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Britain leaves EU Membership


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Just now, Kendrick said:

From what I gathered this just means the UK will have to become very very self-sufficient if they want to succeed.


Pretty much, because you can't expect any EU favourable trade agreements for them since they basically screwed the EU. Germany is the largest economic power in the EU and they probably will not take it lightly how England has left them as the remaining backbone in the EU too.


I mean political and ideological issues aside, how well does any nation currently work when needing to be THAT self sufficient anyways? They are suddenly going to have a huge labour market of 20-40 year olds that have no work and no homes even maybe because they can't stay abroad. What are they going to do with that huge spike in available labour? Worse yet, if they all go on welfare, how are they going to pay for it now that you have investor money leaving UK?

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Just now, tfong said:


Pretty much, because you can't expect any EU favourable trade agreements for them since they basically screwed the EU. Germany is the largest economic power in the EU and they probably will not take it lightly how England has left them as the remaining backbone in the EU too.


I mean political and ideological issues aside, how well does any nation currently work when needing to be THAT self sufficient anyways? They are suddenly going to have a huge labour market of 20-40 year olds that have no work and no homes even maybe because they can't stay abroad. What are they going to do with that huge spike in available labour? Worse yet, if they all go on welfare, how are they going to pay for it now that you have investor money leaving UK?

Well I'm a little hazy on countries that do but I would assume N.Korea has taken that route and apparently they are about 4-5 decades behind the rest of the world because of it. They basically jumped into a row boat thinking the boat had oars, when it didn't.

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12 minutes ago, Kendrick said:

Well I'm a little hazy on countries that do but I would assume N.Korea has taken that route and apparently they are about 4-5 decades behind the rest of the world because of it. They basically jumped into a row boat thinking the boat had oars, when it didn't.


That is...actually a really good comparison of what could happen to UK heh. I mean not that extreme but you can imagine all the companies that deal in UK because they have free movement and trade through all of the EU. These companies will likely relocate and move factories or production elsewhere to avoid needing to meet EU and UK regulations now, not to mention tariffs between them and mainland Europe.


Lets not forget that NK is also propped up by China too, is US going to prop up a weak UK economy at that point? Especially if its a far right/conservative government? Of course now you also have anti-immigration policies coming into play and when you do that, the other countries hit you back with it. So they'll lose the versatility of being able to draw economic skills from abroad.




London School of Economics released a paper earlier predicting trade to fall heavily.


" All EU countries lose income after Brexit. The overall GDP fall in the UK is £26 billion to
£55 billion, about twice as big as the £12 billion to £28 billion income loss in the rest of the
EU combined. Non-EU countries experience some smaller income gains.
 If the UK unilaterally removed all its tariffs on imports from the rest of the world after
Brexit, UK incomes fall by 1% in the optimistic case and 2.3% in the pessimistic case.
 In the long run, reduced trade lowers productivity. Factoring in these effects substantially
increases the costs of Brexit to a loss of 6.3% to 9.5% of GDP (about £4,200 to £6,400 per

Edited by tfong
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I think they kind of fucked up with this decision. But that is only my opinion, I haven't been following the reason why are they leaving us in the first place, but they will just have to live with it. I just don't understand why are they accepting this exit from EU if they had only about 52% votes who actually want to leave EU, what will those 48% do? Go and live in Australia? The second half of this year will be pretty interesting.

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There is so much to discuss on the matter. It's hard to put it all into words on a forum. 


It's an extremely disappointing result. The extent to which this referendum will impact the UK is unknown, but it certainly will be a tough road ahead. Yes, the marriage with the EU was never perfect, but I truly believe leaving was the incorrect decision. That is what happens when your prime minister gambles with your country's future by calling an unnecessary referendum in the first place. Shocking stuff.



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1 hour ago, hedgehog337 said:


Majority of these 48% are Scottish (and lots of NI) so they will stay there and leave GB via another referendum.

Scotland's not that big.


UK has always been split into two. You have the professionals in finance, accounting, marketing, IT, whatever other lucrative jobs there are, probably well educated (graduates or at least 13 years in school), who read quality news, actually understand politics even if they don't partake, etc etc.


Then you have the mob - the racist uneducated racist fucktard alcoholics who live off benefits and complain about immigrants stealing their jobs they never would have applied for. If in the past the working class actually you know, worked, these days half of them don't since most warehouse and factory and whatever else jobs are taken by Poles, Romanians, anyone who actually puts effort in. As for the English mob, well, anyone watch Kingsman? They reside in the neighborhoods that the main character got out of. Even if you're a decent human being you'll struggle to get out of that environment its a vicious cycle. And if they read anything, it's the Sun, Star, Daily Mail, all these attention grabbing racist, mysoginistic, right-wing tabloids. 


The divide has always been clear but I was hoping most of the retards wouldn't vote (I knew the old people would come in their droves, they've got nothing better to do but wish for the good ol days before the EU). Turns out there's enough of them and here we are.


I'm an EU citizen in the UK so do I really want to stay now? Not particularly. I've long had thoughts of moving elsewhere in Europe and learning a new language and I think that will be accelerated now. There's dumb people everywhere but I've traveled a lot and didn't just stick to the tourist attractions but I've never seen such a clear divide as in the UK. Or England to be more specific, Scotland actually is more European too.

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21 hours ago, tfong said:

The masses are ignorant and stupid. Who's bright idea was it to give them choice? They don't know what's good for them.


Cameron gambled to try and give himself a better position. Will go down as one of the worst Prime Minister's in their history now.

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6 minutes ago, boom said:

How many signatures is the re-vote petition up to now? :lol:

I heard somewhere around 3 million on the radio earlier. Read a story earlier about how it was actually started before the referendum by a leave voter who was convinced they weren't going to win, oh the irony :)) 

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On 30/06/2016 at 9:23 AM, stevo said:



not that Farage is far off the truth but he's one dumb motherfucker

Well he'll be gone soon along with the party which no longer has any purpose.

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7 minutes ago, Victor said:

Well he'll be gone soon along with the party which no longer has any purpose.


Wtf did he hope to accomplish by shooting off to all the EU people? Isn't that like...very counter productive to the UK getting a good deal from the EU? 


And do you think there's a possibility the government would either vote against evoking the article when it comes time/hold another referendum?  I feel like it would be hard to justify holding a 2nd referendum, but I don't see why it would be too much of a stretch to say 51% or whatever isn't enough of a mandate to do it. 

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1 minute ago, Draper said:


Wtf did he hope to accomplish by shooting off to all the EU people? Isn't that like...very counter productive to the UK getting a good deal from the EU? 


And do you think there's a possibility the government would either vote against evoking the article when it comes time/hold another referendum?  I feel like it would be hard to justify holding a 2nd referendum, but I don't see why it would be too much of a stretch to say 51% or whatever isn't enough of a mandate to do it. 


Shouldn't even be another referendum. The government should just be all like: "LOL you people fucked up, now piss off and let us do our fucking job" 

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