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  On 1/7/2022 at 5:25 PM, scoop said:

The day before he was checked, Nothing but goals and NSG were talking about looking at each other. I think that was the timing, which would making him a potential frame target from that. This is assuming the framing happens before the investigating in night order.



That is a very good point. Especially since it wouldn't make much sense to kill NSG to "confirm" themselves as evil.


  On 1/7/2022 at 5:25 PM, scoop said:


Do we trust the Psychic claim, though? If we do, that definitely puts a target on Nothing but goals as well, since they saw omgitshim, Berocka, or Nothing as evil. That's a 50/50 on the latter two.


Actually, if we trust the psychic, there's a 50/50 on Spartan/MMFLEX as well, since they were grouped with Squidward on N1.



It's always tough to trust a Psychic claim, especially since we have an abundance of TI claims in general.


 The other elephant in the room is @MMFLEX. You told me NSG wasn't on me n1 when he apparently was. Do you have an explanation for that yet? And what were your results from last night?

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  On 1/7/2022 at 6:52 PM, omgitshim said:

The other elephant in the room is @MMFLEX. You told me NSG wasn't on me n1 when he apparently was. Do you have an explanation for that yet? And what were your results from last night?


I think my explanation is pretty obvious, no?

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  On 1/7/2022 at 7:37 PM, Goliathus said:

From my viewpoint, 


N1: Squidward, Spartan, or MMFLEX is evil!

Squidward is dead and a good guy, so one of Spartan and FLEX is evil for sure.


Don’t vote me off and I’ll investigate one of them 

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  On 1/7/2022 at 10:52 PM, Nothing but goals said:

If I was mafia why would I kill NSG him being alive was the only thing keeping him alive 



Tbh this is why I think Scoop might be onto something with the framed thing.


@BarzalGoat @Spartan anything on your ends?

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  On 1/7/2022 at 1:59 AM, omgitshim said:

Escort: Please roleblock one of the following: Barzal, Goliathus, MMFLEX, Scoop, Spartan.



@WranglersSuck @Nothing but goals @escort I think these should be who you three should be on tonight (if Berocka was actually healed, then escort may not have roleblocked Jugg last night).

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@Nothing but goals







So Flex claimed LO in jail n2. He said NSG did not visit me n1 (which he implied was a possible clerical error). N0HBDY was also not mentioned. I think we get Flex out since it opens up a bunch of info.

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