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Hey hockey people,


I'm completely new around here, and pretty new to hockey in general. I only began watching the sport around the beginning of the play-offs this year, but I'm hooked! Clearly ice hockey is sports equivalent to crack.


I'm a Montreal Canadiens fan (looking forward to teasing and being teased by Bruins and Leafs fans), and—luckily—I also support Liverpool Football Club in the English Premiership. I say 'luckily' because I've been assured that being a Habs fan is no different than being a Liverpool fan: each year you get your hopes up, and each year those hopes are horribly and painfully crushed. Yay!


I entirely forget how I came across this site; I was looking for something along these lines, so I guess I stumbled upon it during my search. I thought it might have been mentioned on the games forum over on www.ehmtheblueline.com, but now I can't find mention of it there, so... perhaps not!


I've already created a player, and am looking forward to seeing how he gets on with/against all of your players!

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Hey. Happy to hear you've caught hockey fever, it's the best sport going ;)

The forum can be pretty overwhelming for new members, but lots of people will be happy to help/guide you.


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Thanks for the welcomes!


The forums are a little overwhelming, but there's a lot of good information about too. That being said, there are a couple of things I could do with having cleared up for me, such as whether the rookie profile is only written after being assigned to a team, and whether or not there are any restrictions on the TPE doubling benefit afforded to newcomers (mentioned here). If not, I'm assuming it would be best for me to choose point tasks with high TPE for my first three tasks.

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HAHAH like the Leafs fans have anything to tease Montreal over :P


(I am/was a Leaf fan  B)  - by that I mean I am from Toronto and as a child supported the Leafs but recently decline to invest money or time in the organization because the MLSE are just money-sucking parasites and have no interest in building a winning team)


Anyway, WELCOME!! If you have any questions, just ask me ;)

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Thanks for the welcomes!


The forums are a little overwhelming, but there's a lot of good information about too. That being said, there are a couple of things I could do with having cleared up for me, such as whether the rookie profile is only written after being assigned to a team, and whether or not there are any restrictions on the TPE doubling benefit afforded to newcomers (mentioned here). If not, I'm assuming it would be best for me to choose point tasks with high TPE for my first three tasks.


You can write your rookie profile and biography at any point in your career - right now, 7 seasons from now, whenever you want. These are once per career tasks, and can not be doubled :(


The point tasks that are doubled are the weekly tasks, a media spot, graphic/video or podcast. You can do one of these a week. 

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Ah, I knew it! The prospect of doubling either a rookie profile or a biography seemed too good to be true :P


It's probably better that way, to be fair, otherwise all the biographies would be of rookies, and none of the players they are written about would have had the time to grow up and get involved in any kind of interesting shenanigans.


Phil, good point on the Leafs, haha. Their failings have actually made it more difficult for me to pick up on the rivalry, whereas it only took one watching the highlights from the 2014 play-off series between Montreal and Boston for me to learn to hate the Bruins :D

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I'm a Montreal Canadiens fan (looking forward to teasing and being teased by Bruins and Leafs fans)

Woo! Habs fan! The more Habs fans VHL has, the better :)

Edited by Ahma
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Go Habs, go! And yeah, being a Liverpool fan can be disheartening, but the season before this one just gone was fantastic. Coincidentally, it was also the most heart-breaking -.-

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Welcome! Cool to see another nation represented, I have some family who live over in Ireland myself. 

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Welcome to the VHL man. You are not alone in your depressive devotion to LIverpool(there are maybe 4 or 5 of us here....and the rest make fun of us :( ) and it's great to see more non- North American guys in the league. Hope you enjoy your time here and as mentioned, feel free to ask any of us if you need help or advice.

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Thanks for the welcomes, guys!


Advantage, I actually do have a question: how does one go about looking as flash as Mr. Subban without actually being Mr. Subban? I'm far too short and far too white to even dream of being P.K. :P

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Ah, but then you're just a white guy with a black face. At that rate chimney sweeps would be the flashest mofos on the block!

Then again... I don't think a white man could get away with wearing the suit PK's wearing in Advantage's avatar.

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