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Alternate Universe: What if Juice got the SDM AGM position?


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Well it took me a week of pondering if I should do an actual version of this rather than my meme one of 'What if I wasn't a @dlamb multi' alternate universe.


Ultimately, I wanted to do an actual try at making a realistic one for this, so let's take a look at:


 What if @thadthrasherdidn't deny me a shot at being his AGM in San Diego and I didn't go to Mexico City under @Hylands?




Now, a little backstory on this. Technically speaking, I never wanted to be apart of any sort of management when I first came into the VHL. I wanted to only focus on making my player a 12 max capped player for his whole career and have a nice chill time with the community. However, the more I interacted with people in VHL (de)gen chat and got to meet some really cool members, the more invested I was feeling in the community and felt like maybe management is something I could give it more of a thought of doing. With this being said, I wanted to make sure I only applied for jobs that I actually felt I could get along with the GM, not felt like I was being assigned all their duties but instead actually learning and helping in a cooperative manner, and overall if I actually liked the GM overall.


Cut to the announcement of the new San Diego Marlins VHLM team GM: Thadthrasher! At this time, I was talking with thad here and there in the discord and I felt like him and I got along pretty well, and is ultimately someone I could see that if he didn't already have someone in mind, that I would put in an application to be his AGM, as although there was several AGM openings, he was the only one I either knew or just someone I got along with.


Thus, when there was an announcement that Thad was looking for an AGM, I was actually quite excited. So much so, that instead of doing just the normal 'Hey, I'm interested in the position!' comment that you normally see done, I actually try-harded so badly that I made a legit resume based on my irl resume and sent it to Thad over DM.


If you think I'm joking, please find it here:



Part cringe, part try-hard, fully ready to be Thad's AGM. With this and answering his pre-signing questions to the best of my ability, and being told by a few people that Thad was high on me, I had a great feeling that I was going to actually have a management position after being really strict on not wanting to be an AGM.


*record scratch* Thad choose Prout to be his AGM shortly afterwards.


Heartbroken and rejected, I figured that it would be a long, long time until I went after another AGM position as I didn't really know anyone else looking for one and I'd continue to abide by what I'd look for in that position. And this also kickstarted my long rivalry with Thad, which then contributed to the current Yukon v San Diego VHLM war.


However, things work out in funny ways. Another AGM opening happened, and although I didn't know this Hylands guy and I didn't even make a post on his announcement looking for one, Hylands approached me directly after Thad recommended me and gave him my resume above. He must have an awful sense of humour, because he immediately asked if I wanted to be the Assistant General Manger of the Mexico City Kings in the VHLM.


Thus, I became his AGM there, found out he's a funny dude and all around a solid person, went on a cinderella run to the first Founder's Cup in Mexico City Kings' history and Hylands' first cup win, met some amazing people in the Mexico City Kings discord that I hold near and dear (shoutout to @Vat who is my first ever gem of a waiver pickup), and helped lead me to where I am today as the Yukon Rush GM.


The friends I've met and the things that happened during my run alongside @Hylands is some unforgettable stuff, and I attribute pretty much everything to him for teaching me and introducing me to some o the best people in my mind in the VHL.


However, what would have happened if Thad did like my resume and answers enough to name me his AGM?


Let's shoot back to the opening for the San Diego Marlins AGM position and go step-by-step. As this was happening back in the beginning of January, this was just over 3 months ago and almost 2 full VHLM seasons ago.


>I would say that if Thad accepted me as his assistant general manager, I would say that immediately wouldn't have probably met or at least wouldn't have gotten along as well as I did with Hylands, nor with the people in Mexico City (shoutout to @GlowyGoat, @Vat, and Dyl) or the people Hylands introduced me to (shoutout to @rory, @.sniffuM, and @Esso2264) , which would be quite sad to think about as they also helped me get more invested in the VHL and overall are great people to talk to.

