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Everything posted by diamond_ace

  1. King trade paying off
  2. The midseason guys were strong in this one
  3. You and @ChaceT were two of my best midseason pickups out of all the years I've GMed, which says a lot. Very much hoping to end up on the same team as you in the bigs at some point
  4. @oilmandan gunning to be one of the rare guys who is never VHLM drafted because he'll already be over the cap
  5. A league with you out of Davos is a league with me out of Calgary
  6. This wins, shut it down everyone
  7. Green Bear Tired of other energy drinks claiming to give you appendages their specified animals don't even have? Well, bulls may not have wings, but bears certainly have claws! Get your claws out and sink into Green Bear energy drinks, great for scorers, defenders, and even for fighters, who can really dig those claws into their opponents. Five patented formulas - Grizzly, for the big hulking defensemen and two way forwards who like to block up the lane; Kodiak, for the power forwards who blast the puck with full strength; Sun, for the little guys who use their speed and tactical awareness; Panda, for increased agility when rolling around to get in the way of shots, great for goalies and positional defenders; and Polar, the goon's formula, for the only strictly carnivorous bear there is. Green Bear: sink your claws into it! (OOC: Kind of obvious what this one is...) Athena More than a sportswear company - Athena provides apparel for on the ice as well as off. Athena sportswear is for the thinking man's athlete, one who knows the game inside and out, and who is never caught on the back foot. That said, we're not just going to sit back and wait for the play to pass us by either; we think, we react, and we make the play. Celebrating after a hard fought win? Swap out of your Athena gear, catch a post game shower, then get into your Athena casual wear also. Play well during the game, look good after. Other companies are just fledgling little things that sit on our shoulders - we get it done. Athena: Get It Done. (OOC: in Greek mythology, Nike was a small winged creature that sat on the shoulder of Athena, to explain that reference. Otherwise, this one was pretty obvious too). Eleva Primarily a shoe company popular among the ultrarunning community, Eleva is branching out into the hockey world. We recognize the need for conditioning training, between seasons and when recovering from injuries, and so we've worked with our development team and former VHLers to produce the top of the line shoe that will keep you on your feet miles later. The rest of the team will be begging Coach for a rest, and you'll be out there until Coach asks you to stop so we can please just go home already. Constructed with our patented Synthread topsole for maximum breathability and flexible yet sturdy underneath so you'll feel like you're running on clouds - you'll be able to top the league in minutes and never get tired. Keep journeymen like OTT LW1 on the bench, eat up those minutes, and condition yourself with Eleva shoes. (OOC: Dug into my own knowledge of ultrarunning shoes here, basing Eleva on Altra)
  8. Where do you think Calgary will finish NEXT year? I know, a bit of an odd one, we're not even done with this year yet. Three team race in the VHLM, Halifax, Vegas, Ottawa (sorry Oslo and Sask, you both know you're only technically still alive) - who do you think takes it? Thoughts on Trifecta being named GM of Oslo? Thoughts on Quik being named GM of Helsinki?
  9. In that case, can I get BER D1 on Ottawa - can call him Birdie
  10. What is NYA LW3 doing on Riga
  11. Would have been interesting to see either Mertz or Smith on Oslo... or Santos, or Asipi, or Miller, or Baros, or any active goalie with a pulse. Stoffiday and Weekes holding it down for the actives on lesser teams (and arguably are the perfect two guys to do that with, as they should both be down again next season, when their teams should be better) but it would have been a curious little experiment if the team with a 30 TPE inactive all season had a GM who actually bothered to sign anyone at all.
  12. You pick up on little quirks like that if you see a guy write often enough. I was in plenty of arguments with our French friend, so I saw the space too many times...
  13. Even with the extra space between the letter and the exclamation point - definitely Boubabi.
  14. VanCoughnett - big piece of my S23 Founders Cup with Ottawa, then gets to the bigs and pulls this. Perfect example of how you never really know what you're getting
  15. I'd say to try to switch to a later version of STHS. I know we've had issues getting the stats to come out comparably, but I'm not convinced they have to come out comparably - records could be pre-change and post-change, and we'd have TA and GA for defensive stats, and the fight to be the new best would be entertaining for the league.
