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Team World S68 Almanac [1/2]

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Team World Almanac

Team World has just debuted its roster to the world stage, competing in the World Junior Championships. Team World suffers from a lack of experienced talent having to field a team largely made up of VHML players and highlighted by a few stars. Team World has bowed out of the tournament finishing with 2 wins and 6 losses. Although not the powerhouse of the tournament Team World showed its young and hungry future stars to the national stage and are looking to be a devastating force in the future.


Team World provides an excellent opportunity to bring players from across the world together on a single roster. The combined might of several countries came together to from this roster and shining a highlight on the upcoming superstars is important as a warning to the other teams.






Killy Foilen – Killy is a 6’ 4” 230lb RW is still currently playing in the VHLM for the Las Vegas Aces. Foilen is a talented scorer having scored 28 goals in the last VHLM season. Foilen grew up playing in the major league circuit in Australia through inexperienced in America his scoring is highly refined and technically practiced. Foilen provides much needed scoring to the inexperienced team world. For team world to have a successful tournament it would be important for Killy to succeed at scoring goals against elite defense.


Ben Storm - Ben is a 6’3” 180lb RW also playing his first season in the VHML. Ben has proved to be strong overall player in his first VHLM player his talent has showcased on the national stage scoring a goal in his debut game for team world. Through Ben’s first season he has displayed a strong handle for the puck and will synergize excellently with his new teammates.


Charles Drumm – Charles is a very talented defensive player, in-fact maybe the best player on the team. Charles has a lot of experience playing with his Australian teammates as they have spent a lot time playing against each other back in Australia. Charles is a 6' 2" 220lb D currently playing for the DC Dragons. His tenacious defence is just what Team World needs to succeed.


Block Buster – The backup keeper is another shot blocker, hailing from Australia Block Buster has unparalleled drive and work ethic that is infectious on this young team. His energy rallies players during practise and was given the best teammate award by his peers on Team World.


Sierra Leone



Walter Clements – Walter is a 6’ 8” 250lb C having occurred two professional seasons under his belt. Clements brings a level of experience to this young team, currently playing for the New York Americans Walter was able to score 5 goals and 11 assists. Clements is an all-around player having no skill that surpasses his others his most elite talent is his defensive play. Clements will have a large role on this inexperienced team and will be important for the team to have any success. Walter was born in Sierra Leone and represents his country with pride.


United States of America




Peach Panther – Peach is a 6’ 2’ 225lb RW currently playing his debut VHLM season. Peach has proven himself to be a mazing shooter. Peach has been amazing in team world practice winning penalty shootouts. In his debut season he both scored and assisted 10 for a total of 20 points. Peach is a very talented player but is very young and inexperienced. Team World will give him a great opportunity to showcases his talent on a world stage.


Virgil Ligriv – Is the team’s goalie and damn is he a good one! With a save percentage of 0.887 Virgil is a defense savant only allowing 164 goals against him the entire season his lock down defense of the goal is critical for Team World Success in future.


Great Britain




David Wallace – David is a 6’ 2” 175lb RW hailing from Great Britain. David brings an amazing talent of sharing the puck to this team, the ability to pass is pivotal for the success of a team with so much scoring prowess. David’s silky Smoove passes have dazzled watchers at all levels of play showcased by his 43-assist season playing for the Las Vegas Aces. His combo with Raleigh is a deadly weapon for Team World.


Raleigh Ritchie – Raleigh joins David Wallace as another star from Great Britain, Raleigh thrives off David’s passing ability as his scoring ability is simply incredible. Raleigh creates highlight clips like non other with outstanding skating, puck handling and scoring his clips occur millions of views on YouTube. Finishing his season with the San Diego Marlins Raleigh scored 45 goals and had 40 assists. His scoring is needed to keep up against the high-powered offensive competitions.


Ben McGrr – Rounds of this trio of Great Britain with a solid third option the compliments his teammates perfectly. Standing at 6’ 3” and 180lb Ben uses his natural athletics to dominate the wing. Ben adopted a leadership role for the team being known as the team’s unofficial captain. This is backed up by is Philadelphia teammates that rave about his leadership. Ben has a weird work out plan seemingly working on traits at random, but with consistent effort this strategy may pay off.






