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32 minutes ago, boubabi said:

except for devise


gingers have no souls


My hair is brown thank you very much. Also, regardless I can confirm I have no soul, but that the statement on your gravestone couldn't be further from the truth. Not that I haven't consumed a solid amount of the weed of course, but that said the reason I'm actually less active around here right now is because this place has sucked any enjoyment out of everything for me. If it wasn't for the fact that @DollarAndADream was such a boss GM, I'm loyal to Tor and I want to ride out these last two players I don't know if I'd be here. You can sit there and talk about how all the fighting in the other thread couldn't be the catalyst, but it's only one example. Activity is at all time lows here, off and on, we are missing sims we've had too many people go inactive we can't find GM's the VHLM is a nightmare, new players even are retiring, we have drama in like so many parts of the forums. Great that you guys think that is what makes you active but it just appears toxic and uninteresting to me. I have zero interesting in continuing to try to lurk or engage in shit fests. 


But posts in game threads continues to be basically non existent since it seems like very few care about the regular season, as has been a trending case for a while now. 

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don't get why it bothers you now as its the same situation for the last couple of seasons


if you don't enjoy the league anymore, good, I get it. Just don't blame others and get along with the ''the vhl bores me'', which is also understandable considering your longevity here.

not so long ago, you had commissioning inspiration, so it's either you didn't get up from the blow or you are just unstable recently, which I think is the case


don't take it personal device, but everything you listed, with that attitude, you are part of the problem, and don't get me wrong, a lot of people are part of the problem

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again, not blaming the weed, but my friends who smokes a lot of weed are also very unstable with there emotions, and it's a common reaction to smoking weed


maybe it's part of the problem

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6 minutes ago, Devise said:


My hair is brown thank you very much. Also, regardless I can confirm I have no soul, but that the statement on your gravestone couldn't be further from the truth. Not that I haven't consumed a solid amount of the weed of course, but that said the reason I'm actually less active around here right now is because this place has sucked any enjoyment out of everything for me. If it wasn't for the fact that @DollarAndADream was such a boss GM, I'm loyal to Tor and I want to ride out these last two players I don't know if I'd be here. You can sit there and talk about how all the fighting in the other thread couldn't be the catalyst, but it's only one example. Activity is at all time lows here, off and on, we are missing sims we've had too many people go inactive we can't find GM's the VHLM is a nightmare, new players even are retiring, we have drama in like so many parts of the forums. Great that you guys think that is what makes you active but it just appears toxic and uninteresting to me. I have zero interesting in continuing to try to lurk or engage in shit fests. 


But posts in game threads continues to be basically non existent since it seems like very few care about the regular season, as has been a trending case for a while now. 

To be honest, a new member seeing a BOG shit talk the league is more detrimental than any shit talk post. Maybe someone remove his BOG status since he's not doing the job anyway. I like you @Devise but if that's the way you feel just go and leave it to the rest that care.

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3 minutes ago, boubabi said:

again, not blaming the weed, but my friends who smokes a lot of weed are also very unstable with there emotions, and it's a common reaction to smoking weed


maybe it's part of the problem


No, if anything I have more motivation to do shit while getting high. But when household chores seem more interesting than logging into the VHL to post anything, you know where it's at. It's not about me blaming other members. I'm aware I also am not helping to generate more discussion in areas. But that can also get tiring you know?i can't count the number of paragraphs I've posted on this place that have gone unanswered, or not noticed, or nobody cared about. I'm not going to pretend that is somehow other peoples fault, or anyones fault. We have lives, my posts can be long to read, such is the way things are. But one of my better joys about this place was logging in and seeing some conversation whether VHL or not, that spurred me to want to engage. There was a bit of that during GoT this season. But in reality it was sparse across the board, and it was mostly just drama about VHLM, about waivers, about a member that should of been banned ages ago openly stating he personally attacks someone 99% of the time. 


4 minutes ago, Bushito said:

To be honest, a new member seeing a BOG shit talk the league is more detrimental than any shit talk post. Maybe someone remove his BOG status since he's not doing the job anyway. I like you @Devise but if that's the way you feel just go and leave it to the rest that care.

