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Man, I wish Sunday and Thursday night football would get better, we've had some real stinkers.


Anyway, today was good for the Cowboys. Got the win and Romo looked excellent. Bye couldn't have come at a better time though.


Go Panthers tomorrow. I hope Sanchez throws 3 picks.

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(sorry fresco)



Hope you picked Godgers.






Sorry Fresco.



This too.


Nobody deserves this.



I like Fresco, I feel bad he has to endure Jay Cutler.


One big fucking update for all my lovers:








Edited by frescoelmo
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Taima, the Seahawks live Augur Hawk mascot decided to land on a fan in the crowd Sunday.




That’s got to hurt as I’m assuming the handler doesn’t wear a welding glove just for fun.




The big call of the week was the offensive pass interference on Jimmy Graham that could have won the game for New Orleans.




The question asked around the water cooler Monday morning was “Push or Flop”?

Perrish Cox of course denied floppage. ”Man, look here, that wasn't a flop at all.” Cox told FOX Sports. "If they want to call it that, well, if he didn't push me, it would've been an (interception). People can say what they want. Everybody is entitled to their opinion, but we came out with the victory and that's all that matters." The 49ers won and that’s all that matters. Well that and the fact that he’s got to live with being a flopper.

I wonder if it bothers Viera?…




Filing this under “These Guys Earn Their Money”.

This is Saints cornerback Keenan Lewis’ knee after the game Sunday.




The team announced Lewis would not return to the gamebut apparently Lewis didn’t get the news.

He came back into the game and played in the second half.

"Even though I was in pain, I tell myself, 'If I can walk, I can try to go,'" Lewis said after the game, via ESPN.com. "My team needed me, and I just gave what I could give. I'm pretty sure it's gonna be hurting next week and I'll be out there hopefully on one leg [again]. I'll let the trainers evaluate me, we've got good trainers. And if I can walk, I'm going."


Here’s what it come to for Jay Cutler.

The Governor of Wisconsin is trolling him…





Mario Williams is a scary looking dude. This is not a photoshop as he was rocking the red contact lenses here.




Bad News. The Jets faced a 3rd and 46 Sunday.



Worse News. It wasn’t a television error.


“1st and 10: Chris Ivory lost -1 yard.

“2nd and 11: Mike Vick lost -5 yards and was assessed an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty during the play. Then, the Jets were assessed another unsportsmanlike conduct penalty after the play. Vick lost 20 yards with his run and penalty and another 15 yards were tacked on for the post-play penalty.”


Things move fast in the NFL...





Poor fantasy owners somewhere...






This is Chicago - Green Bay in one gif....





Sadly, we live in a world where people go after Trestmans daughter on Twitter after a loss...





Chip Kelly has always used interesting signs for playcalling...




They’re turning up the heat…




Bad News: This pass was incomplete.

Worse News: That blue line is the line of scrimmage...



Edited by UZI
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The Cowboys had one of the best bye weeks in recent memory: all three divisional rivals lost, moving them into a tie for first place in the NFC East. They get a week to rest and get healthy and pretty much every other team in the NFC Wild Card hunt also happened to lose.

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The Cowboys had one of the best bye weeks in recent memory: all three divisional rivals lost, moving them into a tie for first place in the NFC East. They get a week to rest and get healthy and pretty much every other team in the NFC Wild Card hunt also happened to lose.

Except us. ;)


But I do agree they had a great Bye week.

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It’s almost Thanksgiving which means it’s almost Christmas Party time which means it’s time to be thinking about your sweater. Jason, I've ordered you something special.....




I’m sure there are things I care less about than doing the mental gymnastics with hypothetical scenarios for which NCAA teams might make the playoffs. But I can’t think of any of them right now.

I’m with Richard Sherman.




Houston’s J.J. Watt criticized Titans QB Zach Mettenberger a couple of weeks ago saying "It's just kind of a reminder, this is the National Football League, not high school," Watt said. "Welcome to the show."

While Watt had this picture floating around the internet…




One thing I can’t say about him though is that he’s worried about the cold. This was Watt in Pre Game “Warmups” before the game in Cleveland Sunday with a 27 degree wind chill.




However, he’s no Marquise Goodwin...




Oh that fun and wacky Marshawn…




Jim Rome has a fair point here…




Here’s a thought. Going into Sunday’s Week 11 game, Tampa Bay had a shot at both the first pick in the draft and winning their division.



It’s Movember November where folks across the land are growing mustaches to raise awareness for Men’s Health Issues.

ThePostGame.com created a sweet tool to try out different style mustaches on famous people.








If you look up “finishing your block”, you’ll likely get this gif.




Not to put a damper on the Gronklove, but finishing a block is easier when you outweigh the guy by 55 pounds.

I get way more excited about a play like this..