Ondrej Ohradka – Ondrej is a 6’ 1” 207lb LW hailing from Slovakia. Ondrej is coming into this tournament after a very successful VHLM season scoring 50 goals and 54 assists. Even through his youth Ondrej provides star power as one of the best players on the roster. Ondrej is a strong overall player with no skill that far surpasses his others., his all-around play helped him score 5 goal winning goals this season for the Saskatoon Wild.






Mike Van Stronk – Mike lives up to his name, he is a giant form the Netherlands standing at 6’ 8” and weighting 250lb Mike quite literally is Stronk. This Defense man make quite an impact whenever he takes the floor. Sometimes lacking in fundamental Mike Van Stronk makes up for it with his gigantic frame often effecting play just by his presence on the ice. Mike currently plays for the Las Vegas Aces and has scored 14 goals over his professional career.






Cinnamon Block – Cinnamon Block breaks boundaries and not only on the ice. Cinnamon is an Egyptian female that has proven she belongs in the VHLM and will look to be picked highly in the upcoming VHL draft. Her elite talent was too goo to be told to stay in female leagues Cinnamon is always striving to push herself to new levels against the best competition. Cinnamon is amazing at passing having an eye for placing the puck exactly where it has supposed to be. But her best talent is her checking ability despite her feminine nature this 6’ 3” D can absolutely deck opposing players to the ground.


Cocos (Keeling) Islands 



Khalibib Stiopic - Khalibib brings much needed experience to this roster, his elite defensive play highlights the team covering the teams many weaknesses. The 6’ 0”, 185lbs having played 3 seasons in the VHML his elite awareness will be needed for Team World to execute in the future. His latest VHLM season saw him create 87 points for the Houston Bulls in their pursuit of the title. That he plans to bring home to the Cocos (Keeling) Islands and show his family.



Andrej Petrovic – Andrej is a Serbian on a mission, every time he takes the ice, he plays with 100& effort the entire time this energy is infectious as Team World rallies around him. The Serbian brings his 3 years of VHLM experience to the ice for the team. The 6’ 1” defense man is a commander on the ice using his all-round ability to be a calming presence for his team. In his last season with the Yukon Rush Andrej got 88 points a commendable achievement.



Breaking Down The Tournament


Game 1 World vs United States of America


The tournament started with a high scoring affair against the United States team, the final score of 2-5 the world team was dispatched. In the 5:55 minute of the third period a sense of gloom loomed over Team World as they trailed 0-4 but this goal streak by the US Team was snapped when Ben Stormed opened up the scoring for Team World banking one in from the right corner. No more then 6 minutes later Killy Foilen scored the other World goal. Team World fought valiantly but it was obvious they were inexperienced and outclassed.


This games Team World MVP is Killy Foilen


Game 2 Word vs Europe


Team World’s second game was an underwhelming affair, a crushing 0-4 defeat against the Europe highlighted Team Worlds biggest weakness. Team World sent 21 shots at the goal and saw each one ricochet back at them the clang it made deafening in the players’ minds. This game was decided very early as the inexperienced Team World became dejected against the strong and psychical Team Europe.


This games Team World MVP is Charles Drumm


Game 3 World vs Canada


Huzzah! Team World is able to score a rousing win against Team Canada a final score of 3-2 showcased some of Team Worlds superstar talent as they left Team Canada star struck. 7:18 minutes into the game Charles Drumm evened the game bringing it to 1-1. After another Canadian goal Walter Clements even it up 12:20 minutes into the second period. With no more then 3 minutes left in the final period Killy Foilen brought the puck up then scored the goal to give Team World the lead which they carried the rest of the game. Moral was high for Team World after this game players looked forward to the next game with heads held high.


This games Team World MVP is Walter Clements


Game 4 Asia vs World


In this thrilling overtime game Team World valiantly lost against Team Asia to the tune of 4-3. Through it came in a loss this game was very different to the other losses. In comparison after going down big against Team Europe the World team collapsed and folded in on itself unable to complete a pass let alone execute a comeback. In the first period Asia scored two goals which before would have sealed the game, but the newly minted Team World fought valiantly. Peach Panther and Khalabib Stiopic scored goals for Team World tying the game and putting World in a position to win. Team Asia scored early in the third period, but Team World refused to lose as Ondrej Ohradka ties the game sending it to overtime. Unfortunately, Team World couldn’t finish against Team Asia. Through the loss this game is definitely a highlight for the young Team World.


