Devise 4,475 Posted March 20, 2022 Share Posted March 20, 2022 (edited) After much delay I've decided to finally put some final touches on the work I did for this a spell ago. Here is a template for a ToG (Town of Gotham) game that could be run in the forum very similar to ToS. I did at the time get some feedback on this from @Gustav @omgitshim and am still open obviously to more feedback following some potential playtesting if people are interested. Here is the base ruleset. (Note I have concepts for the Joker faction but have not yet created their characters. For now I'm fine with that as I want to see how much chaos just this initial wave would bring.) Town of Gotham There can be up to Five Factions to a Town of Gotham game. A standard game includes the base four factions, and if a Joker game is initiated the Joker faction will be added to the game. Gotham (This includes GCPD and Gotham Supporting roles) Bat-Family (This Includes Batman themed Hero and Support characters) The Mob (Similar to the Mafia in OG ToS the Mob in Gotham are the primary villain faction, they however get upgrades with villain hero characters pulling from the legendary rogues gallery of villains) Unaligned (There are several wildcard figures among Gotham who serve only themselves. Sometimes they synergize well with other characters, but their win conditions are unique to their own specific role. Although these characters may be together in the unaligned faction, strategically they are not always required to work together.) The Joker (If a Joker game is initiated the Joker faction will be in play, comprised of Joker and his Jesters) Differences to Factions in Town of Gotham as Well as Win Conditions *The Mob functions similar to the Mafia in that they will have their own private Discord chat, and know each other roles but not the roles of the rest of the game. The mob wins when at the start or end of a day there is no living or no non jailed members of Bat-Family and Gotham. Mob does not need to jail or kill unaligned to win. The Mob is also capable of electing a Mob Leader. Only players with Mob Leader Passive Abilities can be elected as the Mob Leader and in the event an election to determine a Mob Leader is called, when it resolves a new Mob Leader is named at the start of the next Act. Mob Leader bonuses are only active at the start of an Act when there is an eligible elected Mob Leader. Some roles start the game as the Mob Leader, and do not need to be elected. For the Mob to decide to elect a new Mob Leader, one mob player must use a Utility Action call an election for a new Mob Leader. When a Mob Leader is jailed or killed, they lose the Mob Leader status, and a new election must be called for the Mob to gain a new Mob Leader. *The Bat-Family is a unique hero faction that also gets its own private chat in the Discord. However they only get to know the roles of fellow Bat Family characters, similar to The Mob only knowing their own. The Bat-Family wins and ends the game if at the start or end of a day phase all living non Gotham, non Bat-Family characters are in jail. Unlike with the other factions, if a Bat-Family character is killed the details of which character died is not revealed in the public game. (Although the member name of the player killed is still shown.) Bat-Family instead gets a private funeral. All living Bat-Family members and all members capable of attending a Bat-Family funeral instead receive the full will in private. *The Gotham faction functions similar to the classic town faction, where they know very little besides what is available in public. Unlike in ToS Gotham can't kill people via a vote, instead they vote to jail a suspect based on the evidence that they aren't one of Gotham or Bat-Family. Similar to Bat-Family. Gotham is also capable of voting up to 2 targets to go to jail every Act. Gotham wins if at the start of a day phase all living non Gotham, non Bat-Family characters are in jail. Gothams will and death functions similar to Town in ToS. A vote to jail someone is not considered a jail attack for immunity purposes. *The Joker faction consists of Joker and his Jesters. Still a Work in Progress! *Unaligned has several unique characters that all have their own win conditions. See each character for the specific win condition of the role. Most of these characters have ways to win the game alongside most of the other factions. Jail Unlike ToS, Jail is an actual living player location in ToG. All players who wind up in jail stay there unless they get released by a role capable of doing it, or there is a jailbreak. As it is a living location, jailed players will be sent to a private Discord server where they are free to chat as they like however they should note that a high majority of the Gotham roles comes with access to participate in jail conversations. Instead of voting to kill a target during an Act, players vote on who is jailed. Gotham can vote to jail up to 2 players per day. Unless otherwise stated in their role, all jailed players have no other useable abilities. A jailed player does not get their role revealed publicly! The game will always start with 2 Blackgate Jailors, and the two Jailors must reach an agreement on who they wish to jail and use their ability on each night. This conversation, and their decision must be posted in the Jail Discord. Jailed players, and players who come with Jail Access are able to see and interact with these decisions. Players in Jail can still be the target of other players abilities and actions. Acts, Utility and Ability Actions Unlike ToS, characters in Gotham are capable of doing things during different phases. As such, Gotham will henceforth structure it's schedule as follows; Each 24 hour cycle in Town of Gotham is considered an Act, and will be labeled as such, Act I, Act II, etc. Both Utility and Ability Actions can be done at any point during an Act. Utility Actions resolve immediately and cannot be countered during the Act they are used in. Ability Actions get added to the stack, and resolve according to all player abilities at the end of an Act. At the end of every 24 hour cycle, a new Act begins marked with a post in the game thread covering all the Ability Actions and other abilities to resolve at the start of a new Act. The public game thread in Town of Gotham never closes, and Gotham and all players are free to discuss the events of the game the entire time. Gotham can vote up to 2 players to be jailed during any one Act, with target players getting jailed at the start of the next Act. Common ToG Terms Death Attack: An attack that if successful kills the target. Heroes and Villains come equipped with at least 1 Death Attack Save unless otherwise listed. Jail Attack: An attack that if successful jails the target. Death Attack Saves do not protect a player from being jailed. Disrupt Attack: An attack that if successful leaves the target disrupted for the next Act. Roleblock Attack: An attack that if successful leaves the target roleblocked for the next Act. Negate Attack: An attack that if successful negates the action the target was original intending. Attacking: An attacking character is the one who initiated the action that lead to the attack. Attacking players trigger any countering abilities so long as the action they are doing is considered an attack and has a defender. Defending: A character is considered to be defending when they are the target of any action that leads to any attack. (Death, Jail, Disrupt, Roleblock) Roleblock: Prevents a character from using any of their Ability Actions. Sometimes a