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Claimed:Laichly Rift's Pajodcast Episode 105 - Vijo Morganstein!


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The ever mysterious no show hype.......


Edit - Audio appears to be messed up. I am only getting me, even though I have set it to mono countless times messing with the actual tracks of our recording but it doesn't seem to have picked up Jericho/Chris. Lemme see if I can fix this. Double edit - looks like it messed up and I can't fix it. GOD DAMNIT. I don't want to have to re-record this. Triple edit - This is going to have be a placeholder post until we re-record then. Fucking lame. 

Edited by Devise22
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Due to the nature of when I'm allowed to voice after my move and the scheduling of Chris/Jericho we won't be able to re-record this this week so that the audio gets caught for all of us. Just grade as is graders, since I did purchase a +1 PT grade thing even if I don't get a six I'll likely get more than what I would with welfare. Sorry about this week guys, couldn't really fix it. I'll make sure we get it right next week. 

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After discussing the circumstances and constraints with Devise last night, I don't think it is unreasonable to look past the bad luck with recording and award Devise a 6. Both Advantage and Jericho claim this only as a 2-point podcast anyways, and Devise has done several large pieces of writing in the recent past that he hasn't been awarded TPE for (i.e. BoG updates, other overly long posts). 


Devise - 6/6

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