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Health and Fitness - Motivational Thread


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I was going to go to the gym today, but I forgot I booked an appointment to donate blood this morning. I could go right now, really, but I suppose tomorrow will be fine too. Gonna do the Bodypump class at noon. :workout:

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It has been 9 days since my last post and 19 since my original post.  My first weigh in 19 days ago 265 pounds and 9 days ago I was at 262.  I'm happy to say after another 9 days I just weighed myself at 259 down another 3.  In the past I would try to trick my weight and do it in the morning after going to bathroom in nothing but say boxers.  This weigh in was mid day after snacking and just drinking a glass of water while wearing clothes.


Still continuing to use my bowflex machine in fact my left shoulder is pretty sore today after a bit of a heavier workout yesterday.  I'm very close to going down the next notch in my belt and can physically feel my pants being looser than 19 days ago.  One of the girls I work with even said something to me about looking like I've lost weight without even telling her I was making any sort of changes.


I have cheated a few times KFC last weekend and Taco Bell on Monday or Tuesday.  With the super bowl coming up I expect a long weekend of pigging out so my goal in another 10 days or so is to maintain or go down another pound and I'll be happy.  Also about to go get a Shamrock Shake because they are back a large is like 850 calories and 150g of sugar better stick with a small.

Edited by Mike
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Since ~October I'm down 30 pounds. I don't work out, ever. But I had pretty bad eating habits and was at 255, so I'm at 225 now and all I've done is cut out a lot of the extra garbage.


I still don't eat "healthy" but I've cut out pop while at work (water now), I buy the 7.5oz cans of Coke and drink them instead of 12oz, and I usually have 2 a day. I don't eat fries or really any side with a meal. I typically have a grilled chicken sandwich for lunch and a ham/turkey subway sandwich for dinner. I don't do breakfast usually. The only problem with my eating is that I eat almost exclusively the same things, which doesn't bother me but probably would for most.


It might only help if you are like me and just ate garbage, but all I did was download the calorie app, track and understand what I was eating and cut out the nonsense. I intake about 1,700 calories a day. I'm tapering off on my losses now, at 225, so I need to adjust or perhaps start adding in exercise or healthier eating, but I feel a lot better already. Trouble is I had to buy new pants and belts, but I'll live with that if it means I'm less of a big fat fatty.


If you're like me and you don't like working out or don't have time for it, consider adjusting what you're putting in as well, as it has literally melted weight off of me by not eating like a trash monster.

Edited by Molholt
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2 hours ago, Mike said:

It has been 9 days since my last post and 19 since my original post.  My first weigh in 19 days ago 265 pounds and 9 days ago I was at 262.  I'm happy to say after another 9 days I just weighed myself at 259 down another 3.  In the past I would try to trick my weight and do it in the morning after going to bathroom in nothing but say boxers.  This weigh in was mid day after snacking and just drinking a glass of water while wearing clothes.


Still continuing to use my bowflex machine in fact my left shoulder is pretty sore today after a bit of a heavier workout yesterday.  I'm very close to going down the next notch in my belt and can physically feel my pants being looser than 19 days ago.  One of the girls I work with even said something to me about looking like I've lost weight without even telling her I was making any sort of changes.


I have cheated a few times KFC last weekend and Taco Bell on Monday or Tuesday.  With the super bowl coming up I expect a long weekend of pigging out so my goal in another 10 days or so is to maintain or go down another pound and I'll be happy.  Also about to go get a Shamrock Shake because they are back a large is like 850 calories and 150g of sugar better stick with a small.

Good work man. I'd personally try to weigh in at consistent times of the day. Like every morning naked after peeing, or everyday after supper after pooping, or whatever. That way you'll have a slightly better idea of where your weight is at and where it's going. :)

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Every 2-3 months I really try to switch up my workouts. This way you make sure you are working different muscle groups and at different angles, making sure you become well-rounded.


Today I am just about to start a 6 week program. If you want to check it out and even try it out - it's here!




This is the workout I'm just about to do:





Real motivation, real work ethic, unreal results. 

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Also, my progress has been going well. Was up at 186lbs (felt really heavy). Since not gorging on Christmas goodies, and reverting back to my normal eating habits 2 weeks ago I've dropped down to 178.5lbs. I'm working out 4-5 times a week, so I should be down at my usual 170lbs within a month. Hopefully there is also significant muscle growth :drunk:

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2 hours ago, Phil said:

Target weight for me is 185 - I'm at 180 right now... but I need my BF% to be at 11%, so we got work to do. 

My target was 170 but I think iam way below that rn so oh well haha. as for BF% I dont care as long as I am gaining muscle haha.

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On 2/13/2016 at 5:07 PM, Knight said:

Also, my progress has been going well. Was up at 186lbs (felt really heavy). Since not gorging on Christmas goodies, and reverting back to my normal eating habits 2 weeks ago I've dropped down to 178.5lbs. I'm working out 4-5 times a week, so I should be down at my usual 170lbs within a month. Hopefully there is also significant muscle growth :drunk:


On 2/13/2016 at 5:18 PM, Phil said:

Target weight for me is 185 - I'm at 180 right now... but I need my BF% to be at 11%, so we got work to do. 

How tall are you shits? I'm at 183lbs and I'm skinny. D:

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On 2/13/2016 at 8:23 PM, Phil said:

Every 2-3 months I really try to switch up my workouts. This way you make sure you are working different muscle groups and at different angles, making sure you become well-rounded.


Today I am just about to start a 6 week program. If you want to check it out and even try it out - it's here!




This is the workout I'm just about to do:





Real motivation, real work ethic, unreal results. 

Might needa give this is a go

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While we're on the fitness topic, figured I ought to pop in with my race plans.


(all items that say "half" are 13.1 miles, all items that say "marathon" are 26.2 miles, other distances will specify)

4/9 (maybe) Dirty Kiln trail half (I plan on doing this one with my girlfriend and two other guys I know, and competing in a team category against the North Park Trail Runners teams - whether I do it depends on if the two other guys do it, one is recovering from cancer and is on rest right now, but he wants to get back to things as soon as he feels up to it)

4/24 Trap Pond 50k (31 miles)

5/1 Pittsburgh marathon

5/15 Cleveland marathon


Summer yet to be determined


Last week of September Altis series (5 full marathons in 5 days, I may or may not do all of them it'll be a judgment call when the time comes, did the Thursday and Saturday ones for 2 in 3 last fall. I'd like to do at least 4 in 4 for the Quadzilla achievement for Maniacs. Also, I'll be taking these ones incredibly easy and not doing them for time - I'm honestly not much of a time guy anyway)

Early October (date tbd) Sloppy Cuckoo 12 hour endurance challenge (run for 12 hours, 6 1/2 mile trail loop on repeat, can take breaks between loops, winners are measured in distance - expecting a fairly safe estimate of 40 miles with a stretch goal of 50, if I score between those marks I'll be happy)


I'd like to get something in late fall if I can fit it in around a potential new job. I'd also planned on a 40 mile trail race in early March but haven't really put in as many miles in preparation as I'd feel comfortable with because it's been cold and disgusting and I hate treadmills.


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Just want to throw this out there as I am now on my 5th year resisting slurpees from 7-11.


A really good way to get off the pop train (which I only have occasionally now as opposed to every hour or so).


Soda Water + lime extract.


I get to manage my fizzy craving which I always have minus the sugars and sodium. Some soda water uses sodium but superstore has one that is sodium free and works well. Perrier has some sodium in it but it helps get me off of using pepsi and coke. I know it sounds weird but I love mojitos and lime flavours so this worked really well for me to reduce my pop intake over the last few years.

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