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can someone explain me the guy hodor killed at the end ? who was he ?


he was with Bolton (the guy who betrayed Robb & The Red Wedding) and was supposed to kill Bran and the little one.

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In book Geoffrey hired the assassin to kill brand after he fell. The knife was given to the guy from Geoffrey.

That's kind of spoilers.  Although I suppose it doesn't overly matter...



Joffrey? Why?

It's heavily implied it was Joffrey, I suppose we'll never know for sure, but I'd say it's safe to consider that as canon.  And apparently it's because after Bran got crippled the Baratheon family was all just chillin' out having a nice private family supper or some shit.  Bobby B was hammered as per usual and was all like, "Fuck being a cripple would just be the single fucking worst thing, you'd be useless, they may as well put all cripples down, etc."  Joffrey, who just admires the shit out of his "father" and wants to impress him, but who is also an idiot, and a sick fuck, then presumably takes action.  Probably found the dagger in a treasury or some shit, or maybe it was a present once, who knows.  Slaps together a terrible assassination plan.  And that was that.


Meanwhile, Cat's like WHO WOULD DO THIS WHO OWNS THIS DAGGER, and Varys for once in his life is like "I dunno lol."  So Littlefinger jumps on that shit.  "Well in THAT case, I DO know whose it is!  It's Tyrion's!"  Sowing further discontent between the Lannisters and the Starks, further ensuring a breakdown at some point.



he was with Bolton (the guy who betrayed Robb & The Red Wedding) and was supposed to kill Bran and the little one.

This.  He's also the guy who cut off Jaime's hand, if you'll recall.

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From the Wiki Page:

A Storm of Swords

Tyrion guesses that Joffrey gave the Valyrian dagger to the catspaw at Winterfell, though he is unable to fathom why, attributing it to Joffrey's innate cruelty. Jaime later deduces that Joffrey did it in an attempt to impress his father after overhearing a drunken Robert say it would be kinder to put the crippled Bran Stark out of his misery.


I might have spoiled that but I could have swore that now Geoffrey was dead they had moved passed it.  My guess is the show sees this as a really minor point with Geoffrey dead theres no need to really go back and say he was the one who tried to kill Bran.  Unless they talk about it in another conversation between Jamie and Tyrion in the prison thats the only way I see this point being touched upon again in the show.

Edited by Mike
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the dude who plays ramsay is the best actor in the show imo dude is fucked.

Maybe not best but he's good.


That was possibly the most perfect episode yet. Stannis, Davos being a great motivational speaker, Mycroft fucking Holmes, Salladhor Sahn and the return of boobs, Daenerys awkward moment, goats, the return of dragons, Theon being an idiot but also a good Ramsay battle scene, a good ol' fashioned small council meeting, Mace Tyrell's voice, Oberyn Martell's attitude, a good ol' fashioned Varys v Littlefinger (now rebranded as Oberyn) convo in throne room, and of course the Tyrion bombshell.


What did this episode not have? Bran and Sansa, which is a good thing. Jon, which is also probably a good thing right now. And the Hound but I think that's a minor absence in the grand scheme of things.

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Maybe not best but he's good.


That was possibly the most perfect episode yet. Stannis, Davos being a great motivational speaker, Mycroft fucking Holmes, Salladhor Sahn and the return of boobs, Daenerys awkward moment, goats, the return of dragons, Theon being an idiot but also a good Ramsay battle scene, a good ol' fashioned small council meeting, Mace Tyrell's voice, Oberyn Martell's attitude, a good ol' fashioned Varys v Littlefinger (now rebranded as Oberyn) convo in throne room, and of course the Tyrion bombshell.


What did this episode not have? Bran and Sansa, which is a good thing. Jon, which is also probably a good thing right now. And the Hound but I think that's a minor absence in the grand scheme of things.


I think he's the best by quite a large margin, or maybe the girl who plays Arya. He just puts the character in to a totally difference place, he makes Joffrey look innocent. The scene where he's washing Theon was unreal, it was so weird and creepy. The two of them (Theon & Ramsay) deserve emmy's. I also love the foil between Ramsay and Jon, one being the honourable bastard the other being the psycopathic one lol. The worst acting in the show is probably Daneys but she's hot so idc too much.

Edited by Tyler
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I think he's the most obviously good but that's mainly because his character overshadows normal people. Doesn't mean those playing normal people are worse, or by far anyway. Like Peter Dinklage, come on. Charles Dance also captures the sheer power and badassery of Tywin so well. The way he owned Jaime in that "deal" was just something you were expecting to happen.

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I agree Tyler that he's great, but he's been in like 10 scenes total. It took him awhile I think to make it really disturbing, but he's gotten there.


In terms of worst actors: Bran, Brienne, Dany, Sam, Snow


I have very few qualms with most of the crew. Unreal talent on the show.

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I agree Tyler that he's great, but he's been in like 10 scenes total. It took him awhile I think to make it really disturbing, but he's gotten there.


In terms of worst actors: Bran, Brienne, Dany, Sam, Snow


I have very few qualms with most of the crew. Unreal talent on the show.



By Snow you mean Jon? I agree he was poor earlier but this seaosn hes been really good IMO. I think the girl who plays Arya is one of the best too.

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I agree Tyler that he's great, but he's been in like 10 scenes total. It took him awhile I think to make it really disturbing, but he's gotten there.


In terms of worst actors: Bran, Brienne, Dany, Sam, Snow


I have very few qualms with most of the crew. Unreal talent on the show.

Not that they're bad, but I agree that Bran and Dany are the weakest actors, although for Bran it's the puberty voice that bugs me the most.   He was perfect in S1 and S2 but now he's so fucking awkward.  Brienne's pretty good, but maybe Bottom 5 if you think about it.  Ditto for Jon maybe, except I think he's pretty great.  Samwell is damn near perfect though.  He comes off a little too confident for my liking sometimes, but he portrays the cowardly tub of shit so well.


And yeah, obviously Dinklage and Charlie Dance are in permanent beast mode.  Jamie's been fantastic too.  The expressions on his face as things are going down are just delightful.

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