character may roleblock a player for an upcoming Act, and sometimes a player may try to use an Ability Action only for it to get negated. Disrupted: A disrupted player is incapable of using their Utility Action. Further, the player cannot vote to jail someone in the public forum during the day phase or vote to expose Batman during an act, instead counting as an abstain. The player is otherwise still able to use any Ability Actions, and post in the game and Discord threads as normal. Jailed: Jailed players lose access to all Utility and Ability Actions, but keep their Passive Abilities unless otherwise listed. Some players have abilities that only work while Jailed, and in that case those can be used while in Jail. Jailed players can still be the target of attacks and abilities. Counter Attack: A counter attack can occur before or after an attack depending on the ability of the character. If a counter attack occurs before and kills or jails the target, the original action is then negated. If it does not, the original action occurs as intended. A counter attack only triggers when someone is the defender, and does not trigger on subsequent counter attacks. (Example, two characters both have counter attacks, Player A engages Player B in an attack that is then counter attacked by Player B. Player A's counter attack ability would not trigger on Player B's counter attack, as Player B is still defending in this instance.) Negate: Negate interrupts whatever action was going to occur. A negate can come from either an ability or from an attack. Hero: Unique and Special characters. Heroes come equipped with at least 1 Death Attack Save unless otherwise listed. Villain: Unique and Special characters. Villains come equipped with at least 1 Death Attack Save unless otherwise listed. Some Villains also come equipped with Calling Cards, that exposes their presence either to the game or individual targets of their actions. Legendary: There are three Legendary characters that automatically are involved in every game, Commissioner Gordon, Batman and Ra's Al Ghul. These characters come with specifical passive abilities that are a little beefier than the rest in exchange for automaticallybeing a known role in every game. Recruit: Penguin is the only character capable of recruiting characters from one faction over to the other. Players who have been recruited are referred to in recruitment order, such as Recruit 1, Recruit 2 and so forth. *A Blackgate Jailor whom is recruited to the Mob is capable of being jailed in any fashion. Unique - There can only be one of this type of character in any ToG game. Hunker Down: Only Mr.Freeze can hunker down. Hunkered down characters cannot be the target of any actions or abilities and are immune to certain attacks for the Act they use the ability.Utility Action: Any action listed under a characters description as Utility Action, counts as a Utility Action and occurs/resolves immediately. Utility Actions cannot be negated or countered the Act they are used, and instead players must be disrupted to prevent them from using Utility Actions in future acts. Ability Action: Any action listed under a characters description as Ability Action, counts as a Ability Action and occurs on the stack to be resolved at the end of every Act. Any results caused by Ability Actions that the game thread or individuals would learn are dolled out at the start of a new Act. Passive Ability: These abilities are always active in the game unless otherwise listed. Jailed players keep access to their passives unless otherwise stated. Secret Identity: Batman is the only hero with the Secret Identity nerf. He must keep his identity secret in the game or risk getting his role reduced to Bruce Wayne. During any Act the Mob may attempt to expose Batmans identity, which any Mob member can do at the cost of an Ability Action. Interrogate: Interrogate is a specific ability only useable by a certain number of characters. Interrogating a player can generally only be done as a Utility Action, and reveals the interrogated players exact role to the person who interrogated them. A player who was interrogated in this way is informed that they were interrogated into revealing their exact role. Identity: A players identity is their member name, example "Batman is being played by Devise, Batman's identity is Devise." Role: A players in game listed name, example "Batman is being played by Devise, Devise's role is Batman." Calling Card: Some villains have calling cards that define all actions they do. Whenever these villains use their actions, they can't help but leave evidence of their presence in the game that gets delivered alongside their usual actions. Riddles: If The Riddler is in the game, up to 5 Riddles could become available to be solved. A Riddle is found when Riddler leaves one upon everyone he successfully targets with his Utility or Ability Action. Riddles are revealed at the start of the next Act. The Riddles are either determined by The Riddler player themselves or drawn at random from the internet. Riddles can only be solved by the player who received them, done as a Utility Action. Riddles are solved privately, although the game thread is free to debate and research the answer of a Riddle. The identity or role of the player who receives a Riddle is not revealed. If a Riddle is not solved within 2 whole Acts upon receiving it then it explodes against the player who received it, and they are either killed or jailed chosen at random during the start of the Act. Your Riddle counter goes down by 1 for every Riddle that is solved or explodes. When a Riddle is solved, 1 Riddler Point is granted to either Gotham or The Mob depending on the faction of the player who solved it. All Bat-Family players solve for Gotham. Unalgiend players choose whether their Riddle point goes to Gotham or The Mob. When all 5 Riddles are gone, The Riddler is recruited to either Gotham or The Mob, depending on who has more Riddler Points. In the event of a tie, choose at random. Mob Leader: The Mob may choose to elect the Mob Leader if they do not start the game with one. Electing a new Mob Leader costs one Mob Player their Utility Action during an Act. A vote is held among the Mob and the elected party if there is a majority becomes the new Mob Leader during the start of the next Act. Only roles with Mob Leader Passive Abilities may be elected as the Mob Leader. Whenever a Mob Leader is jailed or dies, the Mob must choose to again elect a new Mob Leader. At the start of any act where there is a Mob Leader in play, their Mob Leader Passive Ability is active in the game. Gotham Roles Defenders GCPD Swat Death Attack Saves: 1 Utility Action: Choose one target player, you protect them and any Ability Actions dealt to that player are instead dealt to you. Ability Action: Choose one target player, you deliver a jail attack to that player. Passive Ability: Body Armor; you start the game with a Death Attack Save and can if you know the identity target Luscious Fox with your Ability Action to replenish your Death Attack Saves, to a total of 1. GCPD Sniper Death Attack Saves: 0 Utility Action: Choose one target player. If that player suffers an Ability Action during this Act, that action is instead negated and the player who used it is sent to jail at the start of the next Act. Passive Ability: You are immune to, and cannot be disrupted. Detective Harvey Bullock Unique Death Attack Saves: 0 Utility Action: Choose one target player. If that player uses an Ability Action during this Act that action is negated and they are instead to