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Top Ten VHL Pests


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By definition a pest in hockey is a player that gets under the other team's skin. In the VHL this can be attained in a number of different ways; in the sim, in game threads, or on the forum. I think over the past two seasons we've seen the resurgence of discussion and naturally the drama that comes with having an opinion in a virtual hockey league. Remember, none of us are winners, no matter how many peats we accomplish. With that being said here is my rundown of the VHL's Top Ten Pests of this Generation.


10. @Frank

Love to hate, hate to love.. Probably one of my favorite members, but he knows how to get under people's skin if need be. 


9. @Banackock

His GM methods have definitely been subject of discussion. High asking prices, and controversial dealings - he's always doing whatever it takes to get an advantage for his team. He's a classy GM and has proven year after year that he can lose with dignity.. An underrated pest.


8. @701

The forgotten pest. He's quieted down over the years, and instead is a historic inactive player who set records last year in scoring. Never forget Smooth Jive and the chaos he left in his path.


7. @Bushitroll

He's Back, and has been stirring the pot. Hopefully he stays active and moves up the list - but he has a real job, and makes real money, and gets his dick sucked by a real girl.


6. @TheLastOlympian07

This cunt intentionally skipped weeks of VHL Trivia just to fuck with the memberbase. Also active in being a little scratch and sniffer in game threads.


5. @BobertZ

He tries really hard - and you gotta give him credit for trying really hard. It's just too bad we've all seen this show too many times, and no one pays attention to it anymore. Nice hot takes in the Magazine tho.


4. @Jericho

My comeback member of the year. Always in the middle of things. I've never seen a member explain the difference between professionalism on a simulation hockey forum and professionalism handing out quarter chickens at the Chalet.. This guy burns more than the lemon water they give you after your meal, and is almost as delicious as the chalet sauce itself.


3. @Da Trollfecta

Resilience. I've never seen a get get shit on so hard, and not kill himself. kudos. No explanation needed, this guy knows the troll game, and the toll you must pay to get inside that boy's hole.


2. @Kendrick

This is the Brad Marchand of the VHL. Huge skill, and probably one of the most hated members on the site - if you aren't on his team. He's no stranger to drama or controversy. He's very opinionated, and won't back down from any fight - no matter how petty it is. Easily one of the most valuable members on this site, and I think that in itself eats away at people who hate him.


1. @Pablo

This is the number one troll and pest. Brovy from day one has been one of the most hated guys, but you look at what he's done for the league and the player's he's made. It seems like he can make amazing players, but all he really cares about is just getting under people's skin. I thought about 6 seasons ago his game thread postings during wins of "easy" would just get tired and phase out.. Pretty sure that was his response after two back to back cups. The difference between him and most of the other top five is that he picks his fights. He lays out blatant pesky posts and baits until someone bites and then goes on blast. This new gimmick of posting in rap-form... God Troll Status.

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Just now, Pablo said:

Oh, thats the truth, but I guess thats a foreign language y'all.

You can't hold a candle to what i did in the past. If i actually cared about being the best I would. I just don't have the time or the drive to go full "Robbie"


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Just now, BobertZ said:

You can't hold a candle to what i did in the past. If i actually cared about being the best I would. I just don't have the time or the drive to go full "Robbie"


I dont have to hold the candle because I got a bomb fire. On top of that I win.

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Just now, Da Trollfecta said:


He is so irrelevant that he is the president huh?

He's pretty much a joke. Blaming everything on the dems when his party controls the country. He blames his horrible approval rating on "Fake Media" and claims everything is that. But the only thing that is fake is him

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1 minute ago, BobertZ said:

He's pretty much a joke. Blaming everything on the dems when his party controls the country. He blames his horrible approval rating on "Fake Media" and claims everything is that. But the only thing that is fake is him


I think Boberito is the joke here haha

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