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First of all thank you @diamond_ace and @McWolf for giving me the opportunity of rejoining this VHLM GM team in S84 after a massive TPE ban, and thank you @Spartan and @Gustav for all the brilliant work you've done since stepping in. I don't think many people realize just how much the VHLM has changed since these two stepped in and they deserve all the credit for it. As well as hiring quality GMs to work beside every season, thank you for making this job so fun and easy to do. 


I am stepping down as GM of the Houston Bulls.


When I was hired to GM the Houston Bulls in S84 my goal was to create a strong community and family within my new organization. Since then, @UnknownMinion and @Triller have both AGM'd by my side for 3 of 6 seasons each.  I hired Minion mainly as a sidekick while on the hunt for a GM job of their own but Minion was always a pleasure to work with. Triller stepped in to the league just before Minion left Houston and I snagged him up as quickly as a could. I remember doing this to @MubbleFubbles in Vegas and they both gave me the "thank you but idk if I'm ready, I'll think about it" response before responding only a couple hours later taking the job LOL. Triller is not an AGM to me and he knows it, we run Houston together and I just get the shiny TPE for it. Houston would not be Houston without Triller. From the graphics, to the daily activity, to the fact that I don't even have to explain myself since he won the Elmebeck... Triller has been my ride or die the past three seasons in Houston. Someone who I can happily call a friend and hope to stay connected with throughout our futures. I appreciate everything you have done in the past three seasons with me and you deserve everything I get praised for.


Next thank you to all the players who had the patience and fire to be a Houston Bull. The drive to get better by listening, learning, earning TPE and growing their knowledge of the VHL. Thank you to this S89 roster which is the best I have built in my 6 seasons of GMing. We didn't get the results we wanted but this was hands down my favourite season as GM. Thank you to every player I spammed to try and bring out of inactivity @DontCallMeCarson lol. Thank you @Big Newff for being the only one to play for me for all 6 seasons of my career. I'm happy I got to bring you back to this league and that you were there till the end of my run. Thank you to a player that isn't here anymore and many do not like for showing me that even with such an evil and ugly heart around the league, you will still come back after a perm ban just to be part of the Houston Bulls family again. Thank you @Girts who may have never played for me in Houston, but was my first ever All Star First Gen player in Vegas in S81. You are the reason we want to be a GM in the VHLM and help people love this league more. Thank you to every experience I had with every member, which helped me grow into the person I am in real life today. 


Finally, the reason I am leaving Houston is because I'm heading back to school! I'm going back to Western University to play football again! After taking two years off and working, I have had a lot of time to grow and figure myself out. I feel now I am ready and determined to chase my goals, and hopefully one day y'all can see me on the big screen playing in the CFL 🔥 That is the goal with this and if I want to reach it I need to respect it as a full time job, leaving not enough time to meet this job's requirements anymore (as well as the recruitment team which I am leaving too). Thank you to everyone who has stepped into that Houston locker room since I've been around. It's sad letting go as I had so much more planned for this team, but I can proudly walk out saying I left a dent on this organization in a positive way. I hope Houston can continue to grow with whoever takes over in the future. GO BULLS GO 



Edited by AJW
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@AJW thank you for bringing me into Houston as your AGM.  When I first started in the league I had basically decided that I was going to just focus on my player and see how everything was run.  Even AGMing seemed like something important enough to be left to others with a bit more dedication than I presumed I was going to have.  After you reached out I was hesitant, as you recalled correctly, because I wasn't sure I had been around long enough, but after a brief amount of time, I decided to dive in.


You've shown me how to run a team and allowed me to take on all aspects of GM'ing which is very much appreciated!  We clicked right away and you trusted me as less of an AGM and more of a Co-GM.  I was honored to hold the GM role with you in the lockerroom.  We chatted about all things Houston as well as life and I am glad we have become friends through this process.  Both Subject and I are excited to eventually own a jersey with your name on it!


Though my time as an AGM in Houston is over for now, my AGM career isn't over forever. I have very much enjoyed the supportive role, despite the lack of rights, and once a few things in my life get sorted out I want to return.  I also feel that if I didn't eventually throw my hat in the ring as a GM someday that I would be doing a disservice to everything AJ taught me.  No immediate plans for that but someday!


Thank you AJ for everything and because neither of us are dying and my activity in the VHL isn't changing, we will obviously keep each other updated!





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Legendary run!

First off, so excited for you to be making a return to Western, take care of it for me!

Secondly, @Triller for GM immediately (bonus points for a @Subject056 duo)

Always refreshing to hear people stepping down for good life reasons, and I'm glad you got to be one of them AJ! Just don't forget to check in on us sometimes, even after you're famous ;)

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Very sad to see you step down but very excited to see you exceed in football and I expect that jersey soon ;)

Had an amazing time in my short period with Houston! You built an amazing team.

I wish you all the best in school and with football :)

Love you @AJW❤️

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  On 7/26/2023 at 3:04 AM, jacobcarson877 said:

Just don't forget to check in on us sometimes, even after you're famous ;)


Imagine his recruits if he convinces his team mates to join the VHL... He'll breeze through the VHLM...

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