jail at the start of the next Act. Passive Ability: You are always able to interact with the Jail Discord. In the event there is no living, non-jailed Blackgate Jailors, you gain the following; Ability Action: Choose one jailed player and release them during the start of the next Act. Spoiler Gotham ER Death Attack Saves: 0 Utility Action: Choose one other target player. If that player suffers a Death Attack that would kill them during this Act, you instead prevent them from dying. Ability Action: Choose one target player. If that player delivers a death attack during the next Act, they instead deliver a jail attack to their target. Passive Ability: The first time you would be killed by a death attack, you instead prevent yourself from dying. Operations Commissioner James Gordon Unique Legendary Death Attack Saves: 0 Utility Action: Once per game choose to reveal your role (this gets confirmed in the public thread), your vote to jail someone or expose Batman counts as 3 votes for the rest of the game. When you reveal your role you also learn the player identity of Barbara Gordon, if she is in the game. Ability Action: Choose one jailed player, you may release that player from jail at the start of the next Act. Legendary Passive Ability: You cannot be sent to jail while your role is revealed, and instead resist all jail attacks. You cannot be elected Mayor of Gotham, in the event you'd be elected and are not currently revealed, your role instead gets revealed. You grant Gotham the Bat Signal bonus for as long as you are alive and in the game. Bat Signal: Gotham learns about 3 random Utility or Ability actions that occurred during the last act. This is an exact description of what action occurred, it does not reveal any names, roles or targets. (Example, if a Gotham ER utility action would occur, Gotham would learn that a player was prevented from dying from a death attack during the last Act.) Spoiler Private Investigator Death Attack Saves: 0 Ability Action: Choose one target player. You are given a list of 4 roles that player could be selected at random from all roles that are active in the current game. Your targets correct role is among them. Passive Ability: At the start of the game one random mob role that is in the game is revealed to you. The players identity is not revealed. Harvey Dent* Unique Death Attack Saves: 0 Choose Utility or Ability Action Utility Action: Choose one target player. You interrogate them and learn their exact role. Ability Action Choose one target non-legendary role. If that role is in the game, you interrogate that player and learn their exact identity. Passive Ability - Harvey Two Face: At the start of every Act if this was the second time you were jailed, or you were in jail for at least two consecutive nights you break out but instead transform into Two-Face and join the Mob. If you are killed and resurrected with Ra's Al Ghul's Lazarus Pit you instead return as Two-Face. *Harvey Dent cannot enter the game as a normal member of Gotham. He has to be drawn as a member of the Mob or Any All sections of the character and faction pulling to start a game. The same goes for his Mob alter ego, Two Face. If a Two Face or a Harvey Dent would be drawn, a coin is flipped. If the result is heads, Two Face enters the game and joins The Mob. If the result is tails, Harvey Dent enters the game and joins Gotham. Spoiler Mayor Aubrey James Unique Death Attack Saves: 0 Choose Utility or Ability Action Utility Action: Choose one target player, the results of their Utility Action during the next Act are instead revealed in the game thread. Ability Action: Choose one target player and add them to the named player total that the Blackgate Jailors would use to determine who is jailed by them during the next Act. Passive Ability - Corrupt Official: Your role is exposed in the public game thread and you start the game as Gotham City Mayor. If there is a Carmine Falcone in the game, you also start the game as a member of the Mob, have access to the Mob discord and win the game with the Mob so long as Carmine Falcone is alive and not in jail. If he is dead or in jail, you instead win the game with Gotham, but retain all Mob access. Gotham City Mayor - Gotham cannot vote to send you to jail. Your vote to jail a target or expose Batman counts as 2. If you are sent to jail or killed, an Election is called to determine a new Mayor. Votes to determine a new Gotham City Mayor are sent in private to me in the Discord. Anyone elected Mayor receives the Gotham City Mayor Passive Ability. Spoiler GCPD Officer Death Attack Saves: 0 Utility Action: Choose to go an alert. If you do, you cannot use your Ability Action this Act. You deliver a jail attack to the first person to target you with an Ability Action this Act. Ability Action: Choose one target player. You deliver a disrupt attack to them for the next Act. Passive Ability: The first time you are the target of a Utility Action, you also roleblock the player who targeted you. BlackGate Jailor Death Attack Saves: 0 The game will always start with and cannot have more than 2 BlackGate Jailors. Utility Action: If both Jailors agree or one Jailor chooses to abstain, choose to name one target player. They are sent to jail, this does not count as a jail attack and occurs at the start of the next Act. Ability Action: If both Jailors agree or one Jailor chooses to abstain, choose to name one target player. You release them from jail, this does not count as a jail attack and occurs at the start of the next Act. Passive Ability: A BlackGate Jailor cannot be jailed, and in the event an attempt to jail them is made their role gets revealed. The first time any BlackGate Jailor dies, a jailbreak occurs and all the players in Jail are released back into the game. (This can only occur twice per game.) You are always able to interact with the Jail Discord. Communications Barbara Gordon The Oracle Unique Death Attack Saves: 0 Ability Action: Choose one target player. If that player takes any Ability Actions during this Act, you learn exactly what Ability Actions they were. This does not count as an attack and occurs during the end of the Act after all other abilities have resolved. Passive Ability: You are immune to being disrupted and immune to being roleblocked. You receive a will during a Bat-Family funeral. If there is a Luscious Fox in the game, you receive all of his transcoded messages without having to be targeted. At the start of the game, learn the identity of Commisioner Gordon. Spoiler Luscious Fox Unique Death Attack Saves: 0 Utility Action: Choose one target player. You send them one transcoded message as you see fit. This may look like it's a game message or that something has affected them or you may use this to send a secret message among trusted players. This could also be used to fake a Villains Calling Card message. This occurs at the end of the Act after all other abilities have resolved. (If your interested in how game messages look, feel free to ask.) Passive Ability: You receive the will of a Bat-Family funeral. At the start of the game you learn the identity of Batman. If Luscious Fox and Batman are both alive on Day Five, the Bat-Family unlocks the Bat Cave. Bat Cave Active: If Luscious is alive, a Bat-Family member can choose to target him during any Act to instead replenish their Death Attack saves to full. A character can not have more Death Attack Saves than they start the game with. Choosing to target Lucious in this way counts as using your Ability Action. Spoiler GCPD Scout Death Attack Saves: 0 Ability Action: Choose one target player. At night you learn the identity (up to 3) of any player who targets them with an Ability Action. If more than 3 people have targeted them then you instead learn exactly how many players visited them, and one random role who visited them, but nothing else. Passive Ability: You are immune to all Ability Actions. GCPD Surveillance Death Attack Saves: 0 Utility Action: Choose one target player. If that player takes any Ability Action, you learn the identity of the player they chose to target with their Ability Action, if any. Passive Ability: You are immune to all Utility Actions. Bat-Family Roles Batman Unique Hero Legendary Death Attack Saves: 2 Utility Action: Choose one target player. You interrogate that player learning their exact role. Ability Action: Choose one; deliver a jail attack to the player you targeted with your Ability Action OR instead name a unique non legendary villain role that you already haven't named with this ability, if that role is in the game you deliver a disrupt attack to them that affects them during the next Act. Legendary Passive Ability: You are Immune to being roleblocked. The first time you would be killed by a death attack you instead survive with 0 Death Attack Saves remaining and are disrupted for the next Act. You start with 2 Death Attack Saves instead of 1. If you survive a death attack, you deliver a disrupt counter attack to your attacker. If Luscious Fox and Batman are both alive at the start of Day Five, Bat Cave is unlocked. Bat Cave Active: When the Bat Cave is active Batman; defensive Passive Ability changes to the following; if you survive a death attack, you learn the role of the player who attacked you and you can choose whether to deliver a counter disrupt or jail attack. Secret Identity: Your identity cannot be exposed or you are no longer able to be Batman. Once per Act after Act 1 a member of the Mob may choose to privately call an anonymous vote to expose who Batman is. All living members of every non-bat family faction privately vote, (to me in the Discord) if they correctly guess who Batman is with the winning result having 50% or more then you become exposed and reduced to Bruce Wayne. If they do not guess correctly or the winning vote does not have 50% or more, then the Mob cannot vote to expose who Batman is for one whole Act. Bruce Wayne Unique Death Attack Saves: 0 Passive Ability: You have no utility or ability actions, cannot be jailed, and you can no longer access the Bat-Family Discord. Your vote counts for 4 instead of 1. Spoiler Nightwing Unique Hero Death Attack Saves: 1 Choose Utility or Ability Action. Utility Action: Choose one target player, you interrogate that player learning their exact role. Ability Action: Choose one target player, you deliver a roleblock attack to them, negating their Ability Action this Act if any. Passive Ability: Nightwing is immune to all counter attacks. Bat Cave Active: If you choose to target Luscious Fox and repair your body armor it does not cost you your Ability Action. Once the Bat Cave is active you may choose to go public with your role. (Confirmed in the game thread.) If you do, Nightwing receives the Titans support bonus to his Passive Ability. Titans Support: Nightwing cannot be disrupted. The first time you would be attacked you instead negate the attack and send the player who attacked you to to jail. (This does not count as an attack.) Spoiler Robin (Jason Todd) Unique Hero Death Attack Saves: 1 Choose Utility or Ability Action Utility Action: Name a non-legendary unique villain role. You learn whether or not this role is in the game. Ability Action: Choose two target players. You deliver a jail attack to one player and a roleblock attack to the other player chosen at random. The target you roleblock is roleblocked for the next Act. If you jail a Gotham player with this ability you are disrupted and roleblocked for the next Act. Passive Ability: The first time you would die as a result of a death attack, you may choose to have a living non jailed non exposed Batman player become the target of that death attack instead. Bat Cave Active: You may use both your Utility and Ability Action in an Act as opposed to having to choose to do one. Spoiler Batwoman (Kate Kane) Unique Hero Death Attack Saves: 1 Choose Utility or Ability Action Utility Action: Choose one target player, if Bat-Family has already interrogated them into revealing their exact role they are sent to jail. (This does not count as an attack.) Ability Action: Choose one target player, if Bat-Family hasn't already interrogated them into revealing their exact role you deliver a jail attack to them that is immune to counter attacks and cannot be negated. Passive Ability: You are immune to all abilities and attacks that would jail you, and if you would be jailed from a vote during the game thread you break out immediately at the start of the next Act. You can use your Utility Action instead of your Ability Action to replenish your Death Attack Saves if Bat-Cave is Active. If someone was sent to jail by either your Utility or Night Action during this Act, prevent one random player from escaping prison during the start of the next Act. Spoiler Alfred Pennyworth Unique Death Attack Saves: 0 Utility Action: Choose one target player. During this Act, that player is prevented from dying from the first death attack they receive. This only prevents the first death attack from killing them. You can only use this ability twice per game. Ability Action: Choose one non Bat Family target player. If that player is a Gotham player their vote to jail or expose Batman is increased by 1 during the next Act. If that player is a member of the Mob or Unaligned you are disrupted for the next Act. Passive Ability: At the start of every Act, if Alfred is alive Bat-Family Discord receives the exact night actions taken and role of one random non Bat-Family player, they do not learn the players identity. Bat Cave Active, Batmobile - Ability Action: Choose one target Bat-Family player. The next time that player would be dealt a death attack on this or any other Act, negate it and any other actions that would happen to or from them during this phase. You can only use this ability once per game. Spoiler The Mob Roles The Scarecrow (Dr. Jonathan Crane) Unique Villain Death Attack Saves: 1 Calling Card: When you use your Ability Action, your target gets doused in Fear Gas, revealing your presence to them. Utility Action: Choose one target player, you interrogate that player and learn their exact role. Ability Action: Choose one target player, you roleblock them and negate their action for this Act. This does not count as an attack. Passive Ability: Whenever you are the target of a jail attack, you first deliver a counter attack that if successful negates the targets attack and disrupts the target for the next day phase. So long as Scarecrow is alive and not in jail, the Mob is allowed to secretly input their vote to jail during any Act instead in their own Discord. This occurs even if they vote to Jail someone in the public game thread. Gotham only learns the total votes when someone is jailed, not whose votes weren't true. Mob Leader - Fear City: While Scarecrow is Mob Leader, if the *majority Mob successfully votes to Jail a player during any Act, that player is instead killed. *The player is considered to be a target of the majority Mob if at least 50% of the members of the Mob vote for that player. That player still needs to receive the majority vote to be jailed in the game thread. Spoiler Two Face* Unique