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brooks. last won the day on September 17 2020

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About brooks.

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    Lucas Galeano, Superstar
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  1. Just wanted to stop by and say hi and congratulations on 13 years and for making me feel incredibly old in the process. For those of you still here from the first days VHL opened please say hi, it would be awful nice to hear from you. For those of you that are new here, I hope you are having fun and pushing for ways to grow and change the community and the player experience for the better. Please remember to continue to love and support each other. This is a small community with big hopes of playing a different type of video game and building a different type of community. It needs love and clever minds to truly grow. With humble respect, Kevin Brooks
  2. Stealing from the top comment of the Reddit thread to highlight that Principat had a 257 game losing streak in the Europa league. That's so mind-blowingly impressive.
  3. There's no reason to be playing someone who is nearly 40 when you could be playing a 19 y/o in the same position.
  4. Grammar 0/2 "proscribe" And yeah I missed a week of TPEs last week but like, I've been really busy at work and on the weekends so whatever. Cool writeup.
  5. He's 37... This would have been a major deal ten years ago. Maybe still huge news four years ago. Now, though? He's just a name.
  7. Pogba will go to Barca either this winter or next summer. They announced today no more transfers and nobody else seems willing to pay that kind of money. Add to that, Juve can't afford to sell. Vidal and Tevez are out so they need time to recover talent before transferring Pogba of.
  8. This is the most useless thread. Do none of you have Spotify?
  9. Set the reflection to like color dodge or overlay so that the floor comes through. Other than that this is gorgeous and I love that you have a real life application for it.
  10. Bros I have lost my mind.
  11. So I just picked up this game called "Elite: Dangerous" for Xbox One. Believe it's on PS4 as well, definitely on console. It's basically a simulation MMO-style spaceship game with a 1:1 scale model of the Milky Way entirely available to explore. $30 on the Xbox store right now. Some of you people should pick it up and play with me. Edit: I should add that it's incredibly difficult, there's no tutorial and it's basically a barely playable Alpha version of the game.
  12. Right? What the fuck. The one good part about the ending was that, no matter what I thought, I couldn't figure out the ending for myself. So at least they made it unpredictable and set up for a nice sequel if wanted.
  13. Villa are pissed.
  14. Looks like KDB, Jovetic and Dzeko will all be settled within 48 hours also.
  15. Seriously? That's pretty good news... must have convinced him that just because his fee is relatively low his play time won't be. I believe Delph would have been better off in Villa but will welcome him with open arms.
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