Gaikoku-hito 2,310 Posted December 21, 2021 Share Posted December 21, 2021 1.) Do you think anything makes Prague stand out as a team? The color of the team does as the purple, black, baby blue & white are an interesting color combo. 2.) With the trade deadline passed, do you think we made a mistake by not trading? Yes & No, Hard to move assets when every team is against the salary cap but I would have tried to trade players that won`t be returning or entering the final year of their contracts/player career etc... making sure that I got either assets back or picks. This is also me EA Sporting the game rather then VHLing the game since we actually have to consider real people behind these players when making the choice to trade them since they might get butt hurt and not want to play in Prague ever again. 3.) Asher Reinhart currently has 38 goals, do you think he'll have another 50 goal season? Might be tough but he should manage to get 50 goals this season as long as the guys pass him the puck. 4.) Dominic Gobiel currently has 74 points, his highest in a season is 83 do you think he'll pass his career high this season? Yes, As all he needs is to maintain a point per game pace if I am correct and he should manage this easily. Sad that he will retire with a career high season showing that he should have stayed for another season. 5.) As it stands now, what team do you think is going to win the cup this season? At the start of the season I think I selected either Moscow or Vancouver to make a run at the cup again since they are meta teams but I think we could see a bit of surprise this season as I think the teams are a lot closer then the standings suggest. With at least five teams; not including the top two have a great chance to upset the top two teams. Or It will be a runaway playoff with no competition again with Vancouver and Moscow final in one of the quickest playoffs in history of the VHL. 6.) Do you feel like your player is contributing enough and helping our team to excel? Yes & No, I am more a team player so when I look at the games I look to see if we have won in the first place rather then my players stats. When I look at see that my player is above a point per game as a non-meta build player then I think he has done his job until I compare him to the rest of the league and they are scoring at a two or three point per game pace; meaning he is an average player when compared to the league wide. This would be easier to swallow if we were wining tight close games but we aren`t. So no matter how you look at my player; our team isn`t winning and he is suppose to lead and this isn`t happening. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fonziGG 1,075 Posted December 27, 2021 Share Posted December 27, 2021 1. What are your thoughts on your players performance so far this season? 2. Who do you think is the strongest team in the VHL thus far? 3. Are you watching the VHLE or the VHLM? Any teams or prospects interest you at all? 4. Who do you think has what it takes to win it all? 5. What is your favourite topping on a pizza? 6. What are some of your hobbies? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gaikoku-hito 2,310 Posted December 28, 2021 Share Posted December 28, 2021 1. What are your thoughts on your players performance so far this season? He has once again been a bit inconsistent with a multiple point games followed by completely doing nothing. While this has become the norm for Robert; I was always hoping that he would string a bunch of good game together and start producing like a top end player that I think he is. But he has been very good player; just not elite player. So disappointing as a career let alone the season. One more season to try to prove something but I am not holding my breath. Â 2. Who do you think is the strongest team in the VHL thus far? Tough call since it depends on what you consider the strongest. Head to head I would give Moscow or Malmo the edge based on pounding we have taken from them this season. I think I give the edge to Moscow at the moment but by no means do I think they will win the cup this season as it is too tough to call and anything can happen. Â 3. Are you watching the VHLE or the VHLM? Any teams or prospects interest you at all? This will be one of my shortest answer ever! Nope, I am too busy in RL at the moment working three jobs that see me working from 3am until 4pm, picking the kids up from school, cooking super and then rushing off to collect the wife before I head off to bed to try to get at least 6hrs of sleep before I start work again at 3am. And no I don`t have any days off but rather breaks from the 3am-4pm since I teach on Tuesday & Wednesdays so I work 8:30am - 4pm instead and those days are like heaven as I get to sleep in a bit. Also the days that I manage to get my TPE completed at the moment. Okay, It wasn`t short after all. Â 4. Who do you think has what it takes to win it all? Malmo, Moscow, Vancouver and Seattle but I wouldn`t sleep on Davos as they seem to be a surprise this season and might continue to