Villain Death Attack Saves: 1 Calling Card: Anyone killed by your Utility Action has a scarred silver dollar with two heads on it left on their corpose that is visible to the public game thread, revealing your presence in the game. Utility: Choose target player, then a coin is flipped. If the result is heads, you deliver a death attack to the target. If the result is tails you roleblock the target for this Act, this does not count as an attack. Ability Action: Choose one target non-Mob non-legendary role. If that role is in the game a coin is flipped. If the result is heads, you interrogate that target and learn their exact player identity. If the result is tails you learn the target of that players last Ability Action, if any. If that role is not in the game you are disrupted for the next Act. Passive Ability: Whenever you are the target of an Ability Action, a coin is flipped. If the result is heads, the action happens as normal. If the result is tails, you instead negate whatever action would of occurred to you. This ability can trigger multiple times per game, but only triggers once per Act. The first time you are sent to jail, you break out at the start of the next act. If a jailbreak occurs on the same act as this ability would be activated, this ability is considered burned. Mob Leader - Double Sided Justice: While Two Face is Mob Leader whenever Gotham votes to Jail a player instead flip a coin. If it's heads, that player is sent to jail as normal. If it's tails, instead that player is not sent to jail. *Two Face cannot enter the game as a normal member of the mob. He has to be drawn in the Mob drawing or Any All section of the character and faction pulling to start a game. The same goes for his Gotham alter ego, Harvey Dent. If a Two Face or a Harvey Dent would be drawn, a coin is flipped. If the result is heads, Two-Face enters the game and joins The Mob. If the result is tails, Harvey Dent enters the game and joins Gotham. Spoiler The Penguin (Oswold Cobblepot) Unique Villain Death Attack Saves: 0 Utility Action: Choose one target player and guess their role. If you get it right and they are a GCPD Swat, Gotham ER, Private Investigator, Blackgate Jailor, GCPD Scout or GCPD Surveillance then at the start of the next Act they are recruited to the Mob, must win the game with Mob and join the Mob Discord channel. Ability Action: Choose two target players, you interrogate them and if either of them are GCPD Swat, Gotham ER, Private Investigator, Blackgate Jailor, GCPD Scout or GCPD Surveillance you learn their role. Otherwise you learn nothing. Passive Ability: You can still use your Utility and Ability action while in Jail. If you have any recruits alive, anytime Penguin would suffer a death or jail attack it gets dealt to the first recruit by recruitment order instead. If you are elected as Mayor, your vote to jail a player and expose Batman counts for 3 instead of 2. Mob Leader - While Penguin is Mob Leader only his vote can count for more than 1 to jail a player or expose Batman. Spoiler Mr. Freeze (Dr. Victor Fries) Unique Villain Death Attack Saves: 1 Ice Charges: 2 Calling Card: Any player who is the target of your Ability Action becomes encased in ice and are chilled to the bones, revealing your presence to them. Choose Utility or Ability Action Utility Action: You hunker down and replenish all Ice Charges back to full (max 2) and Death Attack Saves back to full (Max 1). You cannot be the target of any actions or abilities and cannot suffer any attacks while Hunkered Down. You can only use this ability once per game. Ability Action: Choose one target player. You deliver a roleblock and disrupt attack to that player for the following Act. This only counts as one attack. You lose once Ice Charge. Passive Ability: The first time you are the target of any attack, you negate it and disrupt the attacker for the next day phase. (This does not count as a counter attack.) You cannot be chosen to be the Mob Leader. Spoiler Victor Zsasz Unique Villain Death Attack Saves: 1 Ability Action: Choose one target player. You learn the faction of that player but not their role. Depending on their faction one of the following occurs, If Gotham deliver a death attack to the target that can't be counter attacked. If any other faction you deliver a death attack to the target. Passive Ability: You cannot talk in the main game thread during any phase, and can only talk in the Discord sections of the game. You must use your Ability Action every Act, if you do not submit a player to use it on, you target one random non-mob player. Whenever you kill a player, mark a check. When you've marked 5 checks change your Ability Action: Choose one player. You learn the faction of that player but not their role. Depending on their faction one of the following occurs; if Gotham kill the target (this does not count as an attack) if any other faction you deliver a death attack to the target that can't be counter attacked or negated. You cannot be chosen to be the Mob Leader. Spoiler Carmine Falcone Unique Death Attack Saves: 0 Falcone's Thugs: 2 Choose Utility or Ability Action Utility Action: Choose one target Mob player, including yourself. Any Ability Action that would be used against the player chosen is instead dealt to one of Falcone's Thugs. Ability Action: Choose one target player. If that player is unaligned, you interrogate them into revealing their role. If that player is Gotham, you disrupt them for the next Act. If that player is Bat-Family, you instead suffer a jail attack. Passive Ability: You start the game with 2 Thugs. Each action or attack that would target a Falcone's Thug kills a Thug. Once per game you can choose to instead use your Ability Action to gain 2 more Thugs. You can have up to 3 Thugs at one time. You are always able to interact with the Jail Discord. If there is no Black Mask in the Mob at the start of the game, you begin the game as Mob Leader. You cannot win and you leave the game if The Penguin becomes Mob Leader at any point. Mob Leader - Organized Crime: While Carmine Falcone is Mob Leader so long as there is 1 Falcone's Thug alive, one random player is released from jail at the start of every Act. Spoiler Mad-Hatter (Jervis Tetch) Unique Villain Death Attack Saves: 1 Calling Card: The "original target" of your target players Utility or Ability Action joins you for Tea Time, revealing your presence to them. Choose Utility or Ability Action Utility Action: Choose one target player. If that player uses an Ability Action this Act choose one target player to become the target of their Ability Action instead of their original target. If their action had no targets, you are disrupted for the next Act. Ability Action: Choose one target player. If that player uses a Utility Action during the next Act choose one target player to become target of their Utility Action instead of their original target. If their action had no targets, you are roleblocked for the next Act. Passive Ability: At the start of the game, choose one target player. The first time you are dealt both a Utility and an Ability Action it instead happens to the player targeted. You cannot become Mob Leader. Spoiler Deathstroke (Slade Wilson) Unique Villain Death Attack Saves: 2 Choose Utility or Ability Action Utility Action: Choose one target player, you interrogate them learning their exact faction, but not their role. Ability Action: Choose target player. You deliver two death attacks to your target. Passive: While attacking, you are immune to any counter attacks. Whenever you suffer any type of attack, you