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Everything posted by diamond_ace

  1. The results of the lottery are as follows: SDM 1OA (30% chance, 12th place team) MIN 2OA (25% chance, 11th place team) HOU 3OA (25% chance, 10th place team) PHI 4OA (20% chance, 9th place team). The results went exactly in order of team, no one "won" the lottery so to speak. This was done on a randomizer wheel in discord, viewed by @rjfryman @Ricer13 @Spartan @Renomitsu @Rayzor_7 @DMaximus who can vouch for it happening - I don't know how to actually stream myself doing a lottery so this was the best I could do. @VHLM Commissioner @VHLM GM @Commissioner
  2. Just remember, tonight when the news coverage is focusing particularly heavily on my state in particular: we're not all like that.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BOOM


      Feel free to consider Australia as a post-election destination.

    3. Banackock


      Blows my mind how a massive portion vote though. Similar nations in some ways (CAN/USA) very... very... very different in others. 4 years of twitter, saying dumb stuff, just how he acts and what he says and being a narcissist isn’t even enough to not be president.

      Good luck from Canada :( 

      Remember Gritty, someone in Texas government also said the economy was more important than people’s lives and that there’s “more important things than living”. That guy will probably be next USA president :P 

    4. mediocrepony


      yeah, I mean, makes 100 sense


      intellect 100

  3. diamond_ace


    I absolutely remember you, I gmed you on Ottawa. This is a class post, and it's good to hear from you anyway. Welcome back in whatever capacity you decide, even if it's just to talk to us in this thread.
  4. Also, as I briefly went by diamond_cincinnatus in general discord, I approve of Jeff getting him here. Obviously I'll take Mandela
  5. Compares Victor to Napoleon "I realized that Eno was the only one I gave a negative to"
  6. You were in this category. Your offer count was pretty low compared to most, but Acyd didn't count any inactives for you, and with only space in one position, you can only do what you can do.
  7. A month ago, a punishment was handed out to Minnesota for violation of the prime directive of the VHLM: that the league is for retention as a primary focus and the competition aspect is only secondary to that aim. To give credit where credit is due: @Rayzor_7 has done very well to that end since then, which has been necessary from several teams given that we were just recently in the midst of the biggest recruiting drive the site has ever seen. As a result of that recruiting drive, and as his first major action in the role of my fellow VHLM Commissioner, @Acydburn went through the rosters, checking for inactives, comparing the number of claims offered on players, etc. This was entered into a spreadsheet and it was a quite thorough search - the results were that most teams, whether of their own accord or as a result of my multiple warnings and tags in the discord, have either been adequately doing their jobs regarding getting in new players or were fairly close to such a standard (a few with minor abnormalities but the effort seemed to be there). However, a few teams were found in violation, to varying degrees of severity - one in fact was particularly severe, with inactives dating back months while new players were unable to find roster spots. We've reached out to the GMs of the teams in question, and received a reply from two of the three, and after a discussion between the two of us, the following punishments have been reached: Ottawa @DoktorFunk will be deducted a 1st and 3rd. Mississauga @ColeMrtz will be deducted a 3rd. Halifax @Dil will be deducted a 4th. These picks will be taken from the earliest remaining picks each team has - for example, Ottawa does not have S75 1st, so will be deducted S76 1st. @VHLM Commissioner @Commissioner @VHLM GM
  8. Since we're out anyway, I'm officially on board the Helsinki bandwagon for this playoffs. Get one for the former Prague guys
  9. Kefka is too busy destroying the world to learn how to faceoff.
  10. Whether I keep the pick or trade it, there is a 0% chance I go goalie in the first round.
  11. Honestly, I'm for it, but between the blues, greens, and former blues, I'm generally not in the majority here.
  12. missed out on an extra point by 0.21
  13. 1. Going to go Ohradka here - big breakout PPG season and caps it off with winning us that Game 1 in Helsinki. 2. The first official Phantom, Erik Draven. It must be a fun reunion for him to get back in touch with Perrin for a season - unfortunate playoff setup that sees us face each other, but of course we must end their run early. In the case that we don't, I'll temporarily hop on board the Helsinki bandwagon just to see these two get something for all their work. 3. THE BEARDS. I have a pretty ridiculous beard - between me, McWolf, Rayzor, and Muffins, we have probably enough to make Cousin It from Addams Family. 4. Enjoy the experience, get out there and soak up the atmosphere. Playoff hockey is a whole different animal, and there's nothing like it. 5. Prague in 5. It's no coincidence that these two teams finished only a single point apart in the regular season, and it looks like a tough series for either team, but I'm confident we can get it done when it matters. 6. Honestly, this is a bit out of left field, but Toronto. When I did the division preview, I didn't think they looked particularly worse than teams they finished behind last season, and this seems to have been a regression to the mean for them, in a positive direction. This is closer to where I think they should have finished last season, and it'll be interesting to see if they can get it done against a playoff seasoned Seattle team.
  14. @BladeMaiden I'm pretty sure it's Taktischer Vorschlaghammer?
  15. @omgitshim if you need another calmer, laid back type of guy that played with Arroyo, perhaps to start a second line... (cough Evan R. Lawson cough)
  16. 6 is my all time favorite game. Also, I have a shirt with suplexing a train on it
  17. Got it! Who would have called a finish of 81, 80, and 80 for 3 teams and 2 spots though?
  18. X is prob 5th for me, just bc I have a lot of nostalgia for the earlier ones
  19. Map not working for me. Pittsburgh though
  20. Yeah I would have been interested in seeing what someone else thought of my team
  21. In one game. I'm sure you did significantly better than that throughout the season
  22. It's Romani Ite Domum! Now write it 100 times on the temple wall
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