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VHLM Hard/Soft Cap


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Top Two Scorers in the VHLM.

1. Markus Bjorkstrand - Minot - Does he even exist? He's not on their roster.

T-1. Benjamin Zetterberg - Minot - 15 TPE. Just joined. Great guy I'm sure, but I find myself saying, "what's the point of even looking at the VHLM if somebody who just joined the league a week ago can lead the league in scoring?"

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Because they are put in a place to succeed.


If you play on a stacked roster you won't play as good in the VHLM, it's the truth.


On Bravehart in the VHLM I was scoring around and over a ppg in minot (I was the only active and we were tanking) before being traded off to Bern and slowing down due to their roster spots.


Teams with smaller rosters will have more individual success, it's a proven fact man.

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Because they are put in a place to succeed.


If you play on a stacked roster you won't play as good in the VHLM, it's the truth.


On Bravehart in the VHLM I was scoring around and over a ppg in minot (I was the only active and we were tanking) before being traded off to Bern and slowing down due to their roster spots.


Teams with smaller rosters will have more individual success, it's a proven fact man.


So someone that's been in the VHLM for 6 seasons and someone with 15 TPE are the top players in the VHLM? That's warped. Bjorkstrand isn't even on Minot's team roster, man.  There's zero excuse for him there.


He's also got the +/- in the league, so the 'his team sucks' argument doesn't fly.

Edited by CoachReilly
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The team filled with actives will generally be better than a team with a few players that have builds to compliment each other.


You may not be 'tearing' it up but that won't harm your achievement tracker much if you produce at a decent rate since your +/- will blow the other team's players out of the water and it'll be made up there.


It's just how the VHLM is and maybe if you can't find individual success at the current time then ask your coach to change up the lines a little and give you a different linemates but the key difference is that your team with actives will be winning, the teams with a bunch of lowers TPE inactives won't be.

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This rule is made to help new members. Imagine how intimidating, and disheartening it to see your 0TPE player, who may get the occasional point, go against others who pot 5 goals a game. While I personally don't care about personal statistics, many people do and if we want new members to stay active, they need to be able to see some kind of results in their player or else they will just leave :S



I think this is boiling down to different ideologies :P


New guy with 15 TPE is leading the league in points.  A guy who is going to be removed from Minot (as he's not even on their roster with all of his 60 TPE) is also leading the league in points. 


I think the compression of competition has been overdone.

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How is that even a valid example. This is the first season of the change, Samuelsson retired 5 seasons ago.


It's valid because there are still inactive FAs dominating.  Even though Bjorkstrand 'shouldn't be' on Minot, all they have to do is offer him a contract and the magic man is back.  Because there's still no rule on players being in the VHLM for more than 3 seasons.

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Well, I do think that your opinion is very unrealistic and it doesn't fit in this kind of league. How about sucking every new member's dick so they can stay around ? It looks like that tbh. If they are discouraged because of that, well they can go return and play NHL 15 on rookie level, they will be happy with scoring 500 goals with one player. On a league with real humans, competition is key and limiting other members for it it's unrealistic in my opinion.

The main problem of player discouraging shouldn't be about their lack of pts but more about low locker room activity, and that is the main problem in the VHLM. Like I said, if you focused your opinion on gorlab's attitude of loosing 2 games with his player and saying that he will retire, well I do think you are wrong.

Hey guys, I just wanted to mention that if anyone wants to suck my dick as per this suggestion, I'm cool with it. Good way to increase activity. Solid suggestion.

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New guy with 15 TPE is leading the league in points.  A guy who is going to be removed from Minot (as he's not even on their roster with all of his 60 TPE) is also leading the league in points. 


I think the compression of competition has been overdone.

We're 10 games into the season, talk about a small sample size.

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Hey if they want it to 200, give em that. Just make it so they aren't eligible for VHLM Achievement Tracker or VHLM practice Facility. Easy steps, easy solution. Every year someone cries foul and complains that the BOG or the Blue Team is responsible, in reality the majority is responsible. This is a two way street, don't blame the BOG for not doing anything and then when they listen just get mad and throw a fit. Everyone is listening, no sense in yelling.

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Hey if they want it to 200, give em that. Just make it so they aren't eligible for VHLM Achievement Tracker or VHLM practice Facility. Easy steps, easy solution. Every year someone cries foul and complains that the BOG or the Blue Team is responsible, in reality the majority is responsible. This is a two way street, don't blame the BOG for not doing anything and then when they listen just get mad and throw a fit. Everyone is listening, no sense in yelling.


why take achievement tracker away?  my argument is against two things:


(1) a playing field that is way too even.  two nobodies (no offense to the new guy, but he's done 0 PTs) are dominating.  i find myself less than interested in the VHLM because I can't update my guy for 2 months.

(2) inactives ruining the VHLM as they sit atop the leaderboard.

Edited by CoachReilly
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Wth kendrick lol



The cap was put in to not discourage new members but to also make sure VHLM bigwigs don't stay in the VHLM for personal gain and stats when they are clearly able to be in the VHL at that stage. If they want to stay down, we do what Draper suggested: Take away the incentives to stay down. The cap was to ensure people didn't exploit the system when at 200 TPE they are ready for the VHL. It's simple, every year someone will complain, the league will have another long thread with people putting in their invaluable or not so invaluable opinions on it. If people think I am making these points because Richardson never had to do this, they are just hating on me. If Richardson had to go through the cap I would've respected the rules and structure in place as I've done for 40+ season already. This isn't about personal case, this is about pleasing the new members and not scaring their asses away. If you disagree well then let's go back to drafts where only the top 6 picks are quality and the rest go inactive. Might suck for a rebuild, but hey at least you get to beast in the VHLM for an extra season.

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why take achievement tracker away?  my argument is against two things:


(1) a playing field that is way too even.  two nobodies (no offense to the new guy, but he's done 0 PTs) are dominating.  i find myself less than interested in the VHLM because I can't update my guy for 2 months.

(2) inactives ruining the VHLM as they sit atop the leaderboard.

1) He is sitting on a team that will allow him to get the bulk of the work.

2) There is a rule in place that only allows a VHLM team to have one inactive free agent. Anyone else is either active or their rights are 1 year away from making them into that VHLM inactive free agent role. They get weeded out really quickly now.

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