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Communication: The Call For More


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I want to start this by saying that I'm not one to be a pot stirrer. I don't really advocate for drama, nor do I like hot-button topics. I try to be low-key, kind, and friendly. But, I do want to point out something...


Every single one of us who are in any form of leadership position in this league want to make sure that things run smoothly and that there is a level of cohesion among us. I don't think anyone wants to deny that. From the VHLM up to the VHL and everything in between, we come into these positions for a variety of reasons, with one common goal, to make the VHL one of the greatest hockey sim leagues there is!

But, there seems to be a growing issue (to some it won't be an issue, to others it is)...


There seems to be a lack of communication. Sure, given recent hot button topics such as the mod team or the BoG you may think I am talking about them, but really I'm talking about the cross-league management. There is almost 0 communication between the General Managers in the VHLM, the VHLE, and the VHL. We do not share a common channel in discord, nor do we really message one another (outside of our own leagues at least). While this isn't normally necessary, now that we have a bit of a TPE window between the VHLE and the VHL, maybe it is necessary.


Hear me out...


The VHLM is simple with this. At 200 TPE the players move up to their VHLE/VHL team as long as it is before/after the season begins. That's really not an issue, and I don't think the VHLM General Managers are caught off guard. The issue finds itself in the 350-399 TPE players who are in the VHLE. Essentially, players who are within the 350-399 TPE range are able to be called up by their VHL teams (who pay their salaries and have rights to them). There is no denying on my end that VHL teams hold the right to call up their players. The problem that I, and a few other VHLE GMs are running into is that some VHL General Managers are calling up players at various times throughout the offseason without any warning, heads-up, or even a courtesy "by the way I need this player" message. We log on, look at our team in the portal and see that 1, 2, even 3 players are missing because they've been called up to their VHL team. 


Them being called up is not the issue here. The lack of communication is where we find ourselves stumped. Ultimately, the VHL team that drafted a player owns the rights to them, and none of us are denying that. I just think that there should be some form of professional courtesy that goes along with a call up. Sure, a VHL GM can let their player know that they are being called up, but as we have already seen that player does not always reach out to their previous GM. I don't think it's too much to ask that a VHL GM contact the current GM of a player they want to call up with a quick message.


I say all of this while understanding that the VHLE is still fresh, still new, and for some reason still disliked by many in the league. But, it's here, and we work hard to make our teams and players successful. I hope that this post encourages the VHL GMs to be a bit more communicative with us VHLE GMs.

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26 minutes ago, thadthrasher said:

I say all of this while understanding that the VHLE is still fresh, still new, and for some reason still disliked by many in the league. But, it's here, and we work hard to make our teams and players successful. I hope that this post encourages the VHL GMs to be a bit more communicative with us VHLE GMs.

We all do work hard to make the E a great place to play. I think some professional courtesy and communication would help make the whole experience of playing in the E and moving up to the VHL much more enjoyable for the players and everyone involved.

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I'm going to break the ice here. 

Two-way communication is a double edged sword when failure happens on both sides. 


It's easy to say VHL GMs should be contacting VHLE GMs saying 'Hey, we're calling this guy up!' as a courtesy. Yeah, that makes absolute sense.

But for you as a VHLE GM I'll add to this conversation by saying it should also be your responsibility to contact VHL GMs throughout the postseason, communicate with players who'll be within that 350-400 TPE gap and ensure your own rosters' stability by figuring out whether or not you'll be loosing some of your assets. If I'm calling up a player because we need that player, then that player should have already been informed, so when they're not then it turns into a problem. That means a VHL GM isn't communicating at all and just clicking buttons, that's a failure of our responsibilities to that player.


Hopefully this is a learning experience that mutual communication needs to start somewhere and there's going to be many different perspectives on this.

Edited by Peace
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1 minute ago, Peace said:

Two-way communication is a double edged sword when failure happens on both sides.

I agree with you 100% here. There was a couple of my players who I should have messaged ahead of time. I can also take the initiative to contact their future VHL GMs as well. As you said, it's a learning experience and we'll get there.

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17 minutes ago, Peace said:

If I'm calling up a player because we need that player, then that player should have already been informed, so when they're not then it turns into a problem.

Completely get what you mentioned in your post, but I had a player reach out to me upset that they were called up who never heard from their VHL GM. That’s mainly where I’m pointing towards more communication, an instance like that.

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4 minutes ago, KaleebtheMighty said:

I had a player reach out to me upset that they were called up who never heard from their VHL GM

This needs to be, well, not a thing honestly. I'll admit I called up my guy remembering a false conversation, I thought they wanted to play up but never actually requested it when we were talking about where they'd play on the roster. I made sure earlier today when I was pinged about this issue in the AM and verified his intent.

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I still remember one particular instance in the VHLM where a player I thought was staying down was called up without warning. And I wasn't very happy about that. I also happen to remember messaging a VHL GM to ask what their plans were with a different player who was close and unsure about what was going to happen.


Should VHL GMs at least let the minor-league GM know what's up? Absolutely. There have probably been one or two times when I didn't do this, because I don't specifically remember doing so and I do specifically remember calling people up to the VHL (I always communicated with the players themselves, but probably not the GMs as much as I should have). So, I don't write this completely innocent of everything mentioned. 


That said--what's stopping VHLM and VHLE GMs who are out of the loop from asking? The status of the lower-level team is far more important to that team's GM than to someone in a higher league who sees a prospect as theirs to use as they wish. 

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I got a notification on Sunday saying that I was called up. Didn't receive a message from my VHLE or VHL GM. I don't really need the constant communication like others might but touching base would help, I don't really know how this system works

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