surprise in the playoffs. Â 5. What is your favourite topping on a pizza? Corn - Yup, I was surprised here in Japan with the topping on pizza but they have some interesting topping here. Â 6. What are some of your hobbies? As I age, I lose more and more of my hobbies to the point I am not completely sure that I have any, anymore. I used to workout, run and play hockey but those days have been gone for at least five years now. I used to play video games and while I still find time from time to time to play; they have been limited to a few days to a few hours a week. And I used to watch hockey and Motorsports in general but that has stopped since I have moved to Japan since they don`t really cover sports here other then Baseball, Soccer and figure skating. Oh, Yeah Sumo grand tournaments. Actually I have one hobbie that has really taken off since I moved to Japan. Pokemon Go. I started an account in Canada but as rural player didn`t play that much and was a lowly level 18 player until I moved to Japan. Within a year I was a maxed level 40 player since Pokestops and Gyms are every where here as I have five stops that I can reach from my house and two gyms, and something like 50+ gyms or stops within sight of my house. Compare this to Canada I had one stop within my sight of my house and nearest GYM was 2kms away. So PokeGO has been easy to play here in Japan and I understand the issues facing Rural players is real since I know how it changed for me just moving to a different rural country; Yes, I am still in a rural area in Japan. The cities here are nuts for Pokego. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fonziGG 1,075 Posted January 3, 2022 Share Posted January 3, 2022 1. Are you suitably prepared for the playoffs? 2. Which teammate do you think will be crucial to the playoff campaign? 3. How gnarly of a playoff beard can you grow? 4. What is your standard order of wings? 5. What is something we don't know about you yet? 6. Do you have any personal goals for the playoffs? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gaikoku-hito 2,310 Posted January 4, 2022 Share Posted January 4, 2022 1. Are you suitably prepared for the playoffs? Are you ever complete ready of the playoffs? I mean you play all season to make the playoffs but heading into any round you don`t know what to expect until the puck drops. You prepare for the other team but nothing prepares you for the effort, energy and pace of the playoffs. Not including the thrills or the disappointments when playing at such a high level and giving everything you have trying to claim a result as a team.  2. Which teammate do you think will be crucial to the playoff campaign? David Davis - Without a tender that can still you a game or two in the playoffs you tend to be bounced early so hopefully he can steal a few games of us as we are going to be in tough against Moscow and we will need him to steal at least one in this series if we are going to win it. But lets also face facts we need the whole team to show up in the playoffs and it not on one player if we win or lose.  3. How gnarly of a playoff beard can you grow? I tend to grow beards all the time and they are a bit salt and pepper now a days but I don`t think it is too gnarly. I also don`t trim or sculpt it either so maybe some find it gnarly.  4. What is your standard order of wings? Medium hot as I cannot stand too hot as I am weak a bit that way but I also like my salt and pepper wings so it depends on what I am drinking. I also tend to mix order my wings.  5. What is something we don't know about you yet? Not sure since I tend not to share a lot about myself with everyone so it depends how well I actually have gotten to know you and how much others might have told you. Either way I tend to try to keep my information more private then others or to a need to know basis.  6. Do you have any personal goals for the playoffs? Nope, I tend to simply hope that we as a team are successful as personal goals don`t matter at this time of year unless you think you need a Championship to get into the HOF or a Great successful playoff records to add to an already HOF career. In my players case he is no where near the HOF so none of this matters but I am watching a bit of the Prague records as I think either myself or Dom already hold most of them but they are not my focus. I simple hope that we can come together to beat Moscow and then beat who ever we face next... I think we are in tough so I won`t look past Moscow. fonziGG 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Birdman 59 Posted January 10, 2022 Share Posted January 10, 2022 1. Are you suitably prepared for the playoffs?  As ready as I’ll ever be but I have a good feeling.  2. Which teammate do you think will be crucial to the playoff campaign?  It’s such a fickle sport that to say that any player is more crucial than any other is blasphemy.  3. How gnarly of a playoff beard can you grow?  Sadly my jeans are inferior and peach fuzz will forever be my limit.  4. What is your standard order of wings?  