deliver a death counter attack. If you successfully kill a target during any Act, you may use both your Utility and Ability Action during the next Act. You cannot become the Mob Leader. Spoiler Salvatore Maroni Unique Death Attack Saves: 0 While Jailed - Utility Action: Choose target player. You will see the exact results of that players Ability Action, without them knowing. Ability Action: Choose one target player. You disrupt them for the next Act. This does not count as an attack. Passive Ability: The first time you are jailed, you escape during the start of the next Act. You are always able to access the Jail Discord and you also have access to an ability while in jail. Mob Leader - Criminal Enterprises: While Salvatore Maroni is Mob Leader at the start of every Act, the Mob privately receives the results of one random non-Mob Utility and Ability action. They only receive the results of what action was taken, not the player identities or exact roles. Spoiler Black Mask (Roman Sionis) Unique Villain Death Attack Saves: 1 Choose Utility or Ability Action Utility Action: Choose one target player and guess their faction. If you guess right then depending on their faction one of the following occurs. If Gotham or Mob deliver a Death Attack to them. If Bat Family, deliver a jail attack to them. If Unaligned or you guess wrong you are instead disrupted for the next Act. Ability Action: Choose one target jailed player. You deliver a death attack to them, if you kill them a jailbreak occurs. Passive Ability: You ignore all passive abilities when targeting players with your Utility or Ability actions. You always begin the game as Mob Leader. You do not win the game with The Mob unless you are the Mob Leader. Mob Leader - Controlling Influence: While Black Mask is Mob Leader Gotham can only vote to jail 1 player during any Act instead of 2. The first time Black Mask is jailed while he is also the Mob Leader a jailbreak occurs at the start of the next Act. Spoiler Unaligned Roles Ra's Al Ghul Unique Legendary Death Attack Saves: N/A Win Condition: You win and leave the game when you have resurrected 4 Unique player roles or 6 total players. Choose Utility or Ability Action. Utility Action: Name a non-unique role. If that role is in the game, you learn that players identity. Ability Action: Choose a dead player. You resurrect that player at the start of the next Act. If the player you resurrected is a Unique role, this Ability Action cannot be used during the next Act. Legendary Passive Ability: You can't be killed and always break out of jail at the start of the following Act. If you were to be killed instead reveal your identity. You have access to both the Graveyard and Jail Discords. At the start of the game, you learn the role and identity of 2 random Unique characters in the game. This information will be posted in the Graveyard Discord. Spoiler Deadshot Villain Unique Death Attack Saves: 1 Calling Card: Your Utility Action is revealed in the public game thread, revealing your presence to the game. Your Ability Action leaves hollow pointed bullet casings upon a successful death attack, revealing your presence to your target. Win Condition: At the start of the game you are given two random unique non Ra's Al Ghul character roles as targets. You win and leave the game when both of your targets have been killed, and you have killed at least one of them. Choose Utility or Ability Action Utility Action: Once per game, choose a player. At the start of the next Act, you assassinate that player. This doesn't count as an attack. Ability Action: Choose target player. You deliver a death attack to that player that can't be countered or negated. Passive Abilities: The first time you are the target of an Ability Action, negate it and disrupt the player who attacked you for the next Act. If you kill someone who is not your target, you are disrupted and roleblocked for the next Act. Spoiler Catwoman Unique Villain Death Attack Saves: 1 Calling Card: You leave claw marks upon anyone you interrogate with your Utility Action, revealing your presence to them. Lives: 9 Win Condition: At the start of the game you are given three random unique roles as targets. You win and leave the game when you have successfully stolen from all three targets. Utility Action: Name a faction and choose target player. If that player is from the chosen faction, you interrogate that player and learn their exact role. If they aren't, you are instead disrupted for the next Act. Ability Action: Choose target player. You break into that players house and attempt to steal from them. If that player is one of your remaining named targets you steal from them successfully. If that player is apart of a faction of one of your remaining targets you deliver a disrupt attack to them. If that player isn't in the faction of one of your remaining named targets you are instead sent to jail. Passive Abilities: Whenever you are the target of an attack, you first deliver a roleblock counter attack that negates the attack if successful. You are always able to interact with the Jail Discord. Whenever you are killed or sent to Jail, remove one Life from your Lives counter. Whenever anyone breaks out of jail, you break out with them. When your Lives counter hits 0, you join the Bat-Family Discord, win with Bat-Family, and are reduced to Selina Kyle. Selina Kyle Unique Death Attack Saves: 0 Your vote to jail a player or expose Batman is worth 2. Spoiler Harley Quinn Unique Villain Death Attack Saves: 1 Calling Card: Anyone you successfully attack with your Utility or Ability Action is left a joker card, revealing your presence to them. Win Counters: 0 Win Condition: You can win the game up to three different ways, and when you meet one of your Win Conditions you gain 1 Win Counter. You win the game if you are the last non Ra's Al Ghul player left alive. You win the game if you are the last non Gotham non Bat-Family member not named Ra's Al Ghul to be jailed. You win the game if you are in jail and involved in a jailbreak. When the game ends and you have won the game, you receive a bonus to your role selection for the next ToG based on the number of Win Counters you have. (1 = 20%, 2 = 60%, 3 - 100%) Utility Action: Choose two target players. You deliver a disrupt attack to one, and a death attack to the other chosen at random. Ability Action: Choose target player. If that player was or is the target a Utility or Ability Action this Act, deliver a death attack to that player. If they weren't, you are instead disrupted for the next Act. Passive Ability: You interact with the Jail Discord and you secretly input your vote to jail during the day phase privately. This occurs even if you vote to Jail someone in the public game thread. Gotham only learns the total votes when someone is jailed, not whose votes weren't true. If you when you are sent to jail you were the last Villain character left who could be sent to jail, there is a jailbreak at the start of the next Act. Spoiler Poison Ivy Unique Villain Death Attack Saves: 1 Win Condition: You win the game if you are alive at the end of the game, and can win along with all other factions and characters that are not required to kill you. Choose Utility or Ability Action Utility Action: Choose a role. If that role is alive and in the game that information gets publicly shared at the start of the next Act. Ability Action: Choose two target players. You negate the Ability Action that would occur TO one target if any and deliver a disrupt attack to the other target that affects them for the next