Excuse me? What does my status have to do with anything. I'm not "shit talking" the league, I'm presenting facts about the current state of this place and further stating my desire to eventually move on. Something that isn't news. I've openly stated in the past these would be my last two players, and I've made my decision to ride them out. Knight is still a BoG member and he almost never logs on. Why would I need to be removed when it wasn't that long ago I posted in the BoG, and furthermore I've been lurking and reading those threads still anyways. 


Whats worse, a new member seeing a veteran member express concerns or a new member getting shit talked by someone in their VHLM locker room (later was apologized for) or someone personally attacking a member? Come on. I'm entitled to vent a little in a thread like this thank you very much. 

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It's not about while you're high, it's the downfall afterward


MDMA does the same thing, creates euphoria but has a huge ''badtrip' afterward


I'm just saying it's something to consider

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I don't have bad trips generally. I understand and appreciate your concern @boubabi but I can generally confirm I've been using the same amount for nearly 3 years now with no issues. I am not the most stable person ever but none of my own issues have anything to do with my activity here. I've set out the time to post, do PTs or even write my mag article and actively chosen to do other more rewarding activities after logging in and lurking through topics for like 20 mins. 


And your right longevity plays a part, but status of the league does as well. We have way too many unfilled roles and responsibilities versus how active and involved the community is, and how large it is. It's why I suggested removing the VHLM. But that is old news now.

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Two player system helps lead to a lack of true rivalries.


I can't get the stupid chart to get in here correctly, but new post count and new topic count are lower than last summer, but higher than the previous slow time, which is the beginning of fall. I don't think this is a coincidence that school starts around this time.


Regular season has been relatively meaningless since I joined the league. Without any sort of finances, there are no incentives to not miss the playoffs. Could probably investigate changing up the lottery percentages, but not sure how much that would help.


I'm not going to say it's all peaches around here but I think your personal feelings on this place (RE: longevity and being burnt out) are clouding your feelings on the overall status of the league.

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real life is catching up to everyone, and it's normal, and I'm just saying that because it's a concern for me and the league to see even our most involved member (like you and sterling) can reach this point, which is sad to see


but I get it completely, and I feel you 

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1. VHLM does suck for some. I always seem to enjoy it though.


2. Lots of people have been dropping like flies lately. Not small members either. While quite a few still log on, that's about all they do. The list is literally too long to post. 


3. I thought a lot of new members joined? It's been the most new recruits that have stuck around since like S40 area, no? I don't remember getting recruits like this in my time of starting out as SEA GM.


4. Maybe a new incentive for being active is needed. Maybe the league needs to look at other ways to create activity.


5. We need commissioner. @Corco @Frank do an amazing job in the VHLM. @Higgins is clearly getting shit done in the VHL. I'd love to know what happened to @Smarch because for the short time he was, I felt he was a really strong, good commissioner. We want him back. If not, we need someone to step up. 


6. Maybe we could expand the idea of the VHL. Could we have owners? Money that continues on from player to player? New ways to earn TPE? Could we bring in a bettering thing - where you get 5 NBA/MLB/NFL and NHL games a week. You can bet a maximum of 1 M a bet or some shit. Anything. We need to bring new things into the league and keep it "fresh". 



I love this league. I'm not saying it's going down, but we've been on a very negative trend lately. @punkhippie and @BobertZ need to quit bitching. Sit down and be men. We're all here for the same shit. @Kendrick it seems when there's a public squabble, you're involved. quit it. @Higgins grows some balls and put your foot down. Don't allow dumb shit like that to take place. @Bushito a shitty GM would want to destroy his team. If a player don't want you, don't draft them just to be a cunt. What an amazing message that sends.


Let's stand together. This is our site. Quit killing it because I fucking hate the GOMHL/SHL.

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I mean @Smarch did 95% of the work in the off-season. I think he got burned out and realized it's not really a thankful job. If these two (@Will, @Smarch) come back then it should be good, if neither come back I think the league is fuuuucked for the off-season.


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1 minute ago, Higgins said:

I mean @Smarch did 95% of the work in the off-season. I think he got burned out and realized it's not really a thankful job. If these two (@Will, @Smarch) come back then it should be good, if neither come back I think the league is fuuuucked for the off-season.



Not to mention @Ghost being the financier

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