Boneless and with lots of ranch no matter how much crap I get for it.  5. What is something we don't know about you yet?  I’m a huge rifle shooter who, in another life could’ve pursued that over hockey.  6. Do you have any personal goals for the playoffs?  Support the team is always the mission, no matter the circumstances. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fonziGG 1,075 Posted January 10, 2022 Share Posted January 10, 2022 1. Since we dropped out due to a loss to Moscow, who do you think performed the strongest? 2. Do you like pizza? If so, whats your go-to order? If not, what is your favourite quick order-in dinner? 3. What do you plan on getting done in the offseason? A vacation or off-season training? 4. Which VHLE player looks the most promising to you? 5. Who is your best friend in the league and what is one nice thing you could say about them? 6. How are you doing during the Covid-19 Pandemic? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Birdman 59 Posted January 12, 2022 Share Posted January 12, 2022 1. Since we dropped out due to a loss to Moscow, who do you think performed the strongest? Â Gotta give the shout out to Dom. He played his guts out for us and left it all out on the ice. There's nothing more that you could possibly ask of a veteran like that. Â 2. Do you like pizza? If so, whats your go-to order? If not, what is your favourite quick order-in dinner? Â The meats all day every day. If it has protein then I want it on there. Â 3. What do you plan on getting done in the offseason? A vacation or off-season training? Â Training for sure. I go stir crazy if I can't get some good work outs in on a regular basis. Â 4. Which VHLE player looks the most promising to you? Â There's this one guy I saw one time. I think he plays for the Watchmen. If I remember correctly he should be coming up this year. Hmmmm... Â 5. Who is your best friend in the league and what is one nice thing you could say about them? Â Ever since the M me and Donny Carter @TheNeonShaman have been inseparable every chance we get around the league to hang out. He's always been a great guy that has helped push me to the limit. Â 6. How are you doing during the Covid-19 Pandemic? Â Luckily I'm blessed to have a great group of people surrounding me that support me and have helped me stay at my best while I'm often stuck in. TheNeonShaman 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gaikoku-hito 2,310 Posted January 14, 2022 Share Posted January 14, 2022 1. Since we dropped out due to a loss to Moscow, who do you think performed the strongest? I don`t think we had anyone really stand-out as the team we all chipped in; keeping the games close but the main take away for me was the youth serving notice that the team is going to be in good hands for a couple more years with Asher, Nicholas, JaredN and Nathan all having really solid performances. We also must not over look David in the net since he play very well with an .905 sav%. We simply lost to the better team as reflected by the fact that they are currently playing the finals.  2. Do you like pizza? If so, whats your go-to order? If not, what is your favourite quick order-in dinner? Nah, I don`t like Pizza!! I love Pizza so what is my go to order? Meat Lovers, Canadian, New Yorker, Chicago Deep dish Pepperoni and if the place that I am ordering from has wings then they are along for the ride as well. Harder to find good pizza in Japan but we do have Dominos with the usually New Yorker and Meat pizza.  3. What do you plan on getting done in the offseason? A vacation or off-season training? Vacation is one the cards that will always be followed with off season training. I found that have a week or two off after the season allows the body and mind to refresh before you jump back into training focusing on some of the weakness in your own game or simply areas that you are looking to improve. Maintain the strength while removing weaknesses.  4. Which VHLE player looks the most promising to you? Wow, I won`t lie I haven`t been paying attention to the VHLE at all since my focus has been on Prague. Kyosti Karjalainen as he has been managed by a former player of Prague it has been interesting to see this players growth in development. Doesn`t hurt that he is putting up huge numbers in the VHLM and then followed them up this season with huge numbers in the VHLE. To bad that he isn`t one of our prospects and we will face him a lot next season as he should be with Helsinki and could be a rookie of the year candidate.  5. Who is your best friend in the league and what is one nice thing you could say about them? Don`t have one since most the players that I consider friends in the early part of my career have simply disappeared from the league and I am bit of a closed off person so I am like a rose with a lot of thorns around me. Is that the actual saying?  6. How are you doing during the Covid-19 Pandemic? Living in Japan means we really haven`t had any true effects from the Pandemic, two lock downs but they are not real lock downs as they are more suggestions with people going about the daily lives like nothing really is happening. Which of course isn`t the truth. So it have been very much business as normal other then wearing a mask and limiting travel. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fonziGG 1,075 Posted January 18, 2022 Share Posted January 18, 2022 1. Since it's the offseason and it's the time to get to know eachother... Tell us one cool fact about you? 2. Who is your favourite current NHL player? 3. What is your favourite international cuisine? 4. What are your plans for the off-season? 5. Is there anyone we should be scouting in the VHLM? 6. Who is your biggest distraction in the off-season? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Birdman 59 Posted January 23, 2022 Share Posted January 23, 2022 1. Since it's the offseason and it's the time to get to know eachother... Tell us one cool fact about you?  I shoot competitively in my free time is one that turns some heads usually.  2. Who is your favourite current NHL player?  Roman Josi for sure, the fact that he didn't get an all star nod is an attrocity  3. What is your favourite international cuisine?  I don't get it often but I will die for some good Cuban cuisine.  4. What are your plans for the off-season?  Mostly training and going back home to spend some time with the folks.  5. Is there anyone we should be scouting in the VHLM?  Milan Dvorak looks like a solid pick if he slips down a little bit.  6. Who is your biggest distraction in the off-season?  Pesky girlfriend always taking up my time smh my head  Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fonziGG 1,075 Posted January 24, 2022 Share Posted January 24, 2022 1. What do you think of our new prospects joining the ranks? 2. Is there any advice you would like to give to the new kids on the block? 3. What is your go to pizza topping? 4. Do you have a pet? What is it's name? 5. Do you have any requests for management at this time? 6. How are you still doing through this Covid-19 Pandemic? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gaikoku-hito 2,310 Posted January 24, 2022 Share Posted January 24, 2022 1. What do you think of our new prospects joining the ranks? I am always excited to have new players join the team and it looks like a great bunch of new prospects. Of course we won`t know fore sure for a few more season unless someone has a mega off season and joins the team earlier then expected. Â 2. Is there any advice you would like to give to the new kids on the block? Be yourself and have fun. Don`t expect too much from yourself as it is a team game after all. We win and lose as a team. Â 3. What is your go to pizza topping? I am sure this was already a question asked a few weeks ago; does this mean this media member really likes Pizza? Either way I am a meat lovers guy but can never go wrong with Canadian Back-bacon and Chicken either. Â 4. Do you have a pet? What is it's name? Nope, My pet died last year. His name was Carmen, a strong orange and white cat. I am not trying to convince my wife to allow me to get a dog but that not going very far. It might be a case where I go simply get one and she has no choice to allow me to keep it. Problem is the price of the animals in Japan are so high. I think it is $5,000 plus for a small dog. Â 5. Do you have any requests for management at this time? Put together a team to win the cup and stop messing around!! LOL!! Request for management!! LOL!! Â 6. How are you still doing through this Covid-19 Pandemic? Well, I am still around and not effected by the pandemic as much as others; other then the fact that school that I teach has been shut down again a month early for Spring break (end of school here in Japan) but I still need to sit at work to collect a wage for the next six weeks. Other then that nothing has really changed. fonziGG 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KaleebtheMighty 1,539 Posted January 25, 2022 Share Posted January 25, 2022 11 hours ago, fonziGG said: 1. What do you think of our new prospects joining the ranks? 2. Is there any advice you would like to give to the new kids on the block? 3. What is your go to pizza topping? 4. Do you have a pet? What is it's name? 5. Do you have any requests for management at this time? 6. How are you still doing through this Covid-19 Pandemic? 1). I'd like to think we are pretty great but who knows 2). For my fellow draftees this season, just keep earning TPE and being involved, it will go a long way! 3). Pepperoni for sure, unless it's a veggie pizza. Then I need tomatoes, red onions, mushrooms, and mozzarella. 4). I have 2 cats, one named Conan and one named Keyser. Both are assholes lol 5). Nope! Keep doing your thing and let's build a dynasty in Prague! 6). Tired all of the time, raising two kids is no joke. Thankfully humanity discovered coffee and how to utilize it long before I arrive on Earth so very thankful for that. Plus traveling for work occasionally. I work for a medical instrument company which is involved with Covid testing, so of course it's busy. The airline and hotel rewards are nice though! fonziGG 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fonziGG 1,075 Posted January 31, 2022 Share Posted January 31, 2022 1. What is your go-to meal? 2. Do you like coffee or tea? If so, what is your go to caffeine recipe? 