Act. Passive Ability: Negate the first action that would be dealt to you. You have access to the Jail Discord. The first time you are jailed, you break out of jail during the start of the next Act. Spoiler Red Hood* Unique Villain Death Attack Saves: 1 Calling Card: You leave a bloody Batarang upon everyone killed by your hand, revealing your presence to the game. Win Condition: You win and leave the game when at the start of any Phase all Mob and Bat-Family members are dead. Choose Utility or Ability Action Utility Action: You can choose to use your Ability Action twice this act. If you do, you are roleblocked for the next Act unless you kill someone during this Act. Ability Action: Choose target player. You deliver a death attack to them. Passive Ability: You are immune to being disrupted. The first time you are jailed you break out during the start of the next Act. Whenever you break out of jail, you deliver a death attack to one random Mob or Bat-Family player. Spoiler The Riddler Unique Villain Death Attack Saves: 0 Calling Card: You leave a Riddle upon anyone successfully targeted by either your Utility or Ability Action, revealing your presence in the game. Win Condition: You are able to win the game several ways. If there are remaining Riddles to be solved when the game ends, you win the game. You win the game with Gotham or The Mob when that faction has recruited you. Riddles: 5 Choose Utility or Ability Action Utility Action: Choose target player. You deliver a disrupt attack to them. Ability Action: Choose target player. The results of that players Ability Action this Act get switched with the results of another players chosen at random. Only your target player knows their results were switched, as they are left a Riddle via your calling card. Passive Ability: The first time your the target of any non attack Utility and Ability Action and any other Action that is an Attack, you instead switch the target to a random player without anyone knowing. (This ability can only activate 3 times per game.) You can interact with the Jail Discord, and your Utility Action can still be used while you are jailed. You secretly input your vote to jail during the day phase privately. This occurs even if you vote to Jail someone in the public game thread. Riddles You start the game with 5 Riddles. You leave 1 Riddle upon everyone you successfully target with either of your Actions. After a Riddle has been left, it will be revealed to the game at the start of the next Act. Riddles can only be solved by the player who received them, and must be solved by using up a Utility Action. Riddles are solved privately, although the game thread is free to debate and research the answer of a Riddle. The identity or role of the player who receives a Riddle is not revealed. If a Riddle is not solved within 2 whole Acts upon receiving it then it explodes against the player who received it, and they are either killed or jailed chosen at random during the start of the Act. Your Riddle counter goes down by 1 for every Riddle that explodes or is solved. When a Riddle is solved, 1 Riddler Point is granted to either Gotham or The Mob depending on the faction of the player who solved it. All Bat-Family players solve for Gotham. Unaligned players can choose whether their Riddler Point goes to Gotham or The Mob. At the start of an Act if you have no Riddles remaining you are recruited to either The Mob or Gotham depending on who has more Riddler Points. If it's a tie, you are recruited at random. If you are recruited to Gotham, you lose your Ability Action, are sent to Jail if not already in Jail and your Utility Action changes to the following; Utility Action: Choose target faction. If a player of that faction has been interrogated this game, you learn their role chosen at random but not their identity. If you are recruited to the Mob you lose your Utility Action, are added to The Mob Discord and your Ability Action changes to the following; Ability Action: Choose one faction. You deliver a death attack to a random player of that faction. Spoiler Bane Unique Villain Death Attack Saves: 2 Calling Card: Anyone who suffers a death attack from you but survives, is left crippled revealing your presence to them. Win Condition: You win the game when you have killed Batman/Bruce Wayne. You leave the game when Batman/Bruce Wayne has been killed. Choose Utility or Ability Action Utility Action: Choose target player. You interrogate them and learn their exact role. Ability Action: Choose target player. You deliver a death attack to that player. If you kill that player, you gain Supercharged. While Supercharged - Ability Action: Choose target player. You deliver two death attacks to that player. You lose Supercharged. Passive Ability: Whenever you suffer a death attack you also deliver a death counter attack. While Supercharged this changes to whenever you suffer an attack of any kind you also deliver a death counter attack. If you are alive at the start of Act 6 and the Bat-Cave upgrade is active, you destroy the Bat-Cave upgrade permanently. If this event occurs while you are in jail, there is a jailbreak. Whenever you gain Supercharged you replenish 1 Death Attack Save. Spoiler Anarky Unique Villain Death Attack Saves: 1 Breakout Counter: 0 Win Condition: You win and leave the game when at the start of any Act, you have 5 Breakout Counters. Whenever you break out of jail, gain 1 Breakout Counter. Choose Utility or Ability Action Utility Action: Choose target jailed player, if there are at least 4 total jailed players you help your target escape from jail at the start of the next Act. If there are not, instead that player may use their abilities as if they were not jailed for the next Act. Ability Action - Choose either Cause Chaos or Start A Riot; Cause Chaos: Gotham cannot vote to jail anybody during the next Act unless they successfully vote to jail you first. Start A Riot: Half of the player who are currently jailed get released at random at the start of the next Act. Passive Ability: You have access to the Jail Discord. If you suffer a jail attack from a member of Bat Family you are also disrupted and roleblocked for the next Act. You can use your Utility Action while jailed, but it changes to the following; Jailed - Utility Action: You break out of jail at the start of the next Act. Spoiler Azrael Unique Hero Death Attack Saves: 2 Win Condition: You win and leave the game when there are no more living Villain players. If you are sent to jail, you lose and leave the game. Utility Action: Choose target player. You interrogate them and learn whether or not they are a Unique and a Hero or Villain role, but not their exact player role. Ability Action: Choose target player. If they are a villain, you deliver a death attack to them. If they are any other role you deliver a disrupt attack to them, but are you are also disrupted for the next Act. Passive Ability: Whenever you suffer an attack, if it's from a villain role you first deliver a death counter attack that if successful negates the targets attack. If it's from any other role, you instead negate the attack. Whenever you kill a Villain player, replenish a Death Attack Save. Spoiler Game Running Notes For balance reasons all ToG games require at least 12 players and will include the following roles: *All 3 Legendary Unique roles. (Commissioner Gordan, Batman, and Ra's Al Ghul) *2 Blackgate Jailors *At least 4 members of both Gotham and Mob, 2 total members of both Bat Family and Unaligned. (This includes the legendary unique roles in each faction.) Determining Roles: