A month ago, a punishment was handed out to Minnesota for violation of the prime directive of the VHLM: that the league is for retention as a primary focus and the competition aspect is only secondary to that aim. To give credit where credit is due: @Rayzor_7 has done very well to that end since then, which has been necessary from several teams given that we were just recently in the midst of the biggest recruiting drive the site has ever seen.
As a result of that recruiting drive, and as his first major action in the role of my fellow VHLM Commissioner, @Acydburn went through the rosters, checking for inactives, comparing the number of claims offered on players, etc. This was entered into a spreadsheet and it was a quite thorough search - the results were that most teams, whether of their own accord or as a result of my multiple warnings and tags in the discord, have either been adequately doing their jobs regarding getting in new players or were fairly close to such a standard (a few with minor abnormalities but the effort seemed to be there). However, a few teams were found in violation, to varying degrees of severity - one in fact was particularly severe, with inactives dating back months while new players were unable to find roster spots. We've reached out to the GMs of the teams in question, and received a reply from two of the three, and after a discussion between the two of us, the following punishments have been reached:
Ottawa @DoktorFunk will be deducted a 1st and 3rd.
Mississauga @ColeMrtz will be deducted a 3rd.
Halifax @Dil will be deducted a 4th.
These picks will be taken from the earliest remaining picks each team has - for example, Ottawa does not have S75 1st, so will be deducted S76 1st. @VHLM Commissioner @Commissioner @VHLM GM