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Town of Salem #18


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2 minutes ago, jhatty8 said:

I was on omg last night.


I will be self healing tonight 😉


Is there an updated list of roles? There's definitely something hidden around there, whether that's some vamps, or an arso, or maybe one of our experienced players is trying out the hidden SK strat.

So this means osens is lying. If he used LO on OMG and said he saw nothing.

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So here's the deal. I 100% shot someone that night, and only a single person. Which means that unless someone was attacked and healed, there is no way that they went on me UNLESS it was osens ghoul, either as retri or necro if spartan was forged. 


Putting it in a different way, I either shot a ghoul or a person with powerful defense.

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If osens is lying, someone has to have been healed and visited me. However PM was RB'd, and the doc and BG were on people who claim to have not visited me. 

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Actually, if Necro is 100% dead since it was a lynch, then here is the deal. Either osens is retri or he is lying. If he is lying, then someone HAS TO HAVE VISITED ME with protection, because otherwise there would be a death, since I shot exactly one person. 

I understand the vampire worry, but as someone who 100% knows I am town and 100% knows I shot exactly one person N4, I can't in good conscience vote osens right now, which to me points to hatty lying. 

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If osens was lying, someone has to have visited me and been healed. Flex says he went on Al N4, hatty says he went on Flex, and trapper isn't really applicable here. PM was rb'd. There aren't any other options that I can think of. So to me, there is no way osens was lying. 

Now it comes down to whether or not you trust that I alerted N4, and in the event that I didn't alert, happened to be converted along with 16z investigating me and I'm lying about alerting/shooting one person to protect osens or something like that. Of course I know I'm not, but yeah that's how this game works lol. 


This is the only logic that makes sense to me here. osens and hatty are directly in contradiction. 

FWIW osens can RB someone tonight, I guess, to confirm. Then if they say they weren't rb'd we know one of them is directly lying. Alternatively they both could be evil, but unless someone was protected N4 and visited me there is no way that osens was not retri that night, as far as I can tell. 

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I will add that I'm super suspicious of Flex asking super specific stuff, like the location of a trap, in a setting where evils can see it. 

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8 minutes ago, Doomsday said:



I will add that I'm super suspicious of Flex asking super specific stuff, like the location of a trap, in a setting where evils can see it. 

Anyone could have deduced where the trap was. I was withholding who I visited to see if he stumbled into a lie. If it wasn't so obvious I wouldn't have asked, and now it gives Hatty and I a target we know we don't need to visit.

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7 minutes ago, MMFLEX said:

Anyone could have deduced where the trap was. I was withholding who I visited to see if he stumbled into a lie. If it wasn't so obvious I wouldn't have asked, and now it gives Hatty and I a target we know we don't need to visit.


Trappers only get notified now if their trap kills/attacks someone, right?

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2 minutes ago, Doomsday said:


Trappers only get notified now if their trap kills/attacks someone, right?


Trappers should always get notified but only attackers know if it's been triggered, regular visitors would not.

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58 minutes ago, MMFLEX said:

I got it I think. Osens is the Hex Master with the Necronomicon. His visits turn astral with it. Hatter's alert would have been triggered by it, and I guess we just have to assume 16 wasn't actually on him.


I'd ask @bigAL @Doomsday and @Mr_Hatterto check the wiki and revote for osens.

I have no idea, I’m usually dead by now and don’t have to worry about end game

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Though here's the thing, why am I being pushed? A perfect explanation for the veteran situation was provided and it just goes back to whether you trust me or osens.


We were all voting osens earlier but started to vote me because of Hatter's argument. But if that one was proven false, shouldn't we jump back to sens? Or am I suddenly less trustworthy?

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And plus, I was found with Doctor invest results while Osens was found with HM results. He's either hexed or the HM and I'm either Doc or Disguiser as the PM is dead.


Osens is the more logical vote here.

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Well I know for sure jhatty is lying because no one visited omg tonight, and now I have a chance to prove myself with escort dead. Just tell me who to roleblock and I can prove myself pretty easily.


vote jhatty8

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10 minutes ago, jhatty8 said:

And plus, I was found with Doctor invest results while Osens was found with HM results. He's either hexed or the HM and I'm either Doc or Disguiser as the PM is dead.


Osens is the more logical vote here.

Who found you to be Doc again? If we do vote osens and he is telling the truth we can probably get two birds stoned at once here, so I'm not necessarily opposed. 

Are we sure Hex Master Astral visits will actually trigger a vet? I'm honestly don't know


@GustavMattias IDK if this is something you can answer, but if a HM with Necro attacks a vet does the vet get a message saying they shot someone?

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  • If you alert and get a message saying you were attacked, but do not get a message saying you attacked a visitor, it means you were hit by an Astral attack; realistically, this means a Hex Master with the Necronomicon. Note that you were still Hexed and will still die if the Hex goes off!
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