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S50 VHL Entry Draft Discussion


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12 hours ago, solas said:

Maybe I can go second overall with my third straight player ;)

Only time I went first overall was with Sharpe and everyone knows how that turned out. Less pressure going further down the board. My usual spot is around 5th I think.

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28 minutes ago, Molholt said:


That seems surprising. How many times have you been a GM draftee? 

Twice. S1 and S18 were the times as GM draftee. S7 (2nd Overall), S14 (1ST OVERALL), S25 (2nd Overall), S31 (2nd Overall aka biggest VHL ripoff), S40 (2nd Overall), S48 (4th Overall).


Safe to say 2nd Overall is where I belong. 

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A little more first overall/draft trivia:


-7 first overall picks did not win a Continental Cup. Two of them are still playing (John Sleeman, Titan Kronos).

-The S27 draft is the only draft in which every first round pick won a Continental Cup. In S14, first overall Malcolm Kelly was the only first round pick to not win a cup.

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It would be interesting to see if any draft class as a whole has won a Continental Cup during every season in which they could play. The S1 draft would of course have the best chance at this, but no one from there (unless you also count the supplemental draft but I'm not) won in S8. I'll be back with the research in a moment.

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The S2 draft did win cups in eight different seasons, but that's because several of the players were also playing in S1. However, no one in the draft class won in S9. There were a few other teams that also won in seven of their eight seasons, but no draft class thus far has a cup winner in every possible season.


The S43 draft, however, has a winner from each of its first six seasons, and every team remaining in the playoffs except Quebec has an S43 player.

Edited by Streetlight
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I've gone:


Third - only player to win one or more cups from the first round




I envision myself around 6-7-8 range this upcoming draft which means I've dropped in value haha 

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