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Mother Fucker Out

Retired MF

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My plan of playing another season in the VHLM until my real life schedule lessened and allowed me to be active was shot to shit recently. It's lose out months of Fantasy Baseball Work + 3.5 Mill to Triple my Predictions or be forced to the VHL to be a shit hole. Neither of which are acceptable options to me. That being said, I am stepping away. Who knows if I return since I ditched SBA as well recently. Now it is just one team sim and personal life for this guy. That being said, here is a highlight video for the combine I worked this weekend:




Hope you enjoy and best of luck to the league. Sorry I could only get yah a few TPE Green, I tried.


To those who have helped me and answered my questions quickly, I appreciate it. Keep that damn VHLM updated. Don't let the fucktards up top say VHLM isn't important. Way better than the emotionless robots of the pro leagues!!



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Another reason why making people give up tpe they rightfully earned, because they want to play a 2nd vhlm season, is absolutely retarded.

The rule is only in place to cause frustration and pretty much punish people for being active. Don't give me some bullshit saying it's meant to keep the vhlm competitive. Look at S39. The NA Conf had 300 tpe recreates that dropped 4 goals per game, and shit all over Europe.

Why someone should have to throw away x amount of tpe, when you have recreates who time their player create perfectly to have an unfair advantage amongst other VHLMers, is pointless and stupid.

To be honest, it's made me want to give up on the VHL as well. I haven't done so because I feel obligated to the team who drafted me in the 1st,but it's still a horrible rule that makes 0 sense.

There probably is some merit to this point, especially with recreates having such an advantage in TPE.

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I also don't like how recreates can time it perfectly so they get an extra VHLM season before they get drafted and start their VHL clock when I joined like a week early and lose that season in my career


That by itself made me want to quit the league because it puts me at such a disadvantage but luckily I got picked to a VHL team with a few guys I know from other leagues

Edited by VHLwhat
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Gotta counter argue despite it hurting me... Leagues succeed by having core members. Recreates are those core members. Proof they'll be active. Favoring them over new blood, IMO, is just good business.

Also you earn what you get.  ^_^

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Gotta counter argue despite it hurting me... Leagues succeed by having core members. Recreates are those core members. Proof they'll be active. Favoring them over new blood, IMO, is just good business.

League won't continue without new members coming in though. I've done pretty well from the recreate rules myself, but I'd be in favour of making it more even or advantageous to newer members, especially if all it would require would be an extra season in the VHLM to keep them happy.

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Moreover, since we've added more TPE for new members like the training camp, and three doubles weeks right off the hop, they are passing 175 quicker than before perhaps without a fair amount of seasoning before they have to play in the VHL. Look at the mid first round guys this season for instance.

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People also can't expect to be stud right off the bat when they enter the VHL. No league is like that. There is usually a 1-2 season grace period for players before they come into their own. 

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  • Senior Admin

People also can't expect to be stud right off the bat when they enter the VHL. No league is like that. There is usually a 1-2 season grace period for players before they come into their own. 


Like me, for example. I stayed down, got myself 400+ TPE, and still sucked! 

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