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Questions for the Knight Brothers


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Why is my recreate already better than munk's is?

Favourite meal to start the day?

If you could shut up one Englishman, why would it be David Cameron?

Vettel tied with Senna now in GP wins, thoughts?

Should I refill that glass?

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Given my complete lack of loyalty, predict where Koenig plays next season?


What about Klose, will he test FA as well and what would be the effect on the Express?


If the VHL was made into a movie, what actors would portray the Blue team?

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Did you go to gym today? (I did, so if you didn't, please be ashamed.)

Say it in German: Ivo, du bist ein cooler Typ.

What was your most fucked up experience this week?

Phil Hamilton has a damn good look at being the no. 1 pick. Does that build up any pressure on you?

Are there any teams you would rule out to play for immediately?

You might say your last wish here, because Oslo gonna crush you guys. Hopefully.

...and send me the name of last week's intro song via pm after recording, pretty please?

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Are you a gamer? Playstation, Xbox, or PC?


Can we be on the same VHL team? I'll take one more season than you, but our LR will be the most active in the league once we're both there. It'll probably be the most active with just you there though.

Titans , Zach Parechkin 1 (Phil Hamilton) at 4:45 <<< Looks good.


If you had to pick one of the Clegane goalies for your future VHL team, which would it be?


Zach Parechkin S46 Draft. Predict where I go.


What's your favourite NHL team? Who's going to win the Stanley Cup next season?

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Why should I ask you a question?


If you could lick any foreign currency in the world, which would it be and why?


How bitchy should Bitch Higgins be?


If you and David are both on this podcast, how does it feel living in your brother's shadow? I'll let you two figure out who is who.


Fuck, marry, kill: Morgan Rielly, Danny Phantom, Chester the Cheetah


Why is everyone talking about the Season 45 draft when its the Season 46 draft that's clearly the good one?


Would you ever consider having me on your podcast, even though I am not a Knight, a brother, or a Knight brother?

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1) Are you going to hold out if Helstinky drafts you


2) There has never been a player who has gone through salary arbitration, yet there is tons of stuff about it in the rulebook. Should you become the first?


3) Give youself a shoutout for updating everyone's roster pages with yummy information.


4) Tell me a funny joke

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  • 3 weeks later...

Do you think future rules should disallow inactive players from even being eligible to participate in the Super Cup?


What do you think about the teams in the Finals? 


What do you think about the strategy of projecting the same player to be drafted for multiple picks in the mock draft?

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  • 1 month later...

I reacted to that home run last night by chucking a beer across the living room and kissing a nearby Jesus picture.  How about you guys?


How was meeting Sterling and Smarch? Phil, does it even compare to meeting the Pajodcast? David, how much are you jealous that you didn't meet the Pajodcast? 


David, I will ask you this due to your name being on the GM Award.  Where do you rank the current crop of GM's all-time? Are any of them up there? Phil can answer too.


Speaking of GM's, any that you guys wish you played for? Being inactive for a run counts as not playing btw gents  ;)


Do you guys believe there is a time and place where re-naming trophies needs to be discussed again? I ask due to the obvious nature of players like Boulet, Campbell, etc. being long removed from the league at this point.


I drank some awful beer last night called Foster.  What is the worst beer you have ever had?

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Are you surprised by the standings in the European Conference?


Who do you think will be a surprise star from the S46 Draft Class?


What do you think of the new VHL Magazine?


I'd love to hear about how much David loved being in Toronto and having his time to shine with Blind. Is Blind your favorite player ever?


What sort of activity should we expect from David this time around?


Who will end up being the Hamilton brother that is remembered the most?

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