>Next, I would say that I would have probably gotten closer to Thad, another pal @Eldredman, and @LuluSalesAway, as we'd be closer compared to interacting here and there in the San Diego LR for the memer bot and in For Honor.
>I think overall the changes Thad made to the San Diego Marlins discord and overall vibe would be the same, as we're on similar wave-lengths. He's completely revamped the locker-room and discord to make it a friendly and fun place, and is one thing I give him huge kudos for.

>I'd say the S76 season runs the same course, as the Marlins were quite awful and there wasn't much changing that. I don't mind any of the trades Thad did in his first year and I'd probably say I'd give to 'go' sign for them as well.


So already in the first year of being in the VHLM under Thad, I would say that I would lose a lot of good connections with people (would I have gained more under San Diego? I'm really unsure of who was in San Diego in S76, but I don't think there was as many connections as with Hylands) whilst getting closer to a few people I've already met. It would depend on what type of person you are (become better friends with who you know, or branch out to more), but I think either way I would be extremely happy. I'd be biased to Hylands as that's what I've experienced, but either way I don't think I could go wrong in that sense. However, what would be different is the experience in regards to how the season played out. You have really quite the opposite seasons between the Kings and the Marlins, with one team being the champs and one team ending up picking first overall after a rough season.


>Heading into the next season and before the draft, Hylands got brought up to Malmo and additionally brought me up to be his assistant general manager there. I think this helped play a part into myself getting the Yukon job soon afterwards. I would say in the alternative universe, I would of course stay with Thad in San Diego and although attempting to get the Yukon job, it would probably go to someone with more + better experience in management and more known around the league, for example to someone like @dlamb who I figured was the next best candidate after me (honestly figured he would get the Yukon job).

>Thus, I would have stayed with San Diego for the S77 draft and helped with the pre-draft interviews, which were something I enjoyed doing and found some amazing picks in the late round as the Yukon GM, which I would have probably urged Thad to pick in the draft like @JB123 and @hockeyis66 and @SexyWrench which could have made San Diego that much better getting a few additional 100+ TPE players.

>With these additional players, and including maybe the free agent goalie I pursued in @Tropicalfire which would give San Diego another edge, I think San Diego would be in a better position than currently at 8th in the VHLM. Despite this, I would say they would still fall short due to the current powerhouses in Mississauga and Minnesota, but overall they would be in a better place with more core members to build around for a better chance at competing in S78.




In summary, you could say I really could not be here today as the Rush GM if it wasn't for the recommendation to Hylands by Thad after he went a different route for Assistant General Manager, and although I would say I would be having a good time in the VHL, I don't really think I could imagine myself if I didn't end up as the Mexico City Kings AGM as they really shaped how I view and experienced the league up to now.


So with that, a huge kudos to @thadthrasher for enjoying my application so much he personally suggested me to another GM, and another kudos to @Hylands for all the help and ultimately being one of the best people I could have met in the VHL.


Things work out in the strangest ways sometimes, but they don't always end up bad and sometimes turn out to be the best outcomes.


(1596 words, claiming for theme week + weeks ending in 4/25, 5/2, and 5/9)

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Ok I’ll even review this even for tpe reasons. Firstly tag everyone mentioned ya fuck head. I like how you added emotion to it and gave us your thoughts in that time with the resume picture. When hired I told Thad me good for job. Me help team. 

Season 8 Nbc GIF by The Office

but good article your a hell of a writer and I enjoyed this. 9/10

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These Alternate Universe articles have been a lot of fun but I loved your writing here. Good insight into a what-if but my favourite thing is your resume. I have further questions about what happens on the Discord if the anti-horny police are a thing but maybe they're best left unanswered. 10/10

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Review: Great article, enjoyed reading. Very cool to see how things worked out for you leading up to the draft and to see your side of things. The application is great lol, you put a lot of effort into this article and it shows. Maybe things will work the same way for me getting turned down for Mexico City? I hope so. Thanks for the mention, hats off to my GM. 10/10.

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