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Just now, Doomsday said:

Additionally, the Poisoner has the Necromicron. No one can save me. If there's a doctor, there is no point wasting your time. Keep the Jailor safe!

How do you know that?

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Idk guys I think a D2 YOLO lynch might not be the best idea here.... but I'd like to see some actual logic from Devise.... Also doesn't necromicon not show up until N3 IIRC??? @Doomsday why do you think they have necromicon 



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7 minutes ago, ContinentalCup036 said:

How do you know that?


According to the Wiki, the message for the Poisoner changes if they have the Necromicron. I got the message you receive if they have it. 

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5 minutes ago, Doomsday said:


According to the Wiki, the message for the Poisoner changes if they have the Necromicron. I got the message you receive if they have it. 

The Gaurdian Angel can save you!!! Do we have a GA?

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yea I am not 100% sold on Devise


But it's kind of similar to last game. We trusted OMG as trapper on day 2 and he found us a coven. So it is a risk. If we are wrong we know for sure that Funk is evil.


Or we could flip flop the votes to and vote Funk first, I just know one of the two has to be lying

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1 hour ago, BarzalGoat said:

but I'd like to see some actual logic from Devise


Logic on what? I never accused someone else from lying, I was one of the first to come out and claim. The only suspicious activity I have is all smoke and mirrors from Mike on day 1 based on on a random gif. I already explained why I didn't lookout jailor on day 1 because I didn't understand the code, totally presumed Eagles was talking to someone else. I have also explained my night action on Day 1 as lookout.


Again, I'm totally fine if you guys lynch me. Town will get Funk out either way, since he's playing a hard game of accusing someone who is for sure town so even if they lynch me his "your for sure this" when I'm for sure the lookout will get revealed. Is he as comfortable being lynched today to "verify" that he's town? I doubt it. 

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I'd also argue it's pretty silly for a "fake Town" to come out and claim a role like the lookout right away before really any other claims are made. It's super risky as a fake town because it'd be very easy for someone to double claim and then instantly have one of you be lynched over it, so regardless of who it is the other is an easy second target for the one lying. Funk only role claimed after being challenged and after I had already claimed. 

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2 minutes ago, BarzalGoat said:

I kinda buy this logic let’s 

Unvote Devise


Killing without reason just to kill isn’t needed yet we aren’t desperate 

I’m following my jailor on this one but of funk is lying then I’m putting my vote somewhere. 

UNVOTE devise


vote dokfunk

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I mean, you'll know tonight if you're right or wrong about me. I really have no other way of defending myself. Knowing how I play though, why would I come out this early and make a claim unless I was trying to help? I've lurked and or straight up lied that I was busy previous games to be inactive as not to arouse suspicions. If I was an evil character, this would be a pretty dumb move.

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This doesn't make sense. What are you guys doing? Dok is the one calling devise out, who has "evidence" of the other. The argument against dok is just that devise is telling the truth... I trust the person who cc's here a little more. 

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I dont believe Devise at all lol he has role played every game if he is lookout explain out JayZ pic relates.  You were batman a psychic or whatever else and secretive about your results every game.  This game you come right out no secrets no illusions just facts and I not buying it.  It is obvious that one of them are lying though.  If it is DoktorFunk he lies knowing full well he dies tomorrow if he is lying today.  Or dies it make more sense Devise got caught lying because he thought no1 would look out a lookout?  Follow the path of least resistance.  If we get enough votes I'll switch to doktor though. 







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5 minutes ago, Mike said:

I dont believe Devise at all lol he has role played every game if he is lookout explain out JayZ pic relates.  You were batman a psychic or whatever else and secretive about your results every game.  This game you come right out no secrets no illusions just facts and I not buying it.  It is obvious that one of them are lying though.  If it is DoktorFunk he lies knowing full well he dies tomorrow if he is lying today.  Or dies it make more sense Devise got caught lying because he thought no1 would look out a lookout?  Follow the path of least resistance.  If we get enough votes I'll switch to doktor though. 








How is a JayZ gif excited to play the game evidence of role playing? If anything you're being more suspicious than I am, right down to saying you'll flop if the votes are the other way.


Also, in terms of evidence while it may be based on trust for you all, I know for a fact Funk is lying and even if I were to get lynched, you'd then see that. Either way I'm right, so I can live with it.

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