The 3 Legendary Unique roles and 2 Blackgate Jailor will all be chosen first, with random players from the pool being selected to determine those roles. The remaining minimum role requirements of each faction will then be chosen in the same fashion. Once we have met the minimum for every faction, the remaining players will be given roles that are randomly drawn from all that remains among all factions. Blackgate Jail Harvey Bullock, James Gordon, Blackgate Jailor, Carmine Falcone, Salvatore Maroni, Catwoman, Harley Quinn, Anarky, and Riddler all have access to interact with the Jail discord. None of these players will be added to that Discord server until AFTER the first person is jailed. At which point, all players with access will be added to that channel, and be able to see how many other players with access are in the game. Edited May 25, 2022 by Devise Berocka, Gustav, Spartan and 1 other 3 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ricer13 2,928 Posted March 20, 2022 Share Posted March 20, 2022 Is this a sign up? Devise 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Devise 4,475 Posted March 20, 2022 Author Share Posted March 20, 2022 14 minutes ago, Ricer13 said: Is this a sign up? Sure! Curious if we can get enough to run a game. Talking with Gus about it was speculating that we'd need at least 12+ to probably do a game given the nature of all the unique roles. Ricer13 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ricer13 2,928 Posted March 20, 2022 Share Posted March 20, 2022 Count me in! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spartan 4,714 Posted March 20, 2022 Share Posted March 20, 2022 Seems neat, I'm in! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
diacope 1,696 Posted March 20, 2022 Share Posted March 20, 2022 You got me Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Goliathus 50 Posted March 20, 2022 Share Posted March 20, 2022 Complicated but I will never be not in for ToS -- or ToWhatever-it-is. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MMFLEX 191 Posted March 20, 2022 Share Posted March 20, 2022 Innn Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doomsday 4,165 Posted March 20, 2022 Share Posted March 20, 2022 IN IN IN IN Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adrest245 131 Posted March 20, 2022 Share Posted March 20, 2022 3 hours ago, Goliathus said: Complicated but I will never be not in for ToS -- or ToWhatever-it-is. Same here. Count me in Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 20, 2022 Share Posted March 20, 2022 Wahoo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Devise 4,475 Posted March 20, 2022 Author Share Posted March 20, 2022 And then there were 8. I'll try to peer pressure @Jericho and @Advantage to join. We actually may be able to swing a game here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jhatty8 675 Posted March 20, 2022 Share Posted March 20, 2022 sure Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ben 200 Posted March 20, 2022 Share Posted March 20, 2022 Let’s go I’m in Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Advantage 2,962 Posted March 20, 2022 Share Posted March 20, 2022 I'm in Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dil 1,763 Posted March 21, 2022 Share Posted March 21, 2022 Not playing I just wanted to point how refreshing it is to see a @Devise paragraph post, regardless of the content Devise 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rory 2,001 Posted March 21, 2022 Share Posted March 21, 2022 i'm in Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Berocka 2,271 Posted March 21, 2022 Share Posted March 21, 2022 Im in Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Devise 4,475 Posted March 21, 2022 Author Share Posted March 21, 2022 (edited) ToG Signups 1. Ricer13 2. Spartan 3. Zack 4. Goliathus 5. MMFlex 6. Doomsday 7. Adrest245 8. NSG 9. Jhatty8 10. Ben 11. Advantage 12. Rory 13. Berocka 14. Jericho (He'll be in!) 15. Eagles? (Maybe he said if we needed but more for this chaos is better so yes.) @Squidward 16. Molholt 17. Ptyrell I'll be trying to rely on Gus to help me run this as he is the expert at managing the Discord so for that purpose I'm going to presume he will also not be signing up. We have enough to run a game here though so I'm going to leave sign ups to the end of the day and then we can...uh...create some fucking havoc tomorrow? Edited March 22, 2022 by Devise Gustav 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Devise 4,475 Posted March 21, 2022 Author Share Posted March 21, 2022 Also; I added some game running notes at the bottom for what the role sheet will look like in most games, and clarified how the exposing Batman works on the Mobs end. If there is any like balance or gameplay questions people have from reading that, which are glaringly obvious and not something we'd only learn in playtesting feel free to post it. I'm pretty sure I ironed out most things, but there is a good chance I didn't as well, so questions are good before we run the game proper haha. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Molholt 2,185 Posted March 21, 2022 Share Posted March 21, 2022 I'll play Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ptyrell 415 Posted March 22, 2022 Share Posted March 22, 2022 Too late to join? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Devise 4,475 Posted March 22, 2022 Author Share Posted March 22, 2022 1 hour ago, Ptyrell said: Too late to join? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Devise 4,475 Posted March 22, 2022 Author Share Posted March 22, 2022 (edited) I'm setting up the game now and while most of you were already in the Discord for ToS I"m noticing enough that aren't that I feel it's worth it to just drop the link here. That'll get you access to the ToS genchat. I've been PMing/DMing roles and assigning proper permissions here so if your not in the ToS Discord please use that link and come on in. Just going to tag the members that I'm missing on the Discord here @Molholt @Adrest245 @NSG Please click on and join the Discord link, once you've joined I'll DM you the roles and any permissions associated if there is any. Alright I've sent all the roles and permissions out. As mentioned above everyone who gets access to the Jail Discord will not receive it until the first person is jailed, at which point all of those who are able to access it will be given it. Remember that's a living location. Edited March 22, 2022 by Devise Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 22, 2022 Share Posted March 22, 2022 42 minutes ago, Devise said: I'm setting up the game now and while most of you were already in the Discord for ToS I"m noticing enough that aren't that I feel it's worth it to just drop the link here. That'll get you access to the ToS genchat. I've been PMing/DMing roles and assigning proper permissions here so if your not in the ToS Discord please use that link and come on in. Just going to tag the members that I'm missing on the Discord here @Molholt @Adrest245 @NSG Please click on and join the Discord link, once you've joined I'll DM you the roles and any permissions associated if there is any. Alright I've sent all the roles and permissions out. As mentioned above everyone who gets access to the Jail Discord will not receive it until the first person is jailed, at which point all of those who are able to access it will be given it. Remember that's a living location. Will do when I get home Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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