This Games Team Word MVP is Khalabib Stiopic


Game 5 World vs Asia


After the rousing game against Team Asia this game was just the rematch Team World was looking for. Unfortunately for Team World this game came to the same result a 3-4 defeat for Team World, this game speaks to the growth of these young players at the tournament. Throughout they have gained more experience and knowledge and have found ways to score even in hard positions. Again, going down big against Team Asia as only Mike van Stronk scored as Team Asia pushed 3 goals through Word’s net. In the second period Team World though valiantly as Walter Clements and Khalabib Stiopic scored. Team World were unable to capitalize on the run and bowed out of the game without scoring the third period.


This Games Team World MVP is Cinnamon Block


Game 6 Canada vs World


Canada is known for two things. Being nice and winning ice hockey. Winning being the primary operative as Team Canada refused to lose to Team World twice. Team Canada made 3 goals whizz through Team Worlds net as only Killy Foilen was able to respond willing Team World to a 3-1 loss.


This Games Team World MVP is Killy Foilen


Game 7 United States of America vs World


Team World came into this tournament inexperienced and outclassed and while still inexperienced this team had a will to fight like none other. The time had came for Team World to get revenge for the thrashing they received at the beginning of this tournament. Team World flew out the gate to 1-3 victory against the odds. Team World gave America a taste of their own medicine as they had a three goal first period having Killy Foilen, Ben Storm and Ondrej Ohradka all score. Riding this first period Team World closed out the victory. It was this win that meant the most to the team it really signified how much they had grown.


This Games Team World MVP is Co between Block Buster and Ben Storm



Team World consist of players from 9 countries with the most diverse of backgrounds and the teams ability to come other is why sport is such a beautiful thing. Hockey as a game brings people together and I know these players are so thankful they got to make Hockey their lives.


Word Count 2000 claiming from week 27/10 to 17/11

Feedback would be awesome

Users mentioned: @cpetrella, @Aye my name jeff, @Da Trifecta, @Juddy, @animal74, @DangerGolding, @cartoes, @Beerfridge, @frescoelmo, @omgitshim, @SweetMike666, @Tyler, @MMFLEX, @Banana2311

and finally thanks @Motzaburger for managing us!

Edited by BigBallerFromDownUnder
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4 hours ago, BigBallerFromDownUnder said:

Feedback would be awesome


[Not a review, but hello to Dollar nonetheless whenever he reads this]

As someone who enjoys writing huge articles, this is a very good one and I'd love to see you write more like this in the future!


A few minor things that I saw, just to make it constructive:

4 hours ago, BigBallerFromDownUnder said:

This games Team World MVP is Killy Foilen

See if you can make writing concise when it makes sense to do so. For example, here, "Game MVP: Killy Foilen" gets the point across just as well and avoids an unnecessary repeating phrase after every paragraph.


You also seem to have the same issue as @HulkHogan (who I'm tagging so he can read this over and check out examples in other people's writing), and that is that you've got a bit of an aversion to punctuation:

4 hours ago, BigBallerFromDownUnder said:

After the rousing game against Team Asia this game was just the rematch Team World was looking for. Unfortunately for Team World this game came to the same result a 3-4 defeat for Team World, this game speaks to the growth of these young players at the tournament. Throughout they have gained more experience and knowledge and have found ways to score even in hard positions.

This would be much better phrased as something like this:


"After the rousing game against Team Asia, this game was just the rematch Team World was looking for. Unfortunately for Team World, ["for Team World" can be eliminated, but note the addition of a comma] this game came to the same result: a 3-4 defeat for Team World. This game speaks to the growth of these young players at the tournament, as they've gained more experience and knowledge throughout and have found ways to score even in hard positions [or something like that, best to combine these in one sentence]."


Speaking of combining things into one sentence, here are some other examples:

4 hours ago, BigBallerFromDownUnder said:

Canada is known for two things. Being nice and winning ice hockey.


4 hours ago, BigBallerFromDownUnder said:

His latest VHLM season saw him create 87 points for the Houston Bulls in their pursuit of the title. That he plans to bring home to the Cocos (Keeling) Islands and show his family.


But anyway, I still loved reading this. Solid layout and good content. Keep it up.

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Review:  Very interesting article. Found the organization helpful in such a long article: overview of the team followed by individual player reviews by country punctuated by each country's flag.  Agree with Gustav's comments about tightening some of the writing to say more with less words - but then we've got to make the word count limits.  ?

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