, she was spotted by a human who had never seen a Firbolg before and taken away, where she was kept in the human's basement for a few days. The human interacted with her, as curious about a Firbolg as she was about a Rah-Ve-Ouly, but eventually she would escape. Or so she thought. The human had been a scientist of sorts, and in Yllawynn's attempt to leave, she'd gone through some sort of makeshift portal where she ended up in a different location and had no concept of her bearings. Wanting for years to get back to her community but not knowing if they were on the same world, in the same universe, on the same timeline, or anything, she eventually tried to make the most of her new life, learning a lot of foraging and stealth skills along the way and developing something of a rogue skillset in her new setting. She had long since eaten the final Rah-Ve-Ouly, and has not discovered any more of them since the portal.
Goal: To unlock the secrets behind this marvelous food known as a Rah-Ve-Ouly, so she can make them herself and never have to worry about running out again. Oh, and if there's time for it, maybe get back to her home.