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Cult in the Jungle Republic: Rules and Sign-up


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Hopefully everyone's seen my status update by this time about this mafia-ish game we're playing, or at the very least attempting to play here. First of all, though...




A mafia game, no matter the layout, runs with this basic idea:

-There are at least two "sides" to the game, mafia and town. The mafia consists of a small group of people who are allowed to talk to each other in private, and the town consists of a large group of people who are not. All public talk is done in one thread, with all non-town people generally attempting to fit in the best that they possibly can with the town, so as to come across as harmless.

-The mafia is able to kill non-mafia members through their own private decision, and because of this they have an advantage.

-The town is able to kill (by "lynching") any members who they collectively deem to be suspicious, through voting done in the public thread. ALL roles are allowed to discuss who is suspicious and to cast votes (hi Victor!), not just town roles.

-There may also be roles which are neither mafia nor town who attempt to win the game by their own means.




-This game is a somewhat simplified variant of a mafia game, called Cult in the Jungle Republic. We need 19 players to join the game, and spots will be filled first come, first serve.

-Roles will be assigned randomly

-I will be the moderator of the game, and as such will not be participating in it aside from running it and making announcements. 

-Once you are dead, you are OUT of the game. You may not speak in the game thread on the forum, and if you are part of any private Discord group, you will be removed from it.

-There are no guidelines for discussion in the forum thread. Talk about the information that you know, and tell half-truths or lies when doing so works to your advantage. There will be speculation about the status of members within the game. If you're town, trust nobody unless what they say is supported beyond a reasonable doubt.



-Voting may be done by anyone in any role (though, for beginners--always pretend that you are the most average of town members) and will be done by writing your vote in red, in bold, in all caps (for example, VOTE NYKONAX). ANY other formatting will be disregarded. Should you choose to remove your vote, do so in the same manner (e.g. UNVOTE NYKONAX). 

-If three (3) votes are in place for the same person by the end of a day phase, that person, regardless of role, will be lynched, they will be killed, and their role will be revealed.

-The game will be broken into Day and Night phases. We will begin on a Day phase, and phases will alternate until the game ends. Day phases will run from 9:00 AM EST to 9:00 PM EST, and night phases will run from 9:00 PM EST to 9:00 AM EST.





MAFIA GOONS (4): This game will have four randomly-selected mafia goons. The mafia aims to eliminate as many non-mafia members as possible, by any means necessary, and are distinguished from the other roles by the following characteristics:

-Factional communication: The mafia will be invited to a private Discord server, run by myself, in which they can talk with each other and make plans outside of the forum thread (which, of course, they are able to post in as well).

-Night killing: The mafia is able to kill any ONE person in the game each night phase. The decision as to who will be killed will be made in the private mafia Discord server, and MUST be posted in the server by the end of the night phase (that is, 9:00 AM) in order to count. If the player killed by the mafia is also an attempted cult recruit, the recruit will NOT count.

-Members of the mafia may NOT be recruited to the cult.

-The mafia wins if a majority of the living players are mafia, or if nothing can prevent this from happening.


CULTIST (1): There will be one randomly-selected cultist to begin the game. The goal of the cultist is to grow the numbers of the cult, and otherwise to remain unsuspicious. Here's what makes the cult different:

-Factional communication: The cult also gets their own private Discord server, where they are able to communicate with each other and strategize (as well as posting in the forum thread).

-Night recruit: The cult is able to recruit one member per night. The decision as to who this member will be MUST be posted in the Discord server by the end of the night phase (9:00 AM EST) in order to count.

-Only regular town members will be able to be recruited. If the cult attempts to target any member who is not a regular town member, or any member who is killed during the night phase, the recruitment will be unsuccessful. The cult will be informed of this fact, but they will NOT be informed WHY their recruitment was unsuccessful.

-The cult is limited to 4 members. Not 4 living members, 4 members total. If a cult member is killed, they still count against this number.

-The cult wins if a majority of the living players are cultists, or if nothing can prevent this from happening.


REGULAR TOWN (12): There will be twelve randomly-selected regular town members. Regular town members ONLY have access to the forum thread, and their only performable action is voting during the day phase (this does not have to be done, but can be done if desired). The best way to survive as a regular town member is to watch the forum thread and keep track of all details, tracking inconsistencies in stories or claims of others.


TOWN COP (1): One player in the game will be the town cop. The cop's goal is to work for the good of the town by gathering information, but be careful--if this information is revealed in the wrong way, you could be an easy target for the mafia. Here's what the cop does:

-Once per night phase, the cop is able to investigate any ONE member of the game by PMing the mod (that is, myself). I will give an answer of either "mafia" or "not mafia." "Not mafia" does not automatically mean "regular town"--it could mean "cult," or it could mean "town vigilante" as well. If the result is "not mafia," I will go into no further detail.

-The cop may NOT be recruited to the cult.


TOWN VIGILANTE (1): One player will be named the town vigilante. The vigilante works for the good of the town, but does so independently. On their own, the vigilante is able to kill members that they deem suspicious, in an attempt to rid the town of all non-town roles. Here's what the vigilante may do:

-Once per full day (that is, once per combined day and night phase--Day 1 and Night 1 are in the same phase, but Night 1 and Day 2 are different), the vigilante may kill ONE player in the game by PMing the mod (again, yours truly). This is not mandatory, but it's suggested that it should be done if a player is under reasonable suspicion.

-If the player targeted is targeted at night, a recruiting attempt by the cult for that player will be unsuccessful.

-The vigilante may NOT be recruited to the cult.


-The town wins if ALL non-town roles have been eliminated, and there is at least one town member alive.




-Should the game come to a 1 vs. 1 vs. 1, cult wins.

-If the game reaches a point where there is an equal number of mafia and cult members with no town members, the cult wins.




-Voting may be done by anyone, not just regular town roles. Each person gets one vote, and there is no limit on the number of lynchings which may be carried out each day. Be careful who you kill, though!

-Absolutely NO game-related communication between any players in any thread or server which I have not personally set up.

-If you've got questions (and if you're new you'll likely have many), ASK ME OR ASK SOMEONE EXPERIENCED WITH MAFIA-TYPE GAMES. This will be much better for you, and it will be much better for the game as well.


I'll get the thread up when sign-ups conclude and whenever it's convenient for me, but for now, SIGN UP if you're interested--first come, first serve! I'll keep a list below and edit it when I can as spots fill:



1. TheLastOlympian07

2. BigBallerFromDownUnder

3. ColeMrtz

4. Nykonax

5. Berocka

6. diacope

7. rjfryman

8. McWolf

9. fonziGG

10. Reverb

11. Cxsquared

12. Erik Summers

13. Acydburn

14. Frostbite

15. Beaviss

16. Rayzor_7

17. DoktorFunk

18. Sebster03

19. Mr_Hatter



Edited by GustavMattias
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@Nykonax @diacope @BigBallerFromDownUnder @ColeMrtz @Erik Summers @rjfryman


Tagging those who expressed any degree of interest in my status update. No pressure to sign up, but here's the thread if you want to.

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23 minutes ago, eaglesfan036 said:

This is town if salem

I'm actually unfamiliar with Town of Salem, this is just something I happened to find a while ago. If it's the same thing that's cool

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12 minutes ago, GustavMattias said:

I'm actually unfamiliar with Town of Salem, this is just something I happened to find a while ago. If it's the same thing that's cool

Town of Salem is a standalone video game version of mafia. There's a bunch of versions of this game (mafia, witch hunt, werewolf, etc) though this is the first time I've done it in a forum format. 

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