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Small Changes That Should Be Made to Better the League [1/2]

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Why the League Should Listen to My Superior Intellect


Overall, the VHL is flourishing with probably its largest member base ever, largely thanks to the great work of the recruitment team combined with the modernization of the website via the portal. I am not here to make some big changes, but there are some very minor things that I think can make the VHL world a better place. If you agree with this article, please comment with the Gritty emoji.


1) Press Conferences


At minimum, the press conference rules topic needs to be re-pinned so it's at the top of the page again. Also, I think we should make two separate press conferences pages if possible, one for all teams and one for individual players. It is a minor annoyance to have to scroll to page 2 or 3 to get to my own press conference topic because the team pages are taking it hostage


Onto the more important part, the tpe earning system for answering / asking questions is off. Let's assume everyone wants to earn the full 2 tpe from press conferences. You earn 1 tpe for asking 5, or 1 tpe for answering 3. This means that if you ask someone for questions, logically they either give you 5 or 10 to get 1 or 2 tpe. You then are stuck because if they ask 5 you are one question off from earning your full tpe, or if they ask 10 you can borrow some for next time but it's still not enough. I propose that you earn 1 tpe for asking 6 questions instead of 5  to make asking on an even pace with answering. 


2) Create more specific tagging systems for Member Groups


Currently there is some sort of graphics competition going on, and I keep getting tagged in it despite the fact that in my 8 years here I have never done anything artsy fartsy related. This is another minor inconvenience that isn't the end of the world, but I think it would be great if you could pick to be in the Writer's Group, Graphics Group, or both when it comes to tags. More importantly if teams could have a tag so someone can say @Vancouver rather than tagging each member on Vancouver individually, that would be a great way to communicate with everyone more easily, especially for GMs who want to alert their players to training camp and such. 


3) Make it Easier to Track Free Agency


You can see the bulk of my argument for this here, but the main point is that it is extremely difficult to track which free agents sign where because once they sign with a team they are no longer on the free agency list, and there isn't a transaction list you can see  this from anywhere. Unless you are looking at the free agents ahead of time and being super vigilant, it is difficult to keep up with what should be one of the most exciting times of the offseason. 

Edited by Positivefan036
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  • eaglesfan036 changed the title to Small Changes That Should Be Made to Better the League
11 minutes ago, Positivefan036 said:

Onto the more important part, the tpe earning system for answering / asking questions is off. Let's assume everyone wants to earn the full 2 tpe from press conferences. You earn 1 tpe for asking 5, or 1 tpe for answering 3. This means that if you ask someone for questions, logically they either give you 5 or 10 to get 1 or 2 tpe. You then are stuck because if they ask 5 you are one question off from earning your full tpe, or if they ask 10 you can borrow some for next time but it's still not enough. I propose that you earn 1 tpe for asking 6 questions instead of 5  to make asking on an even pace with answering. 


This was exactly a suggestion I made last season, I don't know why it never caught on... 


9 minutes ago, flyersfan1453 said:

2 cant be done without way, way too much manual work (I believe at least that was the answer previously given when the suggestion was brought up)

Also one of my suggestions, can confirm that this is what I was told. Would be interested in hearing what @Will thinks though.


I'm on board with #3 too! Nice work @Positivefan036

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#1 is feasible. I think it either fell through the cracks or was suggested as the easier option (ask 3 rather than ask 6) which just seemed way too simple for an already simple task; I could be wrong though. Either way I don’t mind it, would be an easy swap.


#2 is not small at all actually, it’s a huge pain in the ass. We’d have to set up any group we’d want added and then manually manage the members that belong in it; including the 21 current rosters, 11 of which are VHLM and change constantly. This would all have to be done by the admins. It’s a ridiculously large pile of manual work for a relatively minor gain. The group mentions aren’t a big deal so long as they aren’t abused.


#3 I believe @Will is looking into but as it’s portal based I can’t really comment much on it.

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#1 - Good suggestion on splitting them up. Only 3 topics pinned now are the rules in both forums, and VHLM press conferences in the Player side.


#2 - As others have said, not an easy fix. Suggestion would be for @Motzaburger to create an index of members in his graphics competition, and those who want to be tagged, similar to the VHLM mass tag that is used in the newsletter.


#3 - On its way eventually

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Review: I haven't been in the league very long, but the Press Conference stuff just still baffles me. I would like to see at least that #1 change, but Ill leave it up to the people who have been around longer to decide.

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  • DollarAndADream changed the title to Small Changes That Should Be Made to Better the League [1/2]

I'll take some blame in that Press Conference stuff @Positivefan036, because I'm supposed to be in charge of that section. Although if you just asked me straight up I would have re-pinned the rules to the top right away. It's nice to see the whole thing got resolved without me and the team/player stuff was separated. :)

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1 minute ago, DollarAndADream said:

I'll take some blame in that Press Conference stuff @Positivefan036, because I'm supposed to be in charge of that section. Although if you just asked me straight up I would have re-pinned the rules to the top right away. It's nice to see the whole thing got resolved without me and the team/player stuff was separated. :)


I would have asked you I didn't know you were in charge of it

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Maybe discord could help for #2? We could create a channel for the gfx competition and add everyone who wants to be involved. I don't think there are many on the site that don't use discord anymore.

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