3. What are your projections for your own player this season? 4. What does your team look like for VHFL? If you don't have one, who do you think are going to explode this season on prague? 5. Who do you think will become the Prague captain this season? 6. Is there anything we can do, as Prague staff, for you? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moderator frescoelmo 1,286 Posted January 31, 2022 Moderator Share Posted January 31, 2022 48 minutes ago, fonziGG said: 1. What is your go-to meal? ramen noodles w pork and tobasco 2. Do you like coffee or tea? If so, what is your go to caffeine recipe? both are good but i prefer coffee... straight up (no creamer or tea) 3. What are your projections for your own player this season? FINALLY hit the century point mark 4. What does your team look like for VHFL? If you don't have one, who do you think are going to explode this season on prague? its alright 5. Who do you think will become the Prague captain this season? me 6. Is there anything we can do, as Prague staff, for you? git gud  Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darth Kaprizov 98 Posted January 31, 2022 Share Posted January 31, 2022 1. What is your go-to meal? - Pizza, Tacos or Cheeseburgers 2. Do you like coffee or tea? If so, what is your go to caffeine recipe? - Dark Roast with a lil bit of half/half and half spoon of sugar.  3. What are your projections for your own player this season? - to average more than a point per game. 4. What does your team look like for VHFL? If you don't have one, who do you think are going to explode this season on prague? - no team for me.  5. Who do you think will become the Prague captain this season? - no clue, only been here for 2 days.  6. Is there anything we can do, as Prague staff, for you? - nah, i'm good, ready for the season to start. time to make some new graphics. pumped for the new opportunity and ready for the season to start! Lets Go! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gaikoku-hito 2,310 Posted February 1, 2022 Share Posted February 1, 2022 1. What is your go-to meal? Hum!! If I was in North America I would like say Pizza, Wings and a Steak sandwich but since I haven`t been able to get that in the past four years since moving to Japan I will say my steak substitute is McDonalds double cheese burger or Big Mac. Pizza is too expensive to eat unless they have huge discount days; Wednesday and Tuesdays but still expensive compared to NA. Wings are also super expensive and usually flavored differently with soya and red hot sauce so not really what I am looking for. Ramen really depends on the place and isn`t the cheapest to eat here either. Gyudon is my Japanese go-to meal as it cheap and taste. Beef & onion with cheese and hot sauce over rice in beef soup mix. (I guess I should think then write!! LOL!! ) Â 2. Do you like coffee or tea? If so, what is your go to caffeine recipe? I am a coffee guy living in a tea country. Coffee here sucks other then that expensive American place with green mermaid or that other American place known as Tully`s or Seattle Best. I am a triple grande vanilla latte type of guy but they don`t have vanilla here so I have had to switch to caramel. I also miss my mochas as they also don`t have them here. Most coffee here is simple known as American Coffee. Â Â 3. What are your projections for your own player this season? Retirement is near; blinded by the force but should have an okay season when expectations is for a great season; with more then one hundred points but greed am I. Â 4. What does your team look like for VHFL? If you don't have one, who do you think are going to explode this season on prague? LOL!! Bullet to the head and you will see him explode!! LOL!! (My Player) My VHFL team is one that I throw together without much thought and the last time I did that I won my group but this year I think it will be different with Lose, Bouchard and that is all I remember means I should be luck not to finish bottom of my grouping. Going off this season on the Prague Phantoms should be Nathan Powers, Asher Reinhart and either Baby bob or Gucci. A lot of it will be determined by line combo and match up against other teams lines. If some of the strong players matchup against weaker lines they should go off. Bouchard is good for at least 90pts still this season but hoping for 110+ season (but that is more my greed again!!)