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  • Will changed the title to CGY/RIG; S46


While I understand that it's rough to move flyers after all he has done for us, this is something that I believe will help Riga push that much further for that cup this season and going forward. There is a plan in place to keep competing for awhile, so it makes perfect sense to bring in a goalie with the caliber that Wingate has. Thanks to eagles for the solid negotiations and welcome to the team, CiA!

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Being part of the blindside on the league is awesome. But yeah, it's been a fun couple of seasons in Calgary. I don't win sim league championships too often, and being able to not only win but to get back to back Finals appearances exceeded my wildest expectations. From Eagles to Cuffy to everyone else on down, I enjoyed my time in Calgary. I have fond feelings for the place, and it will always be one of my favorite franchises no matter where my player goes.

Ultimately, I felt the team was getting older, and I was probably going to hit free agency at the end of the year. I wasn't opposed to coming back to Calgary, but I did make it clear as far back as last season when I signed an extension that I wanted the team to get younger, but still be competitive. Since I'm opposed to sign and trades (why actively make your new team worse if there's an option not to?) though, Eagles felt it better to get something for me while he could rather than ride it out and risk letting me go at the end of the year. I harbor no ill will on my end because it's his team and he needs to make moves, and I do wish the entire franchise well. It would be fun to face you guys in the Finals.

But for now, I couldn't be happier to be on Riga. From Higgins to Frank to Jamie to the whole team, there are a bunch of members I haven't yet gotten to play on a team with, so this should be fun. And it's good being back with Toast, first time I've gotten to reunite with one of Olsen's Seattle teammates, and we have had some frank conversations that has given me inspiration that he will do what it takes to win as I move into the prime of Wingate's career. I think that we have a solid shot at winning it all this season, and I hope that Wingate's able to contribute to that in a meaningful way. Let's go Reign :cheers:

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I mean I understand being upset that you're losing a player to free agency, but if it gets to the point where a player has 1 year left on his contract and he won't sign an extension, warning bells should be going off and a contingency plan should be formed.

I had a feeling something was fishy when Wingate didn't sign an extension in Calgary and Toast never offered me an extension after some of the discussions we had, but to be honest, I never thought it would come to this. Pretty sure everyone knows that I'm less than thrilled to be a goalie, but after everything I gave to the Reign as both a GM and a player, I wasn't going to leave them high and dry without a goalie moving forward. I never thought that I'd play a game with Bernie outside of Riga, but I'm glad to go back to where my VHL career all started, even though some of the team members may not be the same. One way or another, I've been a part of Riga for just about the past 2-ish calendar years, and it's going to be really weird to be on another team (and to have my brother GM me instead of the other way around), but overall, I'm really looking forward to joining the Wranglers again and I trust Austin will make the right moves going forward to keep this team contending in both the short-run and the long-run.

To all my ex-teammates, good luck in the European Conference. To Jamie especially, my teammate or team member dating back to S33, keep plugging away on your plug players with their plug careers. 

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I mean I understand being upset that you're losing a player to free agency, but if it gets to the point where a player has 1 year left on his contract and he won't sign an extension, warning bells should be going off and a contingency plan should be formed.

I had a feeling something was fishy when Wingate didn't sign an extension in Calgary and Toast never offered me an extension after some of the discussions we had, but to be honest, I never thought it would come to this. Pretty sure everyone knows that I'm less than thrilled to be a goalie, but after everything I gave to the Reign as both a GM and a player, I wasn't going to leave them high and dry without a goalie moving forward. I never thought that I'd play a game with Bernie outside of Riga, but I'm glad to go back to where my VHL career all started, even though some of the team members may not be the same. One way or another, I've been a part of Riga for just about the past 2-ish calendar years, and it's going to be really weird to be on another team (and to have my brother GM me instead of the other way around), but overall, I'm really looking forward to joining the Wranglers again and I trust Austin will make the right moves going forward to keep this team contending in both the short-run and the long-run.

To all my ex-teammates, good luck in the European Conference. To Jamie especially, my teammate or team member dating back to S33, keep plugging away on your plug players with their plug careers. 

Actually this was more of a last minute thing than planned out ahead of time. I am thrilled to finally be on the same team as you again though, and I still have that Riga connection too :3. Hopefully it's Riga and Calgary in the finals

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