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what to create


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  • Senior Admin

So with the S56 draft class opening up, yours  truly is eligible to make another player which would more or less be the first time I've been able to take advantage of the two player system since, despite winning one of the original lottery positions, Koponen was on his way out of the league at the time so I didn't do much for him in his final season and mostly just focused on my new player.


I'm at a bit of a cross roads on what to create however. I was originally planning on my 2nd player being a goalie since I've never had one (I've now had 1 defender and 2 forwards), but with many goalies floating around right now I'm not sure that would be the best decision. The other option is another defenseman which I would be fine with, but I was originally hoping to make a goalie as it would be something new for me. 


Either way I will have to make a decision shortly so I don't waste weeks like I did when I put off creating Locke for a few weeks. 



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