Â Â 5. Who do you think will become the Prague captain this season? This was always going to be Asher team as it was last season. Even more so with the switch to playing defense for the team. My second guess would have been Bouchard or Powers and they did end up as assistants. So really nothing changed other then the fact that we lost Dom; if I remember correct. (Am I getting old? I cannot remember well unimportant things!! LOL!!) Â 6. Is there anything we can do, as Prague staff, for you? Watch for my new player and re-draft me since I like playing in Prague. I am also think of following a trend in your drafting as well since I am going most likely Defender at 6`8" and at least 200lbs. Haven`t decided if I am going offensive or defensive yet though!! Okay, real answer nope!! I think I am good (childish now) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Birdman 59 Posted February 1, 2022 Share Posted February 1, 2022 1. What is your go-to meal?  Surprisingly turkey burgers have been really growing on me recently.  2. Do you like coffee or tea? If so, what is your go to caffeine recipe?  Generally neither but I can take some tea every once in a while.  3. What are your projections for your own player this season?  Just try to make a splash this season I guess. Getting Settled is just gonna take a while and hopefully I can get some good work done for the team.  4. What does your team look like for VHFL? If you don't have one, who do you think are going to explode this season on prague?  Yes. Cup incoming for sure.  5. Who do you think will become the Prague captain this season?  I’m a bit late this season but we have lots of experienced guys on the team that would all suite the role very well.  6. Is there anything we can do, as Prague staff, for you?  Donuts and nap time would be highly appreciated by all involved. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
animal74 1,904 Posted February 2, 2022 Share Posted February 2, 2022 On 1/31/2022 at 6:43 AM, fonziGG said: 1. What is your go-to meal? 2. Do you like coffee or tea? If so, what is your go to caffeine recipe? 3. What are your projections for your own player this season? 4. What does your team look like for VHFL? If you don't have one, who do you think are going to explode this season on prague? 5. Who do you think will become the Prague captain this season? 6. Is there anything we can do, as Prague staff, for you? Going to crash Ohradka's old team and do a presser with you guys! Â 1. I like most stuff but I'm always up for pizza, lasagna, a good steak, etc... 2. I like both but coffee is my go to. I probably drink way too much. I like me a good Pumpkin Spice or Egg Nog latte (yes, I'm one of those) 3. Well, I handled my first year of regression fairly well so I'm hoping for another good year, 80+ points, 300+ hits. Really hoping I can reach 400 hits this season! 4. I missed the sign-up so my breakout candidates are Nathan Powers, Its Gucci, and Darth Kaprizov. 5. Well, Asher was already selected so congrats to him! 6. Just keep building a team and Phamily that players and alumni can be proud to say that they are/were a part of! fonziGG 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fonziGG 1,075 Posted February 7, 2022 Share Posted February 7, 2022 Pressers: 1.) What is your all time favourite song? 2.) Is there a show you’re watching? 3.) Who is your favourite athlete of all time? 4.) What is your go-to sandwich recipe 5.) Is your player performing adequately? 6.) What is your overall goal with this player? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gaikoku-hito 2,310 Posted February 8, 2022 Share Posted February 8, 2022 (edited) On 2/3/2022 at 4:30 AM, animal74 said: Going to crash Ohradka's old team and do a presser with you guys! Â 1. I like most stuff but I'm always up for pizza, lasagna, a good steak, etc... 2. I like both but coffee is my go to. I probably drink way too much. I like me a good Pumpkin Spice or Egg Nog latte (yes, I'm one of those) 3. Well, I handled my first year of regression fairly well so I'm hoping for another good year, 80+ points, 300+ hits. Really hoping I can reach 400 hits this season! 4. I missed the sign-up so my breakout candidates are Nathan Powers, Its Gucci, and Darth Kaprizov. 5. Well, Asher was already selected so congrats to him! 6. Just keep building a team and Phamily that players and alumni can be proud to say that they are/were a part of! As long as this is the only place that you crash us this year. #Prague Drinks from the Cup Edited February 8, 2022 by Gaikoku-hito animal74 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gaikoku-hito 2,310 Posted February 8, 2022 Share Posted February 8, 2022 1.) What is your all time favorite song? Actually I thought this was going to be easy to answer but the more I think the more I have a ton of songs come to my head but I will go with the one that I thought of first: Barbie by Aqua. Very catchy toon that once heard most cannot stop sign, humming etc.... While I tend not to think this is the all time best song it is clearly a great song to break the ice with a date, family and even team mate when you break this toon out where ever you are.  2.) Is there a show you’re watching? Actually nope!! Since coming to Japan I tend not to watch TV as the programing here to say the least in below standards. Most of the series that I would watch here are knock of US and Canadian shows but with the Japanese weird TV graphic over the