The Onion ran a beautiful story last week after the Bears were blown out by Green Bay in which Jay Cutler blamed the punter for the loss.

“Following the team’s blowout 55-14 loss to the Green Bay Packers Sunday night, Chicago Bears quarterback Jay Cutler told reporters Tuesday that he would be the first person to admit the team is in dire need of a new punter. “It’s certainly not an easy thing to say, but at the end of the day, someone has to step up and accept that mistakes were made by our punter, Pat O’Donnell,” said Cutler, who pointed to O’Donnell’s blocked punt in the third quarter as playing a major role in the team’s unraveling and conceded that blame for the team’s loss rested squarely on the rookie punter. “Going forward, there will have to be some serious adjustments made to our punt unit—when individual players aren’t doing their part out there, we’re going to fall short as a team. Pat didn’t play well, and he needs to accept responsibility for that.” Cutler went on to acknowledge that Bears long snapper Jeremy Cain will also need to step up his performance significantly before next week’s game against the Vikings if the team is to have any chance of turning its season around.”

Of course, you guys know the Onion isn’t real.

But apparently many Chicago fans do not possess that knowledge.

From Twitter:

“Cutler says "I'll be the first to admit... We need a new punter" Really jay? Is that what the Bears need????”

“Jay Cutler says the bears are in desperate need of a new punter. You sir are a special kind of stupid.”

“Jay Cutler honestly blamed the punter in the loss? Is this dude serious? Cutler is AWFUL”

Oh Jay…




Anthony Castonzo with a Big Guy Touchdown Sunday. Nice...




God Bless Titans Fan...




They did look better Monday night...




Brian Mitchell’s had his fill of this Washington team.

From the Washington Post article:

“Embarrassing. This is atrocious. It’s despicable. It’s pathetic. I think it’s asinine. As we look at this football game and this football team – and it’s not just Robert, OK, I want fans out there to stop blaming just the quarterback. The defense was atrocious, the offensive line was terrible, dropping balls, throwing balls to people. Everybody had a part in this. There are players that, they can’t play themselves into the right position. We sit here every week and we want to blame that one guy. Yes, they gave up a lot for him, but from coaching, to decision-makers, to players, everybody is playing a part.

“Kai Forbath had hit 15 I think in a row, and then all of a sudden he misses two today. This team, you had two weeks to prepare for a 1-8 Buccaneers team that we constantly heard Jay Gruden and everybody around the country say, this team is not as bad as their record states. But, they were still 1-8. You’re sitting there 3-6 and this Redskins team can not ever sit there and think that they’re any much better than that team was. Now, you step into a football game today and nobody played like they were desperate, like they’ve been embarrassed with the way things were going.

“Five out of the last six years, this team has started 3-6 in the first nine games. OK, some players may have been around for the whole time, most of them haven’t been. And the one year you were not starting 3-6, you’re 4-5. And I see a lot of players blaming media and everybody else, and running around as if they’ve won the damn Super Bowl somewhere. This team has sucked over the last few years, OK? And as a former player, I’m embarrassed to watch this junk, over and over again. And yes, I come on this air and I have to try and be professional and not say what – I wish, let the FCC tell me today, ‘Say what the hell you want to say, Brian.’ And I will call out names and tell them exactly what I feel. Because a lot of guys who want to be big time and talking about what they think and what the media shouldn’t be doing, play some damn football. You sucked on the field today, and you know who you are. I don’t have to say their names. You know who you are.

Ok then…


The officials will sometimes direct a defensive player on field goals to get away from the long snapper. I think it’s kind of weird they do this and keep the defense from being flagged but it happens. The official will usually tap on the player’s butt to move him over. Whatever.

What was interesting in Green Bay Sunday is that apparently, Philadelphia’s Bennie Logan does not like having his butt touched.




File this one under “These Guys Earn Their Money”

Emmanuel Sanders was blown up Sunday...




Note for Robert Griffin III: I get it with the cool gear and the camo tribute and your family’s military ties. That’s great. But you’re the Face of the Franchise here.




Going for Eddie Murphy from the opening of Trading Places is not a good look...




Lions reporter Dave Birkett asked Detroit Safety James Ihedigbo on what impresses him most about Tom Brady:

Ihedigbo said, “His hair”.

I dunno…




The Cowboys could use another bye week like this...




This was Green Bay - Philadelphia in one gif...




Note for Ben Roethlisberger: I get it that it was cold in Nashville. And there’s nothing wrong with keeping your neck warm. If you want the turtleneck shirt, go with the turtleneck shirt. But the headband around your neck thing is kind of weird.





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I'm so fucking mad.


Fuck this team for fooling me into thinking they were any different.


I had really thought things had changed, but when you can't get up for a Thanksgiving game against your hated rival, you suck. 


Really disappointed, good game Eagles, your team actually wanted to win.

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