  16. I'd very much like Kriketers to be in for the playoffs, not Baros. I'm in the car on the way back from a vacation though, so not much functionality. Ultimately it shouldn't make much difference vs Sask either way
  17. Anyway - we've pretty well hashed this out on the discord now. I think you understand what I'm saying though. to you for next season, although I will absolutely bump this if we're top 3, and I expect you to do the same if we're in danger of missing the playoffs. (If we're in 4/5 but safely in, as in 6th is well back, then it's a wash). Going out to dinner now, doubt I'll be on here
  18. I am being happy. I'm actually quite excited right now - arguing with actual logic is one of my favorite things (not actually lying about that). As for overdramatic, I'm trying to prove a point. You don't just say shit without a reason for it. Not sure what the day of the week has to do with anything.
  19. I took you making a claim with no evidence and turned it into an evisceration of the same. If you don't have evidence (which you don't, as per your post attempting to provide some) then I suggest you issue a retraction. The funny part is the one argument I actually expected you to make (the one argument that might hold some merit, and no I'm not going to provide you with it) you didn't even make.
  20. We're losing a 500 TPA player, having a guy who was about 300 before the season and now in the mid-400s (me), and a guy at 566 now who has added over 100 himself since the beginning of the season (Arroyo). Our gains make up the difference between Bogdanovic and a draftee, even more so if you take into consideration the draftee will be adding more. Of course, you look at the negative in a vacuum, and fail to apply the positives, because it makes your argument sound plausible. No inactives hitting depreciation, not that it would matter. You don't get to assume we'll sell when the GM himself has specified otherwise. You can try to argue we should sell, but that's a separate argument which has no bearing in how things will turn out based on the facts you have at hand (that we won't sell, as specified by the person making the decision). I wouldn't necessarily say all of these teams are fully ready to compete yet (nor would most people using actual logic), but of course it's convenient for your argument to assume leaps that have not yet happened. Toronto especially - you have to stretch logic to the point where it becomes a fucking Stretch Armstrong to put Toronto in anything resembling the same boat as Calgary next year. Of course you would, because you've already said that. However, I'd like to let you know something - the actual results of the league are not determined by who you would take. If you're taking Quebec this season, despite us being most of the way through said season and Calgary have 117 points to Quebec's 102, then as with most of your other arguments here - you don't actually believe that and are simply saying it because it's what makes your argument sound plausible. Sure, it's entirely possible that Quebec can win - but at nearly the end of the season, if one team is 15 points ahead of another team and hasn't even lost a double digit amount of times, OT included, then the only reasonable team to expect to win based on odds would be the team with the significant lead. As for next season, Quebec will have a decent shot, Riga might even (and you say "if the cards play right" but you basically assume they will, because of course you do), but if you're only naming two teams you'd take over us (even in your incredibly biased, non-factual state) then you're outright stating that you don't actually think we'll suck and you're just making a claim for the sake of making a claim. That's not how it works. You make a claim, you use evidence to support said claim. If you don't have evidence, you don't make the claim. The same angry, dominant tone villains use in their monologues, right before they're defeated. Logic doesn't wait for monologues. Logic cuts giant holes in every argument you've used, while you're concerned about your tone.
  21. Your work here is not done. You made a claim, back it up.
  22. @Banackock what are you laughing about? Explain to me exactly how this team will be bad next year. Sit there and fucking lay it out. If you can't, drop it.
  23. Stopko will only be at depreciation level 2, as will Louth. Canmore will only be at depreciation level 1. Another year of improvement for me, as well as Arroyo, without either of us depreciating. Cap space for once, with which we can replace Johnsson (the only real loss) and a depreciated to hell Bogdanovic and Quill (although one could argue Arroyo and I have improved enough that a draftee could replace 555-TPA Bogdanovic and the net among the three would be the same). Now I could see the argument that we'll fall off the year after next (I might even be inclined to agree with that, depending on how we're situated at goalie behind triple-depreciated Stopko). Not next year though. Wishing something will happen, repeating it over and over until you're blue in the face, doesn't make it true. Next year we'll be fine.
  24. https://vhlforum.com/topic/53297-the-unsung-jacob-smith/
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