top of them. Worse when you understand what is being said in both languages and the Japanese translation is no where close to what the person on the TV or in the programing even said. Makes watching TV hard here. I tend to rent Movies or TV series but since I binged watched all my series before leaving Canada four years ago-ish now. Japan still actually hasn`t caught up yet. Season two of West World just came out here last year yet I watched to whole season before coming here. I think Season 3 just came out here so I have something new to actually watch but I tend to go back to the classics if I can find them.  3.) Who is your favorite athlete of all time? Oh, This one is going to be tough since are we talking for performance on the ice or for the ice? Are we talking all sports? Are we talking big sporting moments that we will never forget? Right off the bat, I am not a huge baseball fan but I will always remember Joe Carter for not only being one of my favorite all time Blue Jays but also the home run that he hit in Game 6 of the 1993 World Series. Bottom of the ninth, two runners on, ( I think two out) and a split pitch count of 2-2. Jays looked all but done and dusted with a game 7 looming large then a well placed fastball from Mitch Williams and crack of the bat. A three run Homer to the second deck. Blue Jay win Blue Jays win!!  Hockey wise, I grew just outside Vancouver and we had Pavel Bure; who was amazing on the ice but not the nice off the ice. Crosby but bias since I knew him as a kid in Cole Harbour when I was playing Midget and he was Peewee he would practice with our team, The following year we would play against him as he joined Dartmouth instead of the local team. Nice guy off the ice and very quick learner on the ice. Goalies: I loved Curtis Joseph; undersized tender that made huge saves when the game was on the line. Went from Junior B, to Junior A to ECHL, AHL and NHL winning most for the way. Did like him when he dress for Edmonton or Toronto though. Even Detroit.  4.) What is your go-to sandwich recipe Tuna Melt  5.) Is your player performing adequately? I hate these types of questions since Yes and no is always going to be the answer. Is the team winning? Nope, not with a 6-6-2 record and all single goal game wins and losses. But on the other hand he is once again a point per game player stat wise. Yet I still feel like he has a lot more to provide and should be a league leader but once again he isn`t. This is the curse of this player as he shows up for one out of three games and puts up good points but is that really helping the team win? Nope. Am I hard on my player? Yup, As I expected more after being a league leader in the VHLM and lead my team to Founders` cup yet at the VHL level; he hasn`t done enough.  6.) What is your overall goal with this player? Well, I would like to set some all time Prague records this year. Players slow start to the season will like see him fall short of some of the records like goals as he is still 64 goals back and he might be luck to even catch Dom at this time. Assist record should have been a slam dunk and should still be reached but he might not even hit that record based on tends of play. Overall Points record was always going to tough to catch Landry II but again the slow start means this is already done and dusted. Second all time in Prague history isn`t bad though.  I would love to finish his career with at least a Cup and one single individual award but that is starting to look like it won`t happen. Hopefully the team get hot and we can make a run but it not looking that promising at the moment. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Birdman 59 Posted February 14, 2022 Share Posted February 14, 2022 1.) What is your all time favourite song?  Currently I have to go with trials by star set for sure.  2.) Is there a show you’re watching?  The Legend of Vox Machina is amazing and everyone needs to watch it!  3.) Who is your favourite athlete of all time?  Coming out of left field with this one but Matt Emmons. One of the best shooters of all time that has overcome so much to do what he’s done.  4.) What is your go-to sandwich recipe  Ham, egg, cheese, toasted bread.  5.) Is your player performing adequately?  Better than I expected by quite a margin. Really happy with how much I’ve been able to contribute to the offense recently.  6.) What is your overall goal with this player?  Accountability everywhere on the ice. I’m not gonna sacrifice defensive screw ups to facilitate offensive production. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fonziGG 1,075 Posted February 14, 2022 Share Posted February 14, 2022 Pressers: 1.) Whats your plans for Valentines day (if you have any ofcourse)? 2.) What is your favourite chocolate? 3.) If you had a boat, what would you name it? 4.) How do you think we've been doing recently? 5.) What do you think would break the internet? 6.